Sixth Race [6th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-17

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SIXTH RACE 1 11C Miles 3yearolds and upward Fillies and Mares Claiming Oct 7 1016 143 3 122 122MISS MISS PROCTER ch f 3 100 By Stalwart Niko H Coons 42792 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 75 100 4 1 1 1 li C Robson 9 War Tax BobBakcr Cantilever 4275S Latonia 1 116 l46fast 12 102 1 1 1 1 li 21 S Boylo 1L WWil ow Wickford LemFro 42553 Churchl 1 116 l51mud 7 102 854 21 2 L Canfieldll Leap Fros Ilopef ul Veri 424G1 Churchl 1 116 l51mud 85 95 8 8 8 8 5s 5 G ArchbUO Flapper IS Lvncli i Ijickiwnni y 42101 I exton Im70y l49hvy 1310 107 2 3 4 2 2i 32 T Murray G Da c Spray I inno W Wl fw 42173 Lcxton Im70y l48hvy 24 95 6 4 4 3 3J 3 S Boylo 7 Baby Lynch Flapper LnbkV f 41906 Havana ImSOy l42fast 1 84 3 1 1 1 1 1 S Wlla 8 Sevilli n Tok March Shmlu 41823 Havana 61 f 108 fast 2 107 5 5 5 4 3n W Gargan 8 Comfort Cors on Tcrrmle Mis 417G3 Havana 1 l40fast 6 lOi 111 1 1 2 A Pickens 8 Man Coat l r Miss MinniB U ANTOINETTE b f 3 100 By Santoi Vin igretie E lob 42787 Latonia 34 113 fast 55 IOJ 3 S S S 83 J Hcupel ll Discussion Vsylvii AUxder 4239G AUxder4239G Pimlico 1 116 l52hvy 9 107 5 3 6 7 Gi J 3 K Sande II Sibola Gcncv I Clis Frmcls 42171 Pimlico 1 11G l49fast 235 109 157 4 44 Ah E Sande 10 Hou iiiDittieHa liver Gath 42295 Pimlico ll45hvy 5 110 U 9 S 6 6 5 A Richcrk 9 Comnic Ci J uf Ar F Ff f Shumoi 42223 Pimlico 1141 fast 51 102 43 4 32 2 W Obert 7 Celto Romeo Cadillac 421G6 Cadillac421G6 HdcGco lm70yl4Gffast 31 101 222 4 41 3 G Corey 8 lloiidinl Sylvano Ivrv 420X9 HdeOco lm70yl4Gfast 3 10S 4 2 2 2 1 13 S Wida 7 Ihircnzi S viva no Trunsnero 42055 HdeGce 51 f lllhvy 1G5 103 3 432 2i J Stapletn 4 Abasdorlli Tmniywc ITbala 41990 Bowie 78 l27fast 12 93 4 3 3 4 4 3 II Carswell 5 Cob Lass AmaletteDuchLace AmaletteDuchLaceBRUNETTE BRUNETTE II br f 3 M 102 BJir Flint Rock Boudoir r J Kelley 4iGS2 Kelley4iGS2 Latonia 1 116 l4G fast 5 101 G G G G 5i o J Dreyer 1O Ixickawna Iliintermann L Froir 41G5 Froir41G5 Church 1 1 116 l47fast 145 I 5 596 3 2i 2 H ThurberlO Say When Thirteen Divim n 42528 Churchl 1 11G 145 fast 41 105 144 5 5 = f = 7 H Thurbcr G Flyaway Dane Spray G Mihr 40344 Latonia 51 f l07fast 4lf 107 9 10 10 101 97 J Mooney ly Legotjil UulvLtidcii WiiliiiiM 3 9G3 Churehl 51 f 108 fast 5S 113 9 97 6 6 E Pool 12 LRachcl RcttalT Wat Willow 39710 Lox ton 58104 slow G2f 11211 12 12 12 122 F Stevens l WarStoritH I ime 1 dcJitii tte 38993 Latonia 58 l01fast 22f 112 2 688 8 3 J Frach 12 Woodpile L Man4r CrwaT 38465 Douglas 58 l00fast 136 106 7 777 7 C DIshmn 7 Legal I win Brother Mitiem SS092 Lexton 41 f 55fast 85 113 9 8 81 8 R SimpsonlO E Randall Batter Cake Legotal BONNIE LegotalBONNIE TESS ch m 6 110 By Star Shoot last Cherry S T Baxter 42793 Latonia 1 l39fast 12 107 355 5 SU 3J R Troise 9 Grace Lady Rachel Selmi G 42591 Churchl 1 116 l4Gfnst 14 113 1 1 1 2 3 3 R Troise 11 Bandvmo Tanh c Uookcrv 42422 Churchl 1 116 l47Vifast 3910 102 879 9 92 9 C RobbonlU Oaptliurns Goll low Chillnm 42369 Churchl 1 11G l47fast 34 110 1 3 3 2 21 2k R Troiso 12 Hondo Sea Urchin LucileP 42272 Loxton 1 1S l5Gmud 56 101233 3 3 43 G W Carl 8 Hondo Waterproof oJirt 42243 Lcxton 1 116 l46fast 39 106 5 4 6 9 71 G l C Brown 9 Lucky R R ikery S senta 42174 Lex ton Im70y l49hvy 19 110 5 1 6 G 5 G J Bits 8 Miss tovcv Snsoutfi AzaleV 41759 Havana ImSOy l44V fast 3 112 2 2 2 1 1 H A Pickens 7 Guide Post Austral Crystal Day WENONAH ch in G 112 By Star Shoot Onwentsia Keith Bros 1 4275 Latonia 34 113 fast Slf 113 5 55 5 7 = J 1itx lli Uulylvan M Ginham F Pnlfot Ormuiu374GG 37537 Havana 1 116 l45Vffast 2 lOfi 7 2 1 1 l Jt J Pitz 7 Su God Big odo Ormuiu 374GG Havana ImuOy l42fast 3 107 G G 5 5 52 21 B Klecger 7 CoKMhmoiit Parr Crnt Mmont 3742 Havana Im50y l42Vfast 2 101 3 2 2 1 I2 1 R Ball 7 Nashv c Vck Frost JI M ichrii 7 J Havana 1139 fast 2i 103 1 4 4 3 3 = 33 R Ball 7 So dier Or aiHrncTO Col Mlimo t 3V 6 Havana ImSOy l42fast 85 107 1 G 4 3 3 4i W Crump 7 F o s eel Lohcnrin Nis hvlto 37322 Havana Im20y l40fast G 107 343 3 31 NsiLhvi 2i W Crump G Schemer Early S ght h 37257 Havana ImDOy 14lfast 8 101 334 5 41 5 J R Winsfd 8 Mud Sil I K frlr SU t Na shv He 37236 Havana 34 I13 fa3t 4 101 7 9 9 9o S i R WingfdlO EilGarrison BillyJoc Ncvillell MARY NcvillellMARY H br m 6 107 By Elkhorn Black Mantilla J N Huffman 42792 Latonia 1 l39fast 21 103524 S 9 9 H J Pnrko 9 Trace Lidy ifichel i IsSSSliTow 42746 Lutonia 1 11G l46alow 19 100 1 1 I 3 7 S Boyle 11 aptBnV ni Aztec G irnf irnfll ll 4L587 Churchl 31113 fust 10 101 4 37 111 H23 C Robsonll Br ngl urst A Plotter ElllUH iUlalJI 41589 Jcfson 1 116 l50fcslow J2 101 1 1 2 6 6 6 C Br6wn Ti liallad Doliiia ISoxrr 41523 FGnds Im20y l42 fast 15 109 6 3 6 8 9J107 C Brdwn 11 M 1 su Siinf ish Svbil 41470 FGnds Im20y l49hvy 4 101 4 4 4 4 4 4 II J Burke 5 Pilscn Atrici Mis KriitPr 11442 FGnds 1 1K 152 hvy 15 101 1 1 1 1 2i 33 S Boyle 11 Lucky R Kebo Kcnw 41410 FGnda 1 1K 154 hvy 7 103 2 2 1 1 V 6 II J Burke 7 Queen Hlonde Jnson Ynril r 41246 FGnds 1 11G 153 hvy 10 103546 6 7 7 H J Burke 7 TzeLsi Foiy Griffl GrifflDrflw Drflw P LUCILE P b m fi 107 By optonj Howoptonj Bryn Mawx Annoyance Knebelkamp How JL5U1 Churchl 1 11G l4Gfast S 1W5 10 11 H 10 Gi s C Robsonll Bandvmo TanPic ISonnii T 42161 Churchl 1 116 l51mud 7 105 155 4 4 4 C Brown 10 Fl i npor B I I viii k 42 J Churchl 1 116 l47fast 44 10BJ 8 8 7 G 41 4 3 G Brown 11 Ho K on it itIvU IvU Se i vi lir r 42181 Lexton 34 116 hvy 14 1014 4 4 4 42 W Mooro 4 The J Hw HwIII III M Trisk Vjno n 41457 FGnds 1 11G l53mud 21 103 5 5 5 4 4 4i C Brown 5 Progress Grumpy Jasm 41410 FGnda 1 116 154 hvy 185 102 775 5 31 3 C Brown 7 Queen i Blonde J son ISlu Ronk 22 FGnds 1 14 209Kood 135 101 8 8 7 3 3 3 J C Brown 8 Bajazet Rcgreso 41211 FGnds 1 14 2lKhvy 95 101 1 5 C 5 4 3f C Robson G Bomast B Hmnpson Kclx T 41179 FGnds 1 14 203Bood 7 101 3 2 1 4 51 5i J Mooney G LCotLgc Thksgiving Bombast Nlchur WAND BombastWAND b m 5 107 By Hurst Park Fairy Story H W Wallhaiipr 41997 Oaklwn 34 lllfast 1G5 101 7 99 9 = 8 = C RolsonlL Robt l5e S ireget Ilich NVfo 39525 Cheyenne 31 l13fast 1 113 1 = 1 R Pauley G Tl irSeveii J ckK K oflvt SU513 Cheyenne 34 l13fast 1710 106 i R Pauley 9 MMlsby MWlls It FlPNnVnn 39453 Cheyenne 31 lllfant 8 113 2i J Do FonllU Mi JlaiiNby Toy A Striker S3 StrikerS3 110 Cheyenne 1141 fast 16 101 7 3 C OMahy 9 RKIP niton MWrfN ss Klru a Klrua 38l Cheyenne 34 114 fast 7 10 3 c Tmpson 7 R E P o W ShiehV FcVhl d S1331 Cheyenne 51 f 107 fast IGf 103 itSKSO 3 C OMahyll IlarrvMasoi W S lei 1 Art it SKSO GitobcrUCRYSTAL Cheyenne 51 f lOS fast 13 106 y C OMahy 9 Folicidad UJUwm GitobcrU CRYSTAL DAY b f 4 112 By Peep oDay Crystal Maid W L Lewis 42707 Latonia 1 116 146 fast 73 IK S 7 9 S G 4 J Wyei 1 Philistine Jack Hill Sen lmiiM 42532 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 21 103 G 7 8 10 11 11 N Barrett Hi Dioscoride Sen jimes Circ te 42423 Churchl 1 116 l fcftut 65 100 I 8 4 4 T Murray l aiUSiirns G Jd Glow Chi lim 41759 Havana linjjOy 144Vifast 8 101 1 3 4 5 5 1 I Fator 7 Bonnie Tow OuhtelAiwlrai 41726 Havana Im20y l42fuat 7 107 1 1 2 1 lh 2 L Fator 8 Iuly James Great Gull Lola 41716 Havana 1 116 l47fast 20 10S 3 2 9 8 5 4 A Pickcns 11 FritzKr t QTrovato L Grey 41653 Havana 1 l40fast 20 97 4 5 8 8 9 7 3 S Wida 0 CapiUl City Circulate Anlci 41429 Havana lm50y 143jfaSt 10 104 6 2 2 2 4 6 i J Dreyer 8 TippoSahib1 TippoSahib1MudSi MudSi Solid lock 41377 Havana UnSOy l4Jfast 2 104 2 6 6 6 71 7J J Dreyer 9 Capital City Breeze LittleBusr MEDUSA b f 4 US By Astronomer Her Majesty R L Frazier 42791 Latonia 1 l3 fast 13 108 4 4 G S S = S K Pool 11 Kulogy Banlymo Retta B 42753 Latonia 34 113 fast 13 11011 10 H 11110 = K Pool 11 Ladylvan lIGlugham FPnllet 41S01 FPnllet41S01 Oaklwn 1 11G l4Gfast 95 100 2 1 1 i i l II Cassity 7 Ellison Bnjazet Foxy Griff 1173S Griff1173S Oaklwn 1 110 147 fast 710 102 4 1 1 1 1 1 II Cassity G BnrbShilliuj PaulaV Suuflash 41707 Oaklwn 1 l41fast 125100 244 3 3 3 II Cassity GBognrt Waterproof Tito 41645 Oaklwn 34 l14MKOod 15 1011 2 6 G 5s G10 II Caslty 10 MMouse JSringlmrst Scrcncst 41529 FGmls lm20y l42fast 5 101 1 1 1 1 U U II J Burkell Sunflash Sybil SophiaGatcwood 41484 FGnds Im20y l45hvy 5 103 6 3 3 3 2 2 H J Burke 7 Hondo Lukeniae Slumbercr 41458 FGnda 1 116 l53mud 125 101 6 7 6 5 6S 6 J Mooney 7 Tito Hondo Urowu Favorite SOPHIA GATEWOOD br m 5 110 By R df of d Determination fP J Miles 42485 Church1 1 1 116 l53hvy 18 108 4 8 5 5 8 8 E I onhuell M Rose II Sungold Dloscorlde 42070 Oaklwn Im70y 140 fast 5 103 1 2 2 2 31 3l J Mclntyre 8 Jack K Miss Wells Leta 42037 Oaklwn 1 116 l48slow 4 100 4 2 2 1 1410C8 I1 I1 C Robson 91arrlsh XHString DkeryDare 410C8 Oaklwn 34 l16mud 10 110 7 6 6 Cl 6 1 HStearng 12 Velvet Huffaker Tom Caro 41033 Jef son 1 116 l49fast 165107 8821 3 3 H Erlcksnl4 Handful ElBaumn HEichea 41602 Jefsbn ImTOy l47good 31 109 4443 2 2 H EricksnlOPluviada Margery LCoehran 41576 Jcfson 1 116 l51fast 2J 106 2264 2264KEZIAH 31 5 I G PreeceJr 9 Tranby John Hurie Boxer BoxerBy KEZIAH to m 8 112 112421S1 By ndrim Kerchief C W Gasser 421S1 ILilcGcc Im70yl461ifast 14 i i in S 10 4 2l 6 J J StapletnlG SirAVJnson AJmaB BHunley 42104 HdtGcc Im70yl45fast 11 US 0222 0222420S2 3s 3J L 3Tator 9 Romeo Perseus Fairy Prince 420S2 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 26 87 10 10 10 11 9J S12 J Wessler 11 Dan Indian Chant Millrace 41945 Oaklwn Im70y l46fast 3i 10S 5 5 G 2 2l 21 M Rowan 7 M Wells TphileV NoManager 41919 Oaklwn lm7Uy l45fast 4J 10T 4445 444541S5G 5 D8 C Brown 10 Barh Shilling Rookery Byrne 41S5G Oaklwn 34 l14Vffast 41 10CJ C 44 2J 2J J Jroth 12 Verity Examiner Bengali 41710 Oaklwn 1 116 l47tast ro 110 C 545 5454164S 52 6 z J Groth 10 Grey Eagle Aldebaran Ellison 4164S Oaklwn 1 116 l497sgood 12 111 1 4 4 5 C1 5 J Groth 7 High Horse Aztec Glelpner Also eligible to start should any of the above be scratched CARAWAY b f 3 M 102 By Toddington Cyrene T M Botts 4236S Churchl 1 116 116 fast 85 Ml 7 7 7 S1 S15 S ZIoyle Eulogy Lucky R Common Law 42050 Oahlwn Im70y I47fast 5 92 G 7 3 3 GJ S Boyle ll Sunllash Ben Levy Bengali 42007 Oaklwn ImTOy l4Gfast 6 89 2 241SSO 6 0 41 3J S Boyle 11 BFvorlte Yciinak DofKhelby 41SSO Oaklwn 34 l14fast SO 10010 10 10 Ch 49i S Boyle 10 AAloxndor Discord WWlllow 41919 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 20 S9 G C G 6l C l S Boyle 10 BarbShilling Rookery Byrne 41874 Oaklwn 34 l15mud M 93 7 8 8 71 C0 S Boyle 10 Guy Magikon Alf Voniza 41057 Oaklwn 5J f 110 slow 15 101 10 10 10 10 9S H Stearns 10 Tun talus Miss Orb Byrne 41321 FGnils OJ f rCKbod 100 100 8 8 8 6J G11 I Gregory 8 Sabrctash Squeeler Blalse 41215 FGnils ImlOy l50hvy 50 100 11 3 6 10 10l 112 H Stearns 11 EddieTranter Astraea Houdlnl 41150 FGnils 1 l44fthvy 30 3040G04 99 7 3 6 7 7 7 H Cassity 7 Antoinette F Shannon Romeo 40G04 Jefson El f l09good 8 112 12 8 6 S1 653 L Mink 12 Toddler MInaWand Shady 40385 Latonia GS l05 mud 8 112 11 10 10 10 10 J Dreyer 11 Marion Adler Betsy Eetta B BATHILDE b f 4 112 B Astronomer Helen OC O W Crippen 42SS2 Latonia 31 l14slow 33 115 5 66 5s 5 ° J J Mooney 12 Bagpipe Bonstelle Napthalius 42740 Latonia 34 l14Hslow J 109 G 5 7 7J 75 D Connlly 9 Dimitri Pnllux Nobleman 42572 Church 1 34 116 hvy 133 110 7 4 5 9 9 J Pitz 9 Redinon Gipsy Queen Pnllux 42526 Church 34 114 fast 40 109 4 4 48 ll1 ll11 E Sando 12 Dance McVex Harry D 42021 Oaklwn f lOSlfast 30 99 8 8 8 84 8 ° M Cruise 9 MBThunnan Sybil Sp Queen 41 41WU 1 Oaklwn 6i f l07fast 7 111 II 11 1141S 11 105 lls J Mclntyrel2 Myrtle A Sybil Paul Connelly 41S Oaklwn 34116 hvy 10 111 3 2 4 4 4 M Andsn 10 NSimplex AAlexandr EKnte 41700 Oaklwn 34 l15spw 31 106 7 7 777 7 E Whtley 7 This Green BobA Kirstie Cub 41706 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 8 110 2 2 2LADY 22 21 3 J E Whtley 10 H C Bascli Jack K ElizMarie LADY LONGFELLOW b f 4 107 By Zeus Olivia Mieklo Marshall Bros 4G1 Church 1 116 l51mud 102 105 776 77642MS 6 6s 6IS W Wright 10 Flapper It Lynch Lackawanna 42MS Churchl 1 116 146 fast 239 103 9 9 8 9 71 7 O Willis 9 Eulogy Lucky R Common Law LawlOf 42215 Churchl 24 l13fast 30f lOf 10 10 11 11 11 3 O Willis 11 John Jr King Belle Sen James 41212 KGmls 1116155 hvy 7 105 6 10 10 10411C5 10 10 10s G MolesthlO Ninety Simplex Tito Pulaski 411C5 FGndB Im70y l47slow iO 102 10 5 5 o 8 11 11 H J Burkell Dioscoride Lottery Lib Sands 41119 FGnds Im70y l55hvy 7 98 4 G 5 5410S7 4 4 6J II Erlcksn 7 Jiffy Graysoii Queen Apple 410S7 FGnda 1116154 hvy 8 98 4 4 3 1 1 ls H Ericksn 9 RrFnvorlte Harbard Comacho 41050 FGnda Oi f lOSgood 15 103 12 12 10 101 9 s S Sndmanl2 MerLass Ophelia W TasSteel SELMA G ch f 3 97 Greenbergif By English Lad Flammula J Greenberg 427t3 Latonia 1 l39fast 42 if 87 1 4 3 3 4 4J L Canfield 9 Grace Lady Rachel BonnieTess 42549 Churchl 34 l15mud 12 107 9 a 9 9 Sz Li Canfleldl2 Lady Radio Fifi II Sarasota 41632 Jefson 34 l14fast 15 303 6 11 7 4l 3 Li Canfieldlt Povcrlna Langden Tranby 41594 Jefson 31 110 slow 7 103 2 3 2 21 2 II Ericksn 8 Laiigdou General Korfhage 41551 Jefson GJ f l12hvy 5 98 2 2 3 6l 5 L Canfleld 9 Ettalic Sosius Margaret N 41229 FGnds Di f l12hvy 185 106 3 2 RobsonlO Toddler Vision Dahiuda 41131 FGnda D f l13hvy 10 100 3 2 40820 Jefson 51 f l09slow 20 107 3 3 3 41 711 M Buxton 9 Sylvano Toombeola FShaunon 3 m Churchl Ci f l07fast 47 10711 7 8 Cl 5 i B Pool 12 Lmcelot JoeStahr Sentimental SentimentalBy LUCKY B b m 8 113 By Box Margaret Kent J McPherson 42791 Latonia 1 lS9fast 4710 110 8 S 7 7423GS 7 6 5 D Connlly 11 Eulogy Bandymb Retta B 423GS Churchl 1 116 146 fast 2310 114 3 6 5 54 25 21 D Connlly 9 Eulogy Com Law Miss Gove 42243 Lcxton 1 116 r46fast 6 110 7 7 4 2 Il IJ D Connlly 9 Ruokcry Sasenta Baby Lynch 42173 Ixiton ImTOy l4SVfehvy 910 113 5 6 6 C 41 413 D Connlly 7 RiibyLynch Flapper MProcter 41442 FGnda 1 116 152 hvy 95 107 2 5 4 2 li Inn c Brown 11 Kebo Mary H Keuward 41325 FGnds ImTOy l4P gooa 165 102 4 4 4 3 lii Il C Brown 5 Tom Goose Dolina Medusa 41232 FGnds ImlXJy l49hvy 1 109 G 5 4 3 1 Il D Cohnlly 7 Margery Sosius GWashlugton 41167 FGmls 1110150 slow 5 104 6 C 6 6410S5 1 2 2s G MolesthllJ Indolence Scourgenian Regreso 410S5 FGnda 1 116 l53hvy 3J 104 2 4 4 4 6 6 F Smith 7 Seafarer Don Dodge LCottage CARRIE MOORE b f 3 102 Bv McCee Dutch Barbara C T Worthington 42S31 Latonia 34 l14 slow 17 107 4 4 6 7i 78J G VanDun S Madras Gingham Lfgotal Jap 42079 Latonia 31 112 fast 18 101 3 3Cl 5 3 C5 610 C VanDunlO Bon lour Ixgal lady Fair Play 41187 lla ana Cl f 106 fast 85 106 3 35i 1 1 1 1 W Kelsay 10 Terrible Miss Ivry L Langden 4110S lla ana 5i f l06fast 3 107 8 3 3 3s 3l W Kelsay 12 Surplice Wmontli Girl Bianca 410Ci lla ana 54 r l07fast 65 105 6 3 1 21 43J W Kelsay 7 TheltDiikc Littlecote L Lndy 41031 lla ana 4 114 fast 8 93 7 667 5 B Kopmn 9 IlmiltnA Dimitri GorRusscll 4W6 lla ana 5 f lllslow 45 103 4 4t4 4 3 3 2 J Maher 7 Dainty Lady Ivry Avion 40503 Latonia t4 l15good 165 102 5 56l 3 3 3s I2 II LunsCd 12 Cockroach Emaiiale Legotal 39S12 Douglas 6l f 108 fast 7 105J 2 25J 1 2 21 3 H Simpson 0 Madge F F Pullet Manicurist 29773 l exton 5J f l08Mifast 9 111 2 244 453 II Lunsfd 0 Madras Gingham Madras Jap 39730 Lex ton 51 t l10V hvy 54 101 10 9 10 10 11s J Maher 12 Cnilleur Exnipted AAxandcr

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1919061701_5_3
Library of Congress Record: