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YUKON BIG GAME NEEDS PROTECTION OTTAWA Out May 23 The advisory board of Wild Life Protection says the need is imperative for protecting mountain sheep caribou moose and other big game in Yukon territory territoryA A L Bell of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police Whitehorse subdistiict in discussing the needs of a game sanctuary says From Information ob ¬ tained from prospectors hunters trappers and In ¬ dians it is estimated that there are probably be ¬ tween 4000 and 5000 mountain sheep in the dis ¬ trict bounded by the White Donjek and Nisling Rivers RiversThese These animals have undoubtedly been driven to that district from the more accessible areas on ac ¬ count of persistent hunting on the part of both white men and Indians IndiansI I have no doubt that mountain sheep as well as moose caribou etc have been wantonly slaughtered by Indians and by white men as well not only for food but also for dog feed feedThe The Indians accuse the white man of this and on the other hand the white men accuse the Indians of the same Unfortunately the Indians are aware that under the ordinance they may kill practically as much game as they wish for food or otherwise otherwiseI I consider the suggestion of creating this area into a sanctuary an exceedingly good one and if it is carried out a detachment of one constable could be established or a conipetent game warden em ¬ ployed who with dogs or packhonse rtiuld patrol tlie district at regular intervals and Uecp in close touch with both Indians ana whito men This is In my opinion the only method by which the game can be preserved