Training Gallops At Louisville: Fast Time Recorded in Morning Work-Outs at Churchill Downs and Douglas Park., Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-17

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TRAINING GALLOPS AT LOUISVILLE Fast Time Recorded in Morning WorkOuts at Churchill Downs and Douglas Park LOriSVILLK Ky MaV Hi Training gallops over the Churchill Downs track this morning in ¬ cluding the following moves as reported by the of ¬ ficial timers Weather clear track fast Arora Threeeighths in 37 Aldebaran Half mile in 50 JS JSAlf Alf Vezina Mile Jn 14 Relieve Me Girls Threequarters in 115 115Battercake Battercake Threequarters in 115 115liyrne liyrne Fiveeighths in 1OS 1OSItrnwn Itrnwn Bee Half mile in 481 Ione Dry Half mile in 54 54lion lion Jour Threeeighths in 30 Jf Courtship Half mile in 51 51Crystal Crystal Day Threequarters in 118 118Candle Candle Light Mile in l4ii l4iiConstantine Constantine Mile in 145 145Dioscoride Dioscoride Half mile in Til vs vsDandy Dandy Van Half mile in 50 Hi HiDjinette Djinette Mile in 144 ft ftDodge Dodge Mile in 147 Eyes of Youth Half mile in 52 52East East Indian Half mile in 51 51El El Mahdi Half mile in 52 52El El Key Half mile in 51 51Fern Fern Handley Mile in 145 145Freecutter Freecutter Fiveeighths in 102 Frank Miiuroe Fiveeighths in 103 103Furbelow Furbelow Half mile in 50i v vGourmand Gourmand Mile in 147 General Ilnig Mile in 144 h Harvest King Threeeighths in 40 40High High Pass Half mile in 53 53Highland Highland Mary Half mile in 51 51Huf Huf faker Fiveeighths in 102 Inquiry Half mile in 491 491Irregular Irregular Threeruarters in l18f l18fKikn Kikn Threequarters in 110 110Looking Looking lp Threeeighths in 35in 35inLeicester Leicester Half mile in 54 54Lunetta Lunetta Half mile in 50V Lucy lily Threequarters iu 110 110Iarty Iarty Mexican Mile in Ir44 Ir44Music Music Man Threeeighths in 44 Minnie Fay Half mile in 52 52Mfitem 144Mint Mfitem Half mile in 49r 3 144 Mint Cat Mile inTMTT 7Zr Nobleman Fiveeighths In 105 Oiiiond Mile in 144 144Tine Tine Grove Threeeighths in 3S 3SPeccant Peccant Half mile in 49 If IfIizarro Iizarro Threequarters in 110 110Ilumcot Ilumcot Threequarters in 117 117Past Past Time Mile in l4Pf l4PfPorte Porte Drapeau Mile in 145 145Paris Paris Maid Mile in 140 140Prince Prince Albert Mile in 147 147Illinium Illinium Half mile iu 49 49Redland Redland Fiveeighths in 100 100Rookery Rookery Threequarters in 11S Ilhymer Seveneighths in 132 132lletta lletta 1 Mile in 143 143lledstart lledstart Mile in 143 143Skeptic Skeptic Mile in 157 157Sir Sir John Verne Mile in 140 140Saner Saner Mile in 142 142Salute Salute Threequarters in 110 110Spicebush Spicebush Threeeighths in 40 40Silk Silk Lady Tlireeoighths in 35 35Sams Sams I5oy Threeeightlis in 30 30Starry Starry lianner Threeeighths in 38 38Sea Sea Plant Half mile in 52 52Second Second Cousin Half mile in 52 52Tranksgiving Tranksgiving Threeeighths in 39 39Ulster Ulster Queen Mile in 143 143War War God Fiveeighths in 100 100Wickford Wickford Threequarters iu 110 110At At Douglas Park Weather clear track fast Algoa Half mile in 50 50Auruin Auruin Mile in 145 145Aztec Aztec Mile in 145 145Breeze Breeze Threequarters in 115 115lienefactor lienefactor Half mile in 51 51lromo lromo Half mile in 50 50Hobby Hobby Allen Half mile in 48 48Itatliilde Itatliilde Fiveeighths in 1OS 1OSCroix Croix dOr Fiveeighths in 102 102Carrie Carrie Moore Threequarters in 115 115Cane Cane Ituu Threequarters in 1 10 10Clarice Clarice lluth Threequarters in 117 117Cliillum Cliillum Mile in 145 145Dancer Dancer Mile in 143 143Discord Discord Fiveeightirs in 100 100Diversion Diversion Fiveeighths iu 103 103Ella Ella T Half mile in 37 37Exliorter Exliorter Threequarters in 110 110Flapper Flapper Threequarters iu 118 118Friz Friz Half mile in 49 49Great Great Hawk Half mile in 39 39Gipsy Gipsy Queen Threequarters in 114 114Ilelma Ilelma Half mile in 50 50Harrigans Harrigans Heir Half mile in 51 51Honor Honor Man Half mile in 49 49Jovful Jovful Mile in 144 144Jack Jack K Mile in 154 154J J Uufus Mile in 142 142Lieut Lieut Perkins Half mile in 30 Lillian Shaw Mile in 142 142lively lively Threequarters in 114 114Mickey Mickey Moore Half mile in 30 30Marsu Marsu John Threequarters in 115 115Mary Mary Josephine Fiveeighths in 102 102Miles Miles Finlen Threequarters in North Sea Threequarters in 110 110Oboltis Oboltis Mile in 145 145Resist Resist Threequarters in 115 115Ilobert Ilobert Mantell Half mile in 52 52Itutli Itutli Strickland Fiveeighths in 103 11 H Anderson Threequarters in 110 110SpearleiiL SpearleiiL Mile in 14H 14HSophia Sophia Gatewood Mile and an eighth in 157 157Sandy Sandy Lad Threequarters in 118 118Selma Selma G Threequarters in 115 115Springside Springside Threequarters iu 117 117St St Augustine Half mile in 47 47Strikebreaker Strikebreaker Fiveeighths iu 107 107Tito Tito Mile in 1 Aiva America Fiveeighths in 101 101View View Half mile in 49 49W W W Hastings Half mile in 48 48Wave Wave Mile in 145

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Local Identifier: drf1919051701_1_6
Library of Congress Record: