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Pimlico Entries and Past Performances for Monday May 12 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK HEAVY The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Rac6 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Selling SellingTrack Track record May 3 1912 51 2 110 110Todays Todays Iml Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 120S1 Tonciinet 107X725 1217rs Miss Stathem 10SJ 553 102 720 121JIO Bibblcr 102 715 12291 Le Bleuet 101 53K 100X710 I201 Orniii IJeeil 97 710 42291 The Wit 109 ii9h 105 705 12291s Little Alexander 112 r 7 110X705 1227G Fastep 100 5S m 102 700 700Toucauet Toucauet ran well in her two races Second Race 34 Mile 15yenrolds Claiming Track record Nov 4 1910 111 G 133 12279 The Desert 115 115114 114 112X725 1217 = Toadstool 110 110115 115 99 720 12248s Giith 112 112113 113 105 715 715422S7 715422S7 422S7 Sylvano 1015111 97X715 12292 Fleeing Sheik 10S 118 112X715 112X715421S9 421S9 21S9 Padua KM lHi 977JO 12218 22 IS Balnrosii 99 114 112 710 4227 227S Surplice 97112 98X710 22 IS Svrdarya 112 1 1G 1 10X 705 42087 Wisest Fool 97 115 112X705 112X705The The Desert is quite speedy speedyThird Third Race 2 Miles MilesKmerson Kmerson Steeplechase 4 yearolds and upward upwardTruck Truck record May 8 1913 819 8 149 149I22t I22t Jtoyul Arch 4 145 700 223s North Star M 5147G95 2238 Decisive M 4 140XG90 225 The Dean JI 145X085 223 Glory Belle M 5 14iiQGSr 2255 Candle M G 149X 85 22S9 Ocean Prince G 154XGSO 22i l2 Corps a Corps M 4 140 680 4 iO Smitiifield M 7 149XGSO 149XGSO42233t 42233t Garry Water M 413SGSO 413SGSOf f Pioneer b g by Martinet Placeim 5 147 1C L Whiting entry Koyul Arch is a promising young jumper Fourth Race 58 Mile 2vearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May G 1909 100 3 110 110Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 42108 = Kallipolis 110X725 42220 On Watch M 110 720 42252 Feather M 107 715 71542299s 42299s Flying Flower MlOa l03h 107 710 42108 Dr Hall 110 705 705American American Boy b c by Superman Adelinette 110 History blk c by Ogden Tradi ¬ tional 110 Kallipolis seems decidedly best here hereFifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Handicap ick record May 17 1911 151 3 Iroom Peddler 102 1202 If 42028 Waukcag 98 lu fs 5 9S0720 9S0720J77 J77 X K Beal 114 153S 5 10S715 10S715J3 J3 Mouomoy 5 1090715 42300 = Lord Herbert 4 99X710 42295 Coniint Ci 3 98X705 98X705Broom Broom Peddler is in excellent form formSixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Forest Park Purse Purse3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Oct 28 1910 139 3 112 42292 = HAU1JKUK 115 139 7 1130750 42292 Midnight Sun 4120X740 4120X74042278s 42278s Game Cock 107 140 4 117X735 40454 Sweepineuf M 3102X730 3102X73042251s 42251s Miss Bryn 1005141 4 112X730 277 Queen of the Sea 9ll40 5 1080725 7S Bachelors BlissM115 143 5 113 720 42231 Mother in Law M110 148S 3 92 715 Hauberk should win easily easilySeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record Oct 19 1910 14G 5 120 42277 Kleeth 113 14G 10 1150725 422G53 Sister Kmblem 103 148 5 110X720 933 Sky Pilot 10S 147 G 1100715 i J45 Refugee 113 147 G 110715 42075 Blue Thistle 110 148 10 115X710 SSS Sosius 111 149 S 1100710 IL277 Wood Violet 101 148 Jf 4 105X710 42251 Prunes 113 148 4 110X710 193 Alma B 101 150 5 105X705 Kilts II 5 11 5 705 705lOfi 42277 Virginia Yell lOfi 15 l51s Is 4 110X700 42123 Capital City 109 149 5 115 700 42288 Lady Varu M 4 110 700 Ben Hiimpson 108 148 5 115X700 Unclu Sand JI 103 151 4 115 700 Sleeth hits an excellent chance here