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BALTIMORE FORM CHART BALTIMORE Md Wednesday May 21 1919 Second day Gentlemens Driving Park Fair and Racing Associations Meeting of 5 Days Weather wet wetStewards Stewards J H Anderson C Hall and H Rites Judges H Conkling and W Norvell Starter G T Miller Racing secretary W Xorvell Xorvell494R 494R First Race About 58 Mile Purse 400 4 ± OU 3 year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Jockey41923Precious 41923Precious Jewel 110 1s W Gaman 423233Lloyd George 111 2 E Smith 42010 Old Bill Bender 115 31 W Mondon 42124 Revolution 106 4 = W Doyle Doyle41G18 41G18 Bon Sante 111 5 R Ryan 42124 Left Fielder 115 6s J Davenport 42322 Challenge 111 7s J Conway Conway413403Doctor 413403Doctor Davis 115 S = A Finley FinleyDaisy Daisy L 106 9 AV Htnphy HtnphyTime Time 104 5 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Precious Jewel 800 straight 380 place 310 show Lloyd George 300 place 300 show Old Bill Bender 350 show showWinner Winner F Boughsmans ch f 3 by Golden Maxim Diamonds and Rubies trained by L Crist bred by Mr T M Mnrphy MnrphyWent Went to post at 235 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 42487 Second Race About 58 Mile Purse 400 X4JXU i 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Ind Horse Horse4190B Wt Fin Jockey 4190B Annie Edgar Edgar41GOG 108 m W Mondon 41GOG Paginlni 113 21 W Mandera 41883 Eunice Eunice407G7 110 R Ryan 407G7 Camba 108 4 H McBride McBride10S 38284 Golden List 10S 5 A Hullcoat 42135 Lobelia Lobelia422G5 108 C W Hinphy 422G5 Celtabel 113 73 C Jackson 42177 Master McGrath 113 S7 C Taylor 41803 Twenty Seven 115 9 A Finley FinleyTime Time 104 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Annie Edgar 5270 straight 1410 place 840 show Paganini 570 place 440 show Bunice 410 show showWinner Winner A Lezamas b m 5 by Sir Edgar Lady Castle trained by W J Daly bred in Eng ¬ land by Mr J Finn FinnWent Went to post at 308 At iwst 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same 4248 R Third Race About 78 Mile Purse 400 13 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 42350 Caballo 103 li W Gargan 42371 Toddler 98 2l R Moore Moore41931iJakc 41931iJakc Senas 118 33 E Hileman 41931 Heredity 113 43 J Bergen 41925 London Girl 108 5s J Dawson 41438 Indian Spring 98 6 AV Stewart 41811 Iron Boy 108 7 = ° T Parritigton 42327 Plurcnzl 103 S E Smith SmithTime Time 136 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Caballo 1540 straight 730 place 390 show Toddler 570 place 380 show Jake Schas 400 show showWinner Winner L Browns b g 3 by Free Laacu Rosemcade trained by L Brown bred by Mr George J Long LongWent Went to post at 340 At post 2 minutes Start goni1 and slow Won driving second and third the same Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 41825 Lola 107 I3 A Finley 36280 Kathleen H 107 2 D Stirling 42406 Leoma 115 31 E Hileman 42070 El Plaudit 112 41 T Parrington Parrington41925Bcvelry 41925Bcvelry James 112 t J Dawson 42340 American 113 A Alexandra 42354 Capital City 112 73 C Maddox 42134 Chemung 112 S SJ = J E Smith 41880 R L Owen 112 9 W Gargan GarganTime Time 135 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Lola 440 straight 330 place 290 show Kathleen II 1400 place 700 show Ixunia 390 show showWinner Winner J H Eiffs br m i by Sir Hiion Binda trained by A D Worley bred by Mr George J Long LongWent Went to post at 41J At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ifth Race About 78 Mile Purse 400 ijjuw 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Ind Horse Horse4239G Wt Fin Jockey 4239G Ben Hampson 115 in AV Doyle 41931 Rey Ennis 112 21 W Gargan 42370 General 115 3l AV Mondon 42031 Carl Ellwangcr 112 4 T Parringtou 41925 Koran Time 136V4 Tracy sloppy 2 mutuels paid lien Hampson 850 straight 440 place 250 show Rey Ennis 920 place 310 show General 230 show showAVinner AVinner W A Caseys br g 5 by BeirTrovato Margaret Hampsou trained by AV Ar Casey bred by Mr Overton H Chenault ChenaultWent Went to post at 454 Atjjost 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the 494Q1 Sixth Race About 78 Mile Purse 400 J7L 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 42407 Sky Man 108 1 E Smith 42287 Isabelle H 107 2 D Stirling Stirling424G7Refugee 424G7Refugee 119 3 E Hileman 41989 Front Royal 112 4s R Ryan 42352 Ocean Prince 112 54 T Parrinston 41880 Quin 112 G8 J Dawson Dawson424GGSClark 424GGSClark M 115 7 AV Gargan GarganTime Time 135 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Sky Man 2390 straight Sli place 530 show Isabelle II 000 place 470 show Refugee 380 show showAVinncr AVinncr Mrs C II Spragues ch c 3 by Aero ¬ naut Tranid trained by C H Spragne bred by Mr Schuylcr L Parsons ParsonsAVent AVent to post at 526 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the 40400 Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Purse 400 r1 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey 42405 42405astir astir Up 108 1J AV Doyle 42469 Arbitrator 115 21 C Jackson 42354 Grasmere 103 3 AA Mondon 42181 Slumber II 10S 410 AA Hinphy 40913 Rose AAater 103 5s AV Stewart 42130 Bierman 110 G ° AV Gargau 42466 Thrift 103 Pul up J Bergen BergenTime Time 155 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Stir Up 640 straight 320 place 270 show Arbitrator 330 place 270 show Grasmere S420 show showAAinner AAinner R Pendings b g 7 by Ildrim Skirts trained by AA Kennedy bred by Mrs L A Liv ¬ ingston ingstonWent Went to post at 556 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVou easily second and third driv ¬ ing