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HOW THE BIG MOOSE DRIFTS AAhile the advance of civilization has either ex ¬ terminated or greatly reduced in numbers the moose of the Inited States it seems to be the fact that in Canada and Alaska there are section where this animal is not only increasing in numbers but is also occupying a much larger range than formerly Even in Xew Brunswick the moose within the memory of the present generation has occupied new territory It has also crossed the height of land in northern Quebec and Ontario and moved down toward Hudson Hay and for the first time in history moose are found around Lake Mistassini in the latitude of the south end of lames Hay HaytStefansson tStefansson brings out with him the news of the most recent northern advance of this animal to tin shores of the Arctic at Coronation Gulf He talked with an old Indian woman at Fort Norman who told him that when she was young no moose were known east of Hear Lake During her lifetime they have occupied tills eastern country and moved on to Coronation Gulf The Esquimaux were terrified when they saw the first moose on their hunting grounds but within the last few years they have learned to appreciate them as an addition to the food supply The muskrat is also moving north northThe The drift of the moose Into new country is one of the most interesting phenomena of animal life Tills fact taken in connection with the increase in portions of its old range which have been cor ¬ respondingly abandoned is most encouraging The reindeer of Alaska have increased in twenty years from 1000 to 125000 Hig game responds quickly when given a fair chance The future of the game is brighter today in many ways than it lids been in a long time AVe all know more of the moose and we have certainly gained in wisdom