Seventh Race [7th Havre de Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-18

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SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claiming Sept 25 1915 142 111 119iJ DOLINA ch m 6 104 By Sir Huon Bonnie Kate W Walker 41991 Bowie ImTOy l48fast 4 110 5 5 5 41 45J D Stirling 5 FirLine BrPeddier LHerbert 41938 Bowie Im20y l46good 215 111 3 4 3 31 ID S Sndman 7 FirincLine Kilts II IndChant 41872 Bowie 1 l43fast 9 106 4 5 4 3 2J D Stirling G HBrvogel LHrbert FirLine 41589 Jefson 1 116 l50slow 4 109 2 3 3 21 2 J Bell i Ballad Boxer AVaterproof 41569 Jefson Im70y l49slow 8 104 5 4 3 3 3s C Brown 5 Prunes Sleeth Kebo 41471 FGnds Im70y l l hvy 10 104 6 6 6 51 6 1 C Brown 7 Optunity KNeptune Seafarer 41409 FGndg Im70y l52hvy 85 104 2 2 1 2l 2 S Sndman 7 Astraea Medusa Bluebannock 413S4 FGnds 1 116 I52y5hvy 41 103 2 2 2 2i 2J S Sndman 0 Prunes Ainelita Sem Stalwart 41325 FGnds Im70y l46good 6 102 3 2 2 32 33 S Sndman 6 Lucky R Tom Goose Meduia 41246 FGnds 1 116 153 hvy 65 102 3 3 3 31 33i H Wakoff 7 TzeLsi Foxy Griff Kebo WIDOW BEDOTTE b m 5 104 By Ildrim Annus Luctus E TrnemanJ 42001 Bowie 61 f l224 l224good good 5 10S 2 G G419GG 5 41 D Stirling 10 Sis Emblem Margery TBIoom 419GG Bowie Im70y 1M9 fast 1 107 2 3 3 21 2 D Stirling 5 H Shaw F Prince F Shannon 41590 Bowie 6 f l22fast 125 111 6 6 I1 Il D Stirling 8 Cadillac AVd Viojet Cruinpsall 41851 Bowie 61 f 121 fast 15 107 S 5 G8 5 D Stirling 8 Ballast Br Peddler Firing Line 4C554 Bowie 1116154 slow 85 111 6 G 6 41 321 T Rice 11 Virg Yell Bar One MissFannle 40539 Bowie 1 116 154 hvy 115 107 1 3 3 32 2t C Kummer S GoldBoy FounFay BarCoy 40458 Bowie Im20y l44fast 7 108 7 5 5 G 4 3 G Walls 11 Ballast Graphic Jusqu au Bout 40370 Bowie 1 116 155 slop 51 110 4 4 5 22 28 D Stirling 12 PButterfly OVPrince GoldBoy 40220 Laurel Im7py 145 fast 2710 111 S 8 G 21 In D Stirling 13 Gala Dress Refugee Dalrose 40193 Laurel 1 116 l4Gfast 16 106 6 3 3 52 2J I Stirling 10 Peerless One Grouse Starflnch 400S8 Laurel 34 l14M fast 29 110 6 8 7h 6 = J D Stirling 13 Ina Kay Sturdee Zouave 3S117 Pimlico 34 114 fast 17 110 9 8 EJ ZouaveEJ 57i T Rice 12 Murphy Amackassln Nominee NomineeBy JACK HEALEY ch g 3 M 88 By Dalhousie Princess Cog T H Wilson 42040 HdeGce 51 f l09islop 49 95 0 r 51 2i H Carswell J Thorn Bloom Ideal Cobalt 42013 Bowie 34 115 fast 72 110 9 12 71 61J J StapletnlS Toadstool MSterling TomFool 41611 Jefson Im20y 145 fast 15 102 2 5 4 22 3 Q Preece 0 AVAVillow Cerbalance Toddler 41597 Jefson Im20y l46slow 9 105 5 5 4 45 4 C Brown 8 Pluviada Wat Willow Plurenzl 415S2 Jefson 1 116 158 mud 15 102 4 5 4 31 412 AV AVright 7 Capt Hodge Plurenzi Espaiio 41443 FGnds 1 113 l53hvy 10 94 4 6 G 55 411 H Ericksn 7 Dervish Handfull Bean Spiller 41370 FGnds 1 l45mud 8 1041 788 S 82 S Sndman 8 Sylvano W Willow RSamueli 41338 FGnds Im70y l46fast 20 94101111 8i S81 M Cruise 14 Kenward Paula V Say 41244 FGnds Im20y l47hvy 20 89 4 4 5 5 5 3 S Boyle 7 Tito Hen Hampson Alma B 057 FGnds 1 l46mud 25 106 10 6 6 J BJ t A S01 8 H WMask Astraea Cterbalance 004 FGnds 51 f l10hvy s 25 115 10 9 1 830 C RobsonlO Cobweb War Mask EdTranter 40943 FGnds Im70y l4Sslow 12 95 8 8 9 9PRUNES 9 918 C EobsonlO Blue Thistle Aztec Foxy Griff GriffBy PRUNES br o 4 109 1094205G By Voorhees Prestene D S Fountain 4205G HdeGce 34 117 hvy 3 112 7 G 51 52 C Taylor 9 Bronco Billy Onico SisKmblem 42014 Bowie Gl f l21fast 41 109 5 5 33 2 A Richcrk Tranby Romeo Tiger Rose 41951 Bowie 1 l42fast 20 99 3 4 5 G 5 J Mooney 0 Hauberk Ballast Lord Herbert 41590 Jefson Im70y l4Sslow 115 107 444 520 5 2 H J Burke i Green Grass Sleeth BrPeddler 41569 Jefson Ini70yil49slow 115 104 3 2 2 1 I2 H J Burke 5 Sleeth Dolina Kebo 41510 FGnds 1 116 148 good 4 110 3 5 3 41 3 1 Stalker 7 Seafarer Amelita BrPcddler 41469 FGnds 1 147 hvy 8 112 311 3 3 1 L Stalker 5 SofPlsure WMask WalHall 41384 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy 10 109 144 I1 11 L Stalker C Dolina Amelita SempStalwart 41325 FGnds Im70y l46good 7 110 2 5 5 G5 523 J Rpdgez G Lucky R Tom Goose Dolina 41293 FGnds Im70y l45fast 15 107 9 6 6 7 7 I Gregory 9 Sir Oliver Orderly Aldebaran 41152 FGnds 1 116 l hvy 6 104 2 3 3 41 4 J Mooney 5 Obolus HarKing LordHerbert LordHerbertBy EL PLAUDIT ch g 4 109 109417S2 By Plaudit Elise B A Lezaraa 417S2 Havana 1 316 209 slop 4 110 G 3 2 li li D Boland G Dalrose Great Gull Will Soon 41732 Havana 1 140 fast 5 110 10 10 7 G1 Gi ° D Boland 11 SMcMkin Lkrose TokMurch 41476 Havana 1 116 l55hvy 31 107 654 31 4 AV Keisay 6 Hemlock ButchBoy GreatGuIl 41429 Havana Im50y l43fast 7 107 4 5 7 71 G 3 R Ryan 8 TippoSahib MudSill SolidRock 41376 Havana ImSOy l44fast 3 106 8 9 S 71 3ii A Pickens 11 Artist Dalrose Darkey 41316 Havana Im20y l43fast 4 1M1 533 2i 32 A Pickens 8 LittleBnss FritzErnst Corydon 41265 Havana Im20y l54hvy 7 103 644 41 410 w Lang G Egmont St Jude Unar 41223 Havana 34 lllfast 10 111 9 7 54 6 R Ball 10 Circulate K Tuscan LNephew 41124 Havana 34 112 fast 12 1051 8 8 71 718 A Pickens 10 HighGear Sparkler EdGarrison 40987 Havana 34 l15good 8 104 6 3 lk 1J A Pickens 8 F Burke G Gull Perlgourdine 40936 Havana 34 126 hvy 3 109 2 3 3WOOD 4Z 3 1 C Jackson 7 Waterford Glorine Hops HopsBy WOOD VIOLET ch f 4 102 By Trap Rock Woodvine J B Dahlgren 42014 Bowie 6V f Ii21fast 11 10S 6 4 o2 57i C Mergler G Tranby Prunes Romeo 41949 Bowie 61 f l21fast 10 99 4 6 6nt 71 R Denyse 7 Ackassin BPddler TMrader 41890 Bowie 6 f l22fast 17 112 2 2 41 321 R Denyse 8 WBedotte Cadillac Crumpsall 10221 Laurel 114206 fast 62 1071010 9 9 9 A SchugrlO Queen of the Sea Dan Valais 40193 Laurel I1IO l4Gfast 8it 101 2 S 15 122 13i H ThurberlG Peer One WidBedotte Grouse 40076 Laurel 1 l41fast 7 106 41010 7nk 31 Q Preece 15 Leta Prunes Helen Atkin 40035 Laurel 1 116 147 fast 15 105112 10 8 4l 6i W Keisay 10 Thorn Bloom Nigel Medusa 39882 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 285 104 145 31 38 C Kummer 7 InChaut Lytle Captain Ray 39841 ILdeGce lm7Qyl43sood4310 102 587 41 3 1 E Sande 9 Vcabulary GoldBoy Crumpsall 39781 HdeGce 1116152 hvy 65 102 75 4 li 1 B Sande 7 Keziah May W Candelarla 39741 HdeGce Im70yl49hvy 31 103 2 3 4 3 3 J Rodgez 8 GoldBoy TbyJury Humiliation HumiliationBy CANDIDATE II b g 4 112 By Voter Padoue II K A Beal 42015 Bowie 1 11G 151 fast 5 112 5 2 3 5 513 G Corey G Plurenzi Don Dodge Alma B 41977 Bowie 1 116 l52fast 21 112 1 5 4 42 11 G Corey 7 Fairly Stir Up Pulaski 41939 Bowie 1 116 l52good 20 107 1 7 8 6 6J G Corey 8 GMMiller Garbage B Hunley 41S93 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 25 111 4 S 8 6i 48 G Corey 8 Bill Hunley AlmaB EBmumi 41833 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 35 112 11 11 11 21 G Corev 1l Boxer Zouave Editli Baumaun 40277 Pimlico 1 14 208 fast 54 107 8 9 9 n L 2 J CJ 118111111 Piedra Valspar Sunnyland 4022S Laurel 1 116 147 fast 9if 104 13 14 14 5 ills A IC kenn Ji s dn DrCpbell Artrator 40076 Laurel 1 l41fast 14 117J15 15 15 Jl I Butwell 15 Leta Prunes Wood Violet 40003 Laurel 1 14 2OSfast 11 110 1 4 4 5i A PIF PIFens ens 7 Ken Boy Arbitrator Royat 39902 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 33 111 6 8 8 1 Sndman 9 Grey Eagle Leta Grayson 39341 HdeGce Im70yl43good 16 104 7 9 9 71 G Q Preece 9 Vocabulary Gold Boy AVVIolet

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Local Identifier: drf1919041801_4_5
Library of Congress Record: