General News Notes Of The Day, Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-11


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY AIKNXA Austria May 10 The death knell of old Austria was sounded in parliament this after ¬ noon when Chancellor IJenner in accepting the nomination as a peace delegate to go to St Oer iniiiii said he relinquished all hopes for a fusion with normally The chancellors speech was made while the impression caused by the allies terms to Oermany was still strong The feeling in the chamber was according to one shaker that it would be madness to unite with a nation subject to such measures measuresPAHIS PAHIS France May 10 The question of the reparation that must be made by Austria Hungary was considered today by President AVilson and Premiers Lloyd Oorge aiid Clemeniau They also discussed the question of financing Germany Aus ¬ triaHungary Poland and other smaller European states statesAAeather AAeather forecast Illinois Fair tonight and Sunday warmer Sunday Missouri Fair tonight warmer in northwest and central portions Sunday increasing cloudiness probably showers in after ¬ noon in west portion wanner in east portion portionWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C May 10 Although there were no official predictions or estimates there wen many indications today that the Victory Lib ¬ erty Ixian has successfully passed over the top if H has not actually beon oversubscribed oversubscribedPAULS PAULS France May 10 Count Ilrockdorff IlrockdorffHantzau Hantzau German foreign minister and chairman chairmanI I of the peace delegation tried to obtain a personal 1 interview witli President AVilson Friday but was wasrefused refused according to Llutrunsigeuut

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