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FIRST BACE 34 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Claiming June 27 1914 111 5 116 Index Course Dlst TiineTckOdda Wt St Str Pin Jockeys Started Order of Flnlsk FlnlskBy TRUSTY b g B 115 1154ir7 By Broomstick Loyal W M Cain 4ir7 Churchl 34 116 hvy C5 110 G 54 4b 5l C Robson 9 Redmon Gipsy Queen Pullux IS Lexton 34 l12fast 3 111 1 1 1 1i 21 2l C Brown 8 B of War H Burgoyne Kama i iSS Lexton 34 l14Vfast 65 104 1 11 11 1 C JRobson 8 Lively Kama American Kagle iL07 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 135 112 4 31 3141U43 I2 11 H Cassity 7 Orderly Briughurst Myrtle A 41U43 Oaklwn CJ f lOCfast 85 115 1 11 11417S3 I2 1 H Cassity S AAlexder WoWdoin Mmot 417S3 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 6 115 1 11 11NOBLEMAN 11 11 H Cassity 10 J ODd MBTn WdWdom NOBLEMAN ch g 7 117 By Boanerges Boyal Child Gallaher Bros Latonia 34 l12fnst 12 114 7 S 10 105 9 F Murphy 12 A N Akin DavidCraig Bullion 40 Latonia 34 l14slow 12 110 4 21 35 31 F Murphy 9 Dimitri Pullux A Middleton 4 077 Latonia 34 l13fast 7 116 5 33 4J 7 F Murphy 12 HGoLucky B Joe Impressive 42256 Lexton 34 l14fast 2310 112 2 44 3l 3s F Murphy 12 Capt Burns John Jr H Shaw 42125 Lexton F C l10fast 2910 115 4 22 22yOS3 61 5S3 F Alurphy 12 Nepe LadyRachel ThistGreen yOS3 Latonia 34 113 good 7 105 6 66 668S712 36 3si F Murphy 7 Blue Paradise Melus Rog 8S712 Latonia 34 l12fast 41 103 8 87 873S478 71 7J F Murphy 8 Squeeler Kama Thorn Bloom 3S478 Douglas 34 l12fast 2710 111 11 11 9 9S83S5 7 7 M Garner 12 Skiles Knob Petrovna IchlBan S83S5 Douglas 34 lllfast 42 110 6 77 77SANS 6 5f M Garner 7 Sedan Squeeler Bon Tromp TrompBy SANS PEUB n b g 3 109 109423ST By Ethelbert Sandwich F J Kelley 423ST Churchl 34 l12fast 3 103 5 67 7r 51 II Thurberll MarsJohn LRachel MGgham 42479 Churchl 34 117 hvy 6 100J 1 43 4342iC3 3h 44 vv Wright 12 Discussion Impressive Huffaker 42iC3 Churchl 3J l13fast 13 110 9 99 9942i0 S1 7 R Troise 12 Lancelot Gold Stone L Rachel 42i0 Churchl Im70yl45fast 3310 100 1 1 1 1 2s 2J M Garner 9 Brimful Leap Frog Parking 42207 Churchl 1 l43hvy 9 98 3 2 2 3 4 4 J C Robsonll TheColBawn MisPolly Redmn 42182 Lexton F C l12hvy 10 110 4 22 21 21 D Connllyll Lancelot Discussion Hopeful 42140 Lexton F C l10fast 3 1101 4 44 21 I1 D ConnllylO Allah Dancing Spray Loyg 40417 Latonia 1 l44hvy 72 99 8 6 7 7 81 7 1 J Mooney 10 Delico Cirrus Linden 40357 Latonia 5 f lOSsop 9f 112 11 98 98WATEBFOBD 8 6 C Kschml2 Silv Light GenHalg Emanate EmanateBy WATEBFOBD b g 6 117 By Waterboy Midrica Boss Looney 42774 Latonia 34 113 fast 56 115 5 55 4 4 = 3 J Groth 12 HGoLucky John Jr APlottcr 4 2320 Churchl 34 114 fast lOf 112 9 99 71 715 J Morys 12 Dance McVex Harry D 42422 Churchl 1 11G l47fast 26 109 11 11 11 12 124228C 12 1215 H J Burkel2 CaptBurns GoldGlow Chillum 4228C Lexton 1 18 l58mud 21 103 1 1 1 1 2 2 M Garner 0 Woodthrush Sasenta DRoberta 42228 Lcxton 34 l13fast 22 110 9 75 754219G 3 2 M Garner 11 Circulate L Mexican K Worth 4219G Lexton 34 l17hvy 33 110 10 S 8 841G13 4 4 1 D Connllyll Hasty Cora Circulate Mustard 41G13 Havana 34 l14fast 3 100 11 88 8s 7S3 T Murray 11 Encore ladyJGrey Miss Jazbo 1 l38fast 12 104 8 8 6 7 6l ° J Pitz 8 High Low Jaines Tipp6 Sahib 41500 Havana 61 f l09slow 75 106 6 42 22 3 i C Howard 7 Petlar Leoma Hops HopsBy TOM CABO b g 6 117 11742S84 By Marta Santa Argon Esher K A Warner 42S84 Latonia 34 l13fast 17f HG 10 11 11 II2 II5 O Willis 12 Larry B Premium Manganese 42457 Churchl 1 153 mud 20 1G7J 5543 7 7 Col Finch S Ettahe Harry Shaw Tanlac 42071 Oaklwn 5S f lOSfast 115 111 1 22 6 G i O Willis 12 Eliz Marie NightCap ApJack 42050 Oaklwn ImTOy l47fast 10 110 1 1 1 1 6i 10 O Willis 11 Sunllash Ben Levy Bengali 42020 Ouklwn CJ 1 108 fast 95 109 1 24 24419C8 4 31 A Johnsonl2 Lady Small Sureget Applejack 419C8 Oaklwn 34 llGmud 8 112 1 12 124181G 11 3h A Jolmsonl2 Velvet Huffaker Alma Louise 4181G Oaklwn 58 l01fast 5 1131 1 22 2 2l L Gentry 12 Huinina Cobalt Night Cap 41785 Ouklwn 61 f lOSfaat 15 111 1 98 8 Sl Li Gentry 11 BundStars Lanchorue SQueen PASTnaH b g 4 442S51 112 By Marathon Europa H Neusteter 42S51 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 56 56427SO 114 1 1 1 11 12 12 J Hanoverl2 BMcDawell HCBasch GGlow 427SO Latonia 1 116 l46fast 5 105 4 6 7 12 12 12 T Murray 12 Th Green DrSamuel Kilkenny 3S792 Latonia 34 113 good llf 97 8 8981 8 i J Majesticl2 Sirocco Clairvoyant Nepe 36130 Latonia 34 114 fast 29f 107 10 10 12 12 12 Gentry 12 Azalea StormBonnd PConnelly 245SG Windsor 58 l06slow 42 107 8 99 10t nit L Gentry 12 CACoMskey StrtRight Desire 344SO Windsor 58 l03BOod 26 108 4 36 6 6 1 L Gentry 12 BlueParadisc Cobrita Sincerity 34160 Latonia 34 l14fast 6910 10S 3 4 4 7 7 L Gentry 7 Ambuscade W Brady JackHill 34063 Latonia 51 f l09slow 195109 109 1 2 2 6i 91 L Gentry 10 But Boy Ambuscade WBrady PLEASUREVILLE br g 7 112 112S9915 By Plandit Involved J LOTTOS S9915 Douglas 11 16 l46fast 17 110110 10 8 839S74 9 9J 9 L Mink 10 Prince Igor Thinker MsBeau 39S74 Douglas 1 18 l53fast 13 109 4 2 1 3 3 36 L Mink 7 Jovial OldMiss RussellSquare 29713 Lexton 1 11G l50slow 13 111 7 3 3 3389S3 3 6 9 J D Connllyll Aztec Ague Sei Urchin 389S3 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 15 105 9 7 4 3 32 312 E Sande 12 Day Dream MWind Kreraaneh 38626 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 18 103 6 9 9 93SG01 9 9 ° 9 J O Willis 10 Rifle Shooter Perugino MudSill 3SG01 Douglas 1 116 146 fast 31 109 5 9 10 5 61 6 = 3 N Barrett 12 GRssell ColMhmont Schemer 38506 Douglas 1 116 l4Ggood 9 106 5 3 2 4 61 6i B Sande 7 Sun God Dr Carmen JWKleii 38482 Douglas 1 116 l46fast 14 103 6 6 6 6MONEY 7 3 41 O Willis 7 JRufus GorRussell Flyllome MONEY b g 5 117 By Dick Finnell Metrical G L Strong 27752 Havana 5i f lllhvy 2S 110 2 4 3 32 2 k B Kleeger 7 Bandymo K Stalwart Billy Joe 37694 Havana 34 l17hvy 4 108 2 3 3 52 6JB Kleeger 8 Ed Henry RapidFirer BillyJoe 37C41 Havana 58 104 hvy 2 112 6 2 1 1 1 ° B Kleeger 9 James G Curlicue Parlor Boy 37G23 Havana 34 llGhvy 2 103 2 2 2 2s 21 R Ball 10 Billy Joe Enver Bey Milestone 375C3 Havana 34 l13fast 2 105 3 5 6 7 6i R Ball 8 Eddie Henry Brizz Biermau 37513 Havana 4 l13fast 85 107 2 2f 2 1 1J Il W Crump 10 James Oakley James Coiiaii S7477 Havana 5i f l07fast 15 112 2 11 I5 121 R Ball 9 EddieHury BevJames Milbrey 37018 Havana 34 4 l19hvy 21 108 1 1f 53 3 k 52 F Cooper 5 LRowena Bright Sand BillyJoe 3G999 Havana 5J f l12slop 4 105 4 3 3 32 31 F Cooper 8 BrSand KStalwart Cuddle Up PAGANINI br g 4 112 By PlauditAmerican Girl P J Sullivan 42535 Bait Ab 58 8 l01slow 114 4 W MnderslO Bunice Camba Betterton 42487 Bait Ab 58 104 slop 113 11341GOG 2h W Mnders 9 Annie Edgar Bernice Camba 41GOG Jefson 34 l15fast 12 113 7 33 2s 6 i W MnderslO Kingling II Reilloc Korfhage 41592 Jefson 34 l17slow 7 112 7 11 51 5T W Mndersl4 Approval Marg N HasKiches 11154 FGnds 51 f 110 mud 6 113 9 9 9 9 9 R Pauley 9 Trusty Milda Dahinda 11254 FGnds 51 f l09good 12 113 2 3 31 Z M Buxton 10 King K Sp Queen Margery Margeryj 11097 FGnds 51 f 111 hvy 15 112 1 j 4 C1 5 E Haynes 9 Ermitana Parlor Boy Trusty 11006 FGnda 51 f l10hvy 10 109 6 458 8 B Haynes 12 TGoose GWington Scrpiall 40742 Jefson 58 107 hvy 75 112 3 8 8 61 64i F Robson 9 BandStars WSpper FMonroe 10729 Jefson 58 106 hvy 5 110 7 7TIAJAN 9 9 91 102 A JohnsonlO General LLgfellow DrCpbell DrCpbellBy TIAJAN b h 6 117 By Solitaire II Oratossa J L Solomon 42832 Latonia 34 l14slow 47 115 3 5 7 9 99i J Dursch 12 Bagpipe Bonstelle Napthallus 42479 Churchl 34 117 hvy 35f 113 6 10 9 9l 108 D Connllyl2 Discussion Impressive Huffaker 42383 Churchl 34 l14mud 32f 112 5 2 4 8MO D Connllyll BBJohnson Circulate SJames 37588 Oaklwn 61 f 108 fast 6 111 10 10 11 10lll F Robsonl2 The Duke BWilliams Lackrose 37330 FGnds 1 116 147 fast 10 112 1 4 7 9 111 11 E Pool 12 Mannchen Eddie T Sea Urchin 37279 FGnds 1 116 l46fast 41 109 2 4 4 4 32 3 J B Sande 12 Goodwod ElPalomar KglingH 37104 FGnds 1 116 l53hvy 5 108 3 3 3 3U311 3 31 3s E Pool 10 Dundreary Napoleon Ruvoco 37054 FGnds 34 l13good 8 U311 7 4 41 3J5 E Pool 12 Jas F Cummings Mab Adalid AdalidBy PLAID KILTS b f 3 M 101 By Disguise Killiecrankie Dolan Koors 42677 Latonia 34 l13fast 79 101 12 12 2 12 12 12 II Thurberl2 IIGoLucUy B Joe Impressive 4227lX ston 34 l16mud 5f 103110 9 10 10l 10 O Willis 12 Louie Lou Parking Sum Sigh SighBy SAYETH ch g 4 117 By Seth Mattie Kernan Shuler 4 Ward 42479 Churchl 34 117 hvy 64 108 10810 9 10 103 II23 H Lunsfd 12 Discussion Impressive Huffaker 39530 Cheyenne 58 l01slow 20 10 108 612 J Collins 7 JoeBlair BDnalton JFrderick 33449 Cheyenne 5S l02fast 51 IOC 1 O Fisher 9 Sandab Meegone Swede Sam 39395 Cheyenne 51 f 108 fast 62 105 Sl C Wayson 9 Holulu Boy Finnigin QuidNunc 39367 Cheyenne 51 f l09fast 18 107 651 O Fisher 12 RoarGulch Casaloma MKnight 39328 Cheyenne 58 101 fast 5 10S 8 J Mulcahy 9 High Note T Duncan M Smith 39255 Cheyenne 58 l02fast 8 112 10 J MulcahylO Roscas Eng Lady Br Favorite 34 l13fast 53 105 2 8 11 10 10 F Merimeel2 Capers Mondaine Nib Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched ANTOINETTE b f 3 101 By Santoi Vinaigrette E Loh 42850 Latonia 1 116 147 fast 14f 100 10 10 6 42 33J J Heupel 12 Bon Tess Crys Day Batbilde 42787 Latonia 34 113 fast 55 102 9 8 8 845 J Heupel 12 Discussion Vsylvia AAlexder 42396 Pimlico 1 116 l52hvy 9 107 6 3 6 61 7S E Sande 11 Sibola Genev B Chas Francis 42371 Pimlico 1 116 l49fast 235 109 1 5 7 41 431 E Sande 10 Houdinl Dottie Vandiver Gath GathG 42295 Pimlico ll45hvy 5 110 9 9 8 G 516 A Richcrk 9 Comme Ci J of Arc F Shannon 42223 Pimlico 1 144 fast 51 102 433 3 2 W Obert 7 Celto Romeo Cadillac Cadillac4i 42166 HdeGce lm70yl4Gfast 31 104 2 2 2 4i 3 1 G Corey 8 Houdinl Sylvano Ivry IvryI1 42089 HdeGce Im70yl 6f ast 3 108 4 2 2 I1 1J S Wida 7 Plurenzi Sylvano Transpero Transpero2l 42055 HdeGce 51 f lllhvy 165 103 3 4 2l 2 1 J Stapletn 4 AbasdorllL Tmmywc Ubala 41990 Bowie 78 l27fast 12 92 4 3 3HADBIAN 4 4 1 H Carswell 5 Cob Lass Amalette DuchI ce ceBy HADBIAN b c 3 101 10142S7G By Free Lance Semprite T C Ferriss Ferriss7J 42S7G Latonia 1 116 l4fast 13 101 7 7 4 C 7J 7 ° 2 W Wright 10 L Rachel Wickford Gourmand Gourmand8l 42774 Latonia 34 113 fast 59 99 12 12 12420GO 11 8l 73 V Wright 12 IIGoLncky John Jr A Plotter PlotterCJ 420GO Oaklwn 51 f l08fast 7 105 5 C C413CG 6 CJ G3J W Wright 9 Scrub Lady A Alexander Verity VerityI4 413CG FGnds 51 f l09mud 4 110 2 2 3 I4 1s G M dies th 9 LillianG Dahinda J J Casey 41229 FGnds 51 f l12Vihvy 20 110 7 8 8 71 7 ° G MolesthlO Selma G Toddler Vision 10978 FGnds 5J f 107 fast 30 105 8 5 510S91 10 10 10 G Molesthl2 Bagpipe Marmite Iwiu 10S91 FGnds 5i f l07good 20 114 9 9 940T57 10 II2 10 G Molesthl2 Ragnarok WMask PhanMaid 40T57 Latonia 51 f l08slop 26 112 12 12 9 91 85 J Hanoverl2 Silv Light GcnHaig Euiaiiali 10009 Churchl 34 115 fast 15 112 6 7 777 8 ° J Hanoverl2 G Floss GMuehlebach Emanale EmanaleBy STAR BABY b f 4 By Transvaal Star Lady C Phillips 42800 Latonia 34 l12fast IS 103 6 5 5 92 8 J Mooney 12 WWIllngs BPdler HByne 42715 Latonia 34 l15yshvy 235 103 2 1 1 11 2l C RobsonlO Blaise Orenzo David Craig 42G24 Churchl 34 113 fast 32 104 2 1111 l k C Robsonl2 AMiddleton Billie B Dimitri 42416 Churchl 34 l13fast 2710 102 2 2 1 Il 11 S Boyle 12 Billie B Sister Susie Mustard 40S9S FGnds 51 f l07fast 5 105 1 1 1 Jl 1s C Robsonl2 Ophelia W Langden Aujelita 40819 Jefson 34 117 slow 31 107 1 1 1 1s M Rowan 8 B Peddler Bathilde H Mabel 40G9G Jefson 34 l20hvy 4 105 2 1 1 3 4 J F Smith 7 WHBuckner American Hope 40593 Jefson 34 l15ysgood 7 104 1 1 1 3 23 F Smith 9 Sayonarra OMartin G Grass 38981 Latonia 34 l13fast 3310 106 8 5 4 4J 4 J Howard 12 Capers Mondaiue Nib NibBy PEACEFUL STAB ch g 6 117 By Star Shoot El Salado J C Mayes 42740 Latonia 34 l14slow 34 110 9 7999 H Lunsf d 9 Dimitri Pullux Nobleman 42479 Churchl 34 117 hvy 85 110 12 12 12 11 9 R Troise 12 Discussion Impressive Huffaker 42224 Lexton J 34 l13good 69 110 11 10 10 10 10 J Pitz 11 H Burgoyne MTrask CBurus 41501 Havana 51 f l08ysslow 4 113 4 6 7 7 7IT D Boland 7 EdGarrison MissGove JamesG 41268 Havana 51 f lllhvy 31 109 8 8 8 5l 5 G PreeceJr 8 BabyGirl Bzeaway EdGrrlson 11027 Havana 34 l16slow 2 112 2 668 8 J Howard 9 TwenSeven Hwfa Sunningdalo 10935 Havana 58 110 hvy 3 114 6 2 2 I1 1 T Murray 7 Lola Bunice Ed Garrison 10888 Havana 61 t 119 bvy 21 113 2 T l4 11 W TCelsay 8 M Sweep ElPlaudit TwSeven 10852 Havana 51 f 111 slow 5 110 2 2HASTY 6 3 3 6Ti W Kelsay 8 H Atkin Presumption Bunice HASTY CORA b m 5 110 By Hastings Northnnibria J T Troxler 42479 Churchl 34 117 hvy 10 106 4 3 2 6i 8 8IT S Boyle 12 Discussion Impressive Huffaker 42383 Churchl 34 l14mud 34 102 4 3 1 31 791 S Boyle 11 BBJohnson Circulate SJames 12196 Lexton 34 l17hvy 16 100 4 1 1 1 15 T Murray 11 Circulate Mustard Waterford 42126 Lexton F C l10fast 43f 108 2 3 3 61 8 i T Murray 12 Nepe LadyRachel ThistGreen 42046 Oaklwn 58 l02fast 15 104 6 7 7 10 1021 J MclntyrelO Sureget Doc Zab Thirty Seven 41129 FGnda 51 f 113 hvy 41 112 6 P Pulled up R Troxler 0 ParBoy MarTom WHBkner 41097 FGnda 51 C 111 hvy 21 108 4 3 3 6 7 J Metcalf 9 Ermitana Parlor Boy Trusty TrustyBy PATH CONNELIY br o 4 117 By Ballot Lampover H Twyman 42479 Churchl 34 117 hvy 8 111 3 2 4 7 it 712 E Pool 12 Discussion Impressive Hnffaker 41981 Oaklwn 51 f l07fast 5 109 5 4 3 31 3 C Robsonl2 Myrtle A Sybil Silvey Shapiro 41649 Oaklwn 1 116 149 good 8 109 2 1 1 113 3i H Cassity 7 Leta Baby Cal Bogart 41567 Jefson 1 116 l51slow 3 102 3 1 1 1 Il in H J Burke 5 Blue Rock Bombast Rhymer 41470 FGnds Im20y l49hvy 5 101 5 555 5 5 5 548 C Brown 5 Pilsen Astraea Miss Kruter 41393 FGnds 51 f l10mud 8 112 4 4 4 3 331 R Troxler 11 KilBpy Speedster LdyLuxury 41233 FGnds Im70y l53hvy 115 104 5 2 2 42 4 C Robson 8 Bajazet DDodge Bliiebannock 41208 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 31 112 1 2 1 I1 11 E Pool 12 Sosiua Early Sight Parlor Boy