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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART NEW YORK N Y FRIDAY MAY 23 1919 Belmont Park Second day Westchester Racing Asso ¬ ciation Spring Meeting of 18 days Weather clear temperature 70 ° Steward to Represent Jockey Club F R Hitchcock Placing Judges E C Smith and C H Pettin ¬ gill Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary A McL Earlocker Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p in W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date tRck record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance l f7Q FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Straight May 19 1908 51 2 112 Purse 600 rtJUf 4 O 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt V StrFin Jockeys jBETSINDA w 107 i 2 1 li is is is G Walls J Sanford Sanford4s t2 2 95 12 out 42428 ENCRINITE w 100 5 4 4s 4 31 2 A Tryon J Sanford 2 zl 95 3Z out 4224 = KIRAH w 109 4 2 31 3i 21 3 T Rice D Gideon 1151352J 45 out 42397 42397SMERRY SMERRY SINNER wu 1Q7 3 3 21 21 4 4s A SchugrR P Smith 4 4 1851 out BLUE STAR wis 101 1 15 5 55 5555 5 5 H Myers W R Coe 1155 5 75 out fWent outfWent in entries as Belinda JCotipIed bettingTime in betting no separate place or show betting Time 54 Track slow slowWinner SanfordAVent Winner B f by Rocktoh Winning Witcli trained by W P Unroll bred by Mr John Sanford AVent to post at 231 At post 1 minute Start good and slow W easily second and third driv ¬ ing BETSINDA easily best set the pace all the way and won in a canter EXCRINITE ran well and outstayed KIRAH in the tinal sixteenth drive The latter also ran well anil had no mishaps MERRY SINNER was vigorously ridden throughout and tired badly in the final eighth BLUE STAR showed a lack repeatedlyScratched of racing education and swerved repeatedly Scratched Anzac 112 42430 Tumbleweed 103 Edwina 103 Overweights 103Overweights Betsinda 2 pounds SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Straight July 17 1915 1 03 i D 106 700 Added 3yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 660 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt V Jockeys Owners 422G4 MERRY PRINCESS w 103 9 2l H 1 1U L Ensor P A Clark Clark3J 40521 42360 THE BOY we 10UJ10 3J 3l L 2n T Rice Pw F Carman CarmanC1 10 10 7 2 75 420883TOTO v 120 4 r C1 5 4 31 J Dreyer F D Weir 32 85 910J5 14 43402 YOUXEED wu 10G 1 S 51 7l 51 41 T Nolan T Calcina 20 20 20 S 4 401873HERODIAS w 101 7 4 11 2 S 31 51 H Myers W R Coe 12 15 15 C 3 41C9 = PHANTOM MAID wu 103 11 42342 ESQUIMAU wu IOC 5 9 9 = 9 = C 71 E AmbrseR Parr 10 15 12 5 39645 SROPGERS wu IOC G 2 8 Ci 10 S W Kelsay G W Loft 10 15 1 5 i 42194 THUNDERSTORM wis110 212 71 4 SI 9J A JohnsonK T Wilson 10 15 r 5 42323 SADDLb ROCK wu 10S 12 10 10 10 9 10s H HanmerE F Whitney 10010010040 1 42178 = JACK LT3ARY WB IOC 311 II2 11 11 II2 M MountnG A Shipmun 15 20 20 8 4 42357 EFFIC1ENT wn 10G SI 12 1212 12 L McAtee M L Schwartz 12 15 15 J 3 Tame 106 Track slow slowWinner Winner B f by Spanish Prince Merriment II trained by W Hogan bred in England bv Mr John B Joel Went to post at 304 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MERRY PRINCESS forced toward the outside rail at the start drew away when straightened out in the stretch ami was going away at the end THE HOY showed much speed and held on well to the finish TOTO suffered from interference at the start and closed a gap gamely under hard riding YOU NEED ran straight mid showed improved form HKRODIAS bolted to the outside rail after the start and raced into tin Uail but tired THUNDERSTORM was cut oft at the halfmile ground Scratched groundScratched 40074Purchase 120 42102 = Wyndover 10i 42400 Balustrade 120 3MBSl La Belle Heleiie HeleiieOverweights Overweights The Boy ZV pounds Phantom Maid 4 Saddle Rock 5 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Sept 7 1914 136 3 117 Purse S600 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P 42381FAVOUU 1242440POOR w 6 111 1 3 3 4 2J 1J Ink E Haynes P S P Randolph 3 4 4 C5 12 42440POOR BUTFLY wn 4 110 5 2 2U 23 Ii 2 2 A Pickens B Davies 1 1 9101316 42390MAN 910131642390MAN O TH HOURWB410S 4 4 4 3J 3i 33 3 = A JohnsonR Parr 4 B C 85710 12i54SKY PILOT WB 6 104 2 7 G3 7 5s 41 4J S Wida E K Bryson 12 15 15 4 85 42287 CANDIDATE II w 4 110 7 1 5 J 5 G 5i 5 G Corey K A Beal 20 20 20 G 2J 42310 GLORY BELLE w5 99 3 6 7 6 7 7 0 = J StapletnAV H Henry 10010010030 S 424372APTON WISKE WB 5 103 C 5 IS 1 4 G 7 R McCrnnMarrone Stable 8 10 10 3 C5 Time 24 49 117 144 Track slow slowWinner Winner 15 m by Duke of Ormonde Compensate trained by J Byer bred by Mr Walter OB Macdonough MacdonoughWent Went to post at 331 At post 3 miinites Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same FAVOUR well ridden was saved behind the lenders to the stretch entrance where she saved ground and coming on fast outstayed POOR BUTTERFLY at the end POOH BUTTERFLY was rushed up into the lead on the last turn but came extremely wide which cost her the race MAN O Til HOUR was forced wide by POOH BUTTERFLY and tired in the final drive SKY PILOT closed up gamely threequartersScratched in the stretch drive APPLETON WISKE tired badly after leading for threequarters Scratched 42390 Bellringcr 108 42427 Pasamena 08 08Overweights Overweights Apple ton Wiske 2 pounds FOURTH RACE 6 l2 Furlongs Main Course Oct 14 1907 117 4 124 Garden City Handicap 700 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 75 AWtPPSt StrFm Jockeys Owners 40437 SALVESTRA w 4 102 22 23 2 li li J CitllahanJ J Hallenbcck 1 11101 16 out 42278 WYOMING WB 4 102 11 1 1J 2J 2 L McAtee R T Wilson 4 4 16535 out 42438 IIENDRIE WB 6 111 3 3 3333 J Dreyer F D Weir 2 1352J 12 out outTime Time 24 J 50 114 121 Track slow slowWinner Winner B f by Watervale Nikita trained by F M Taylor bred by Messrs J O G H Kcene KceneWent Went to post at 402 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing SALiVESTHA followed WYOMING closely to the stretcli entrance where she drew up on even terms and forging into the lead held on gamely to the end WYOMING sot a good pace and finished resolutely HKNDRIE closer up than usual in the early running threatened on the stretch turn then tired in the final eighth FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Main Course Oct 16 1906 122 5 126 600 Added 3yearolds Selling Net value to winner 500 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners CHOPS 42430UNCLES LASSIE WB 102 5 2 1 1 = lit H Myers W R Coe 2J 2i 12545 13 42323 SC VERDICT wn 103 11 23 23 2 2 J Wcssler Mrs W A Prime 2 2i 1154513 4243 ST QUENTIN WB 1071 34 4 3 35 3 G Walls J H Loucheim 2 2J 12545 13 41808 TANTALUS w 105 25 5 5 5 4 H HamtnR II McC Potter 10 10 10 3 75 75423093SYRDARYA 423093SYRDARYA wn 112 43 3s 4 4 5 E Haynes R T McKeever S 8 G 2 45 45Time Time 24 49 115J 128 Track slow slowWinner Winner Ch f by Uncle Plattntess trained by W H Karrick bred by Messrs Headley Miller MillerWent Went to post at 432 At post 2 minutes Start fair and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing UNCLES LASSIE began well and taking the lead held her opposition safe all the way SCOTCH VEKDICT was always closest in pursuit but tired when driven hard in the final eighth ST QUENTIN lacked early speed but came fast on the last turn and finished gamely TANTALUS had no difficulty in disposing of SYKDAUYA which tired badly after going a half halfScratched Scratched 38Sr7 Title 102 102Overweights Overweights St Quentin 1 pounds SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Straight May 19 1908 51 2 112 700 Added 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Net value to winner 560 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P lh 2J 2i ink AV Kelsay J E Madden 4244DBETTY J wn 114 C 1 2J I1 li 2J R Troxler AV J Salmon 45 91035 14 out outEDWINA EDWINA WB 111 43 3l 3i 3l 3 H Myers Oneck Stable 15 20 20 6 2 42399 = SUGARMINT w 111 54 4 = 45 43 46 L McAtee W R Cpe S 10 8 85 12 12PENELOPE PENELOPE w 111 35 5 51 G 5k A Schusr J W McClelland 13 20 20 G 25 25BALLOTING BALLOTING w 111 1 G G 6 5 G J Mctcalf Brighton Stable 20 20 20 G 2i 2iTime Time 53 Track slow slowAVinner AVinner B f by Orinondale Frankness trained by W S Walker bred by Mr John E Madden Went to p st at 501 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving LIGHT WINE set the early pace and after being headed came again and outstayed BETTY J in a game finish BETTY J ran a good and game race but tired after taking the lead EDWINA ran well and finished fast SUGAKMINT tired and swerved Scratched Lovers Lane II 111