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Advertised Special Postponed Postponedon on account of track conditions This horse will go this week and from the source of my infor ¬ mation I consider it one of the best things I have had in some time Three Extra Specials this week Tuesday Thursday and Saturday What you get from me is One a Day and they are fit and ready All I want is an even break and my Information will get the money Two Winners One Second Two Thirds and Four Losers at Lexington and I advertise Losers as vell as Winners Patrons who wire subscrip ¬ tion will please send address also for code No notice taken of communications unless accom ¬ panied by the money AAhat you see in these ads are my terms and what you get from me is track information no guesswork All Wires Sent by Me Are on File with This Paper FIVE DOLLARS Six Wires Six Starters One a Day No More Specials Included No single Wires WiresEXJOCKEY EXJOCKEY MARSHALL MARSHALLInitials Initials E J 413 Standard Trust and Savings Bank Building CHICAGO ILL