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SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Selling Sept 10 1914 409 5 153 BRAND ch g 5 138 By Flint Rock Bivouac H L Pratt 42392 Plmlico 2 414 hvy 145 137 4 315 j w Blake 11 Melos Infidel H Little Horn 42275 Plmlico 2 358mud 31 144 S 1 2b W Blake 8 Wlock WFKlkamp Slipshod 42219 Pimllco 2 405 fast 37 141 1 1400G3 3J 4to W Blake 0 The Brook Bughouse Bet 400G3 Laurel 2 35S fast 23 135 7 4 3 i W Mahny 9 Max Meadows Garter Clootz 29924 Aqduct Ab 21 520fast 115 137 3 339SS4 5 520 W Mahey 5 Trumpator Bet Traditioner 39SS4 Aqduct Ab 2 427slop 5 132 5 53P724 3 2s W Mahey r Garter Clootz Man Slayer 3P724 Aqduct Ab 2 415fast 5 142 5 539C27 2 2 S Bush 8 Mcasinlll TudKing WhistH 39C27 Belmont Ab 2 415 ifast 15 130 4 43955G 5 o 515 w Mahey 7 Syosset Man Slayer SingleStick 3955G Belmont Ab 2 414 fast 4 145 2 2 2 R Waugh 7 MaxMeadows NStar Contender ContenderBy SYOSSET br g 9 147 By Migraine Sister Stella Greentree Stable 42289 Plmlico 2 406 mud 910 149 7 6 6 G Cutler 7 Sixty Four Garter Rhomb 42205 Pimlico 2 401 slow 1310 149 9 4 2 V Powers 10 Warlock Infidel II Melos 40254 Pimllco 2 12 501fast 1910 149 1 31 45 V Powers 8 Tditner LeMsouin Infidel II 29824 Aqduct Ab 2 421goodll10 152 3 3S9704 I1 I1 V Powers 4 Crest Hill Northwood Garter S9704 Aqduct Ab 2 417fast 34 147 2 239C27 I3 1 V Powers 4 Tradi Honor Kinlore Bachelor 39C27 Belmont Ab 2 415fast S5 147 2 I1 1J V Powers 7 ManSlayer SingleStick Kintore 39532 Belmont Ab 2 413M fast 35 147 4 4SSS66 2J 2J V Powers 4 Crest Hill Reddest Kllwinning SSS66 Aqduct Ab 2 417mud 1710 152 2 1J 1 V Powers S Brand Crest Hill Ormead 38786 Aqduct Ab 2 412fast 21 142 5 25 2 V Powers 5 The Brook Early Light Reddest 38746 Aqduct Ab 2 424fast 45 147 2 31 2 V Powers 9 Reddest OrmesHead Infldel II IIBy CREST HILL b g 7 143 By Simmons Allio Darden M L Schwartz 39824 Aqduct Ab 2 421good 4 150 4 33 2ll S Bush 4 Syosset Northwood Garter 39744 Aqduct Ab 2 444 slop 2 335 2 2zo 01 V Powers 3 Brooks Max Meadows 39532 Belmont Ab 2 413ysfast 3 141 1 1S9322 11 11 R H Crfd 4 Syosset Reddest Kllwinning S9322 Saratoga Ab 2 4lSfast 15 138 6 6S9211 4J 4 R H Crfd 7 Bet Shannon River Dramaturge S9211 Saratoga Ab 2 432fast 3 133 4 43S9S8 22 lt R H Crfd 4 Infidel II Reddest Early Light 3S9S8 Aaduct Ab 21 5llfast 910 143 3 33S866 21 4 R H Crfd C Shan River Early Light Brand 3S866 Aqduct Ab 2 417mud 2J 147 6 31 3T R II Crfd 8 Syosset Brand Ormead OrmeadBy GARTER ch g 9 138 By SpringFarm Golden Garter Fair Empress Triple Spring Farm Farmso 42352 Pimlico 2 401 fast 125 147 2 so 3s W Mahey 7 Smithfield SingleStick ELight 42289 Pimlico 2 406 mud 8 149 2 2 2J W McClry 7 Sixty Four Rliomb Single Stick 40063 Laurel 2 358 fast 4 148 6 24 2 R H Crfd Max Meadows Brand Cloots 39963 Laurel Ab 2 359 fast 71 137 6 639SS4 5s 5 C Smoot 0 Infidel II NewHaven OttoFloto 39SS4 Aqduct Ab 2 427slop 3 140 3 l k isi j Rowan 5 Brand Clootz Man Slayer 30824 Aqduct Ab 2 421good 7 139 1 4 418 J Rowan 4 Syosset Crest Hill Northwood 39764 Aqduct Ab 2 422good 32 144 1 1s 2s J Rowan 4 Northwood SinStick ToppyNix 39322 Saratoga Ab 2 418y5fast 20 136 2 LriderJ Rowan 7 Bet Shannon River Dramaturge 39283 Saratoga Ab 2 425 slop 8 140 2 5 6 J Rowan Doublet The Brook RobtOliver 39223 Saratoga Ab 2 426fast 6 142 2 2WINGOLD 31 1 ° J Rowan 4 Sun King First Out Infldel II IIBy WINGOLD br m 5 M 136 136ofl9G3 By Bryn Mawr Bobbinet R L Ahles ofl9G3 Laurel Ab 2 359 fast 84 131 9 7 737 o Hdiy o Infidel II NewHaven OttoFloto 39003 Aqduct 1 l42good 8 112 2 4 J 43J E Taplin 17 Bar One Assign Grouse 39592 Belmont 34 st l12fast 10 112 5 71 S9J M Buxton 14 Teresa J Phalaris Bill McCloy 39538 Belmont 1 l39fast 115 112 1 55 4 A Schugr 7 Mose Grouse Phalaris 39468 Saratoga 1 l37fast 7 110 6 4s 37 G Walls 7 TenBon PDrapeau P to Point 39379 Saratoga 1 l39fast 3 110 9 9S9353 G 41 L Lyke 12 Oenone Rubber II P to Point S9353 Saratoga 1 l37fast 10 110 4 3 ° 35 J Bell 7 Llnfirraierc PDrapeau BarOne BarOne2s 39273 Saratoga 1 l3Sfast 25 100 6 2s 2s J Bell 14 Zenith Impetus Onward 39222 Saratoga 34 lllfast 20 110 12 S1 6 J Bell 17 OtheWay PDpeau LInmiere LInmiereBy RHOMB ch g 9 138 By Fatherless Dimontina W Stockton 42332 Pimlico 2 414 hvy 10 133 7 Fell A Sims 11 Brand Melos Infidel II 42524 Pimlico 2 14 433 good 11 133 S Fell H Willms 8 LoMarsouin MJaque IiifidelH 42289 Pimlico 2 406 mud 235 149 1 315 3J A Sims 7 Sixty Four Garter Single Stick 42162 HdeGce Ab 2 410fast 4710 145 3 2 2i H Willms 5 Reddest Algardl Otto Floto 42106 HdeGce Ab 2 417 hvy 710 145 7 3IB 3 II Willms 8 Melos Early Light Reddest 42052 ILdeGce Ab 2 429hvy 5 145 8 1 2 H Willms 8 Warlock Early Light Melos 40275 Pimlico 2 350 fast 32 145 12 7 G50 H Beatty 12 N Haven Infidel II ToppyNix 40231 Laurel Ab 2 401hvy 34 148 1 5 ° 5 J Smith 12 Gold Bond Smithfield Turmoil 40003 Laurel Ab 2 356 fast 34 139 7 6 608 W Howard 9 Max Meadows Algardi Melos NORTHWOOD b g 7 155 By Moharib Tallow S H Cross 40231 Laurel Ab 2 401hvy 4 148 9 9S9S24 4 4 = 3 D Bycrs 12 Gold Bond Smithfield Turmoil S9S24 Aqduct Ab 2 421good 135 137 2 21 3 D Byers 4 Syosset Crest Hill Garter 9764 Aqduct Ab 2 422good 7 539 2 23S921 2 = 1SJ D Byers 4 Garter Single Stick Toppy Nix 3S921 Aqduct Ab 2 4lGfaat 6 130 1 6 650 G Palmer G Ormead EarlyLight Reddest 38551 Belmont Ab 2 416 fast 8 130 3 3384S5 3 3 2 G Palmer 4 Stonewood R Oliver Gold Bond 384S5 Belmont Ab 2J 449slow 10 134 1 3 3 G Palmer 3 Superhuman Shannon River 8459 Belmont Ab 2 418 slop 15 133 2 6 6 ° G Palmer C AlReeves ROliver Dramaturge 36229 Laurel Ab2i 449 good 6 134 6 5 C4S G Palmer 0 The Brook Welsh Sing SRiver