Sixth Race [6th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-25

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SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and npwardr Claiming June 20 1914 150 3 105 KINGFISHEB oh r B By Sea King Ida B T E Crist 42877 Latonia 1 18 l52fast 15f 109 9 9 9 7 21 2J T Murray 12 Exhorter Lucky R Aztec Aztec42S3S 42S3S Latonia 1 l16l47g6od41 110 8 7 7 8 8 8 ° R Davies 11 Deckmate Emanale Obolus 42780 Latonia 1 116 l46Vfcfast 8 109 9 10 10 7 91 9 R Davies 12 Th Green DrSamuel Kilkenny 42123 HdeGce 1 18 156 good 45 106 8 7 6 4 4 3 L Fator 9 Luther Sleetli Boyat 42097 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 6 103 10 8 5 5 51 3J S WIda 12 Ind Chant SimonPure AlmaB 42057 HdeGce Im70yl51 hvy 6 107 8 10 10 8 B 3 S Wida 11 Comacho Vir Yell G M Miller 41933 Havana 1 14 206 fast 4 113 3 3 2 2 2 1 A Finley 8 John W Klein Bac Diadi 41904 Hayanal 1 140 fast 1 110 3 664 44 21 H Thurber 7 FostEmbry Vocabulary Petlar PetlarSENATOR SENATOR JAKES ck r 106 By Ort Wella Kiu laetttia H W Plant 42744 Latonia 1 l40slow IS 11110 77 2 2 31 J Hanoverl2 SMcMkin Sdmnnll SOlivor 42707 Latonia 1116146 fast 24 115 2333 3 3SJ J Hanoverl2 Philistine JackHIll CrystalDay 42629 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 12 109 4 2 3 3 52 51B H ThurberlO Rookery Capt Burns Nashville 42532 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 6 111 1 2 2 2 11 21 H Thurberl2 Dioscoride Circulate Night Owl 42455 Churchl 34116 mud 28 111 8 77 6 653 J Groth 10 BBJohnson Lncelot BHensly 42383 Churchl 34 l14mud 11 109 3 7 7 41 33J H Thurberll BBJnsn Circlte WpWdm 42315 Churchl 34113fast 30f 111 1 66 31 3 H Thurberll John Jr KingBelle Sandmanli 41825 Havana 34 l12fast 85 120 6 332 2 k B Hileman 8 Manganese Sky Man Lola LolaGRUMPY GRUMPY b gr 7 111 By Canopus FlorentU C J Brockmiller 42462 Churchl 1 18 l58mud 8 111 3 3 2 2 2s 2 J Groth 11 Tito Philistine Bajazet 42334 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 24 112 4 6 11 11 11 11 R Trolso 11 Fair Orient Parr Sungold 42023 Oaklwn 1116148 fast 4 106 2 2 2 1 U 2n C Brown 7 HCBascb Hkorynut Rookery 41998 Oaklwn 1 116 147 fast 3i 113 6 7 6 7 Gl 451 E Haynes 8 Nominee Baby Cal Philistine 41820 Oaklwn 1 116 l46fast 2 115 6 6 6 4 4l 4 E Haynes 8 Kenward Eulogy Cain Spring 41741 Oaklwn 1316200 fast 115113 131 1 1 I1 E Haynes 8 Waterproof Bajazet Tksgiying 41662 Oaklwn 1 116 149 slow 4 109 2 2 2 2 2 In B Haynes 8 Honolulu Boy Bajazet Tito 41509 FGnds Im70y l46good 3J 108 1 6 4 2 1 1s M Garner 9 Kilmer Romeo Ben Hampson HampsonDR DR SAMUEL br g 8 111 By Bryn Mawr LardeUa W Perkins Perkins42S90 42S90 Latonia 1 14 20ofast 25 108 10 11 11 11 10 10J R Simpsohll BrunettcIL GGlow SMcMkin 28G4 Latonia 1 18 l51fast 31 110 4 6 5 5 5 5 R Simpson 7 SofPsure DWilliams MPolly 42816 Latonia 1 316 l59fast 1710 111 6 2 2 3 41 633 IV Simpsonl2 Golden Glow Rookery Bajazet 42780 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 136 11111 76 G 31 21 R Simpsonl2 ThlstGreen Kilkenny Paula V 42435 Churchl 1 14 2llmud 12 102 6 6 6 6 61 41 C Robson G SazyNamy El Rcy Irregular 42389 Churchl 1 116 l49mud 103 1101 7 11 10 9 9 8 R Simpsonll High Low Manokin Raider 26948 FGnds Im70y 143 fast 10 110 11 9 9 8 10i 10 W Kelsay 12 ShrpFrost JLouise PaddyDear PaddyDearWATERPROOF WATERPROOF oh g 7 111 By Cunard Tinker Turcan Smith 42877 Latonia 1 18 l52fast 23 114 10 11 11 10 SJ 62 J Mooney 12 Exhorter Kingfisher Lucky R 42272 Lexton 1 18 l5Gmud 1910 106 G 6 4 4 4s 43 CVI Garner 8 Hondo Bogart Bonnie Tcss 42216 Lexton 1 18 l58hvy 195 109 6 6 6 4 45 441 W Crump G Tito Flapper Bajazet 41972 Oaklwn 1 316 203mud 3 10S 4 7 6 1 Il I3 A Schugr 9 Thanksgiving Aztec LltString 41839 Oaklwn 1 316 201 fast 4 108 8 6 3 6 6l G1 M Garner 10 BofPhenix Willdo Tksgivini 41761 Oaklwn 1 l8l57hvy 1320 113 4 4 4 3 2J 2 M Garner 7 Ellison Aztec Thanksgiing 41741 Oaklwn 1 316 200 fast 41 108 8 7 7 5 21 2 M Garner 8 Grumpy Bajazct Thanksgiving 41707 Oaklwn 1 l41fast 8 108 6 6 6 6 2J 2J M Garner 6 Bogart Medusa Tito TitoBAJAZET BAJAZET br g 4 109 By ndirm Skirts C C Wright 42816 Latonia 1 31G l59fnst 33 111 4334 2i 3i E Pool 12 Golden Glow Rookery Verity 42744 Latonia 1 l40slow 42 111 It 10 12 11 10s 1051 F Murphy 12 SMcMkin Sdmnnll SJames 42707 Latonia 1116146 fast 30 115101010 7 71 S ° F Murphy 12 Philistine Jack Hill Sonfames 42630 Churthl 1 18 l52fast C 108 2 6 5 7 8 S31 J Howard 10 Sandmanli JackHill Corydoh 42508 Rey424G2 Churchl 1 14 212hvy 11 107 5 4 3 2 2l 22 E Pool 7 Flapper Baby Lynch El Rey 424G2 Churchl 1 18 lG8mud 7 107 6 8 9 7 6 4 ° M Garner 11 Tito Grumpy Philistine 42405 Churchl 1 18 l55slow 5 106 5 6 6 G G1 6 C Brown 10 Bogart Flapper El Rcy 42244 Lexton 1 14 206fast 115 108 464 1 I2 I3 C Brown 9 Befactor DofShelby FMuroo 42216 Lexton 1 18 l58hvy 10 109 1 4 3 3 3 31 E Pool G Tito Flapper Waterproof WaterproofLOTTERY LOTTERY br g 5 111 By Garry Herrmann Dovecote Marshall Bros Bros428S9 428S9 Latonia 1 11G 145 fast 15 111 11 8 7 G G1 42 J Hanovcrll Reveler Medusa Sunflash 42816 Latonia 1 316 l59fast 45 111 10 6 7 9 1 733 J Hanoverl2 Golden Glow Rookery Bajazet 42707 Latonia 1116146 fast 15f 110111111 11 S1 6 i T Murray 12 Philistine JackHill SonJames 42555 Churchl 1 18 l56 mud 12 109 2 4 G 6 6 6 II Lunsfd 5 TippoSahib ErnestB WiseMhii 42162 Churchl 1 1S l58nmd 15 106 7 6 8 8 8 6s W Wright 11 Tito Grumpy Philistine 42409 Churchl 1 1S 154 slow 3110 109 6 6 6 6 4 4 O Wmia 7 Pastoureau Mis Polly Redland 42349 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 45 107 756 6 6s 6JO O Willis 7 H C Basch Pastoureau Bogart BogartTITO TITO br g 8 118 By Dr Leggo Georgia Girl CW E Dexter 42851 Latonia 1 116 l46fast C 110 S 9 10 8 61 G11 L Canfieldl2 BMcDawcll IICBasch GGlow 42462 Churchl 1 18 l58mud 2310 106 1 1 1 1 1s 1 L Canfieldll Grumpy Philistine Bajazet 42405 Churchl 1 18 l55slow 225 115 2 2 2 3 32 45 O Willis 10 Bogart Flapper El Rey 42216 Lexton 1 18 l5Shvy 41 109 2 2 2 2 21 11 O Willis G Flapper Bajazet Waterproof 42036 Oaklwn 1 116 l48slow 135 110 111 1 2 I1 O Willis 8 Mab Ninety Simplex Examiner 42011 Oaklwn Im70y 145 fast 10 113 332 2 2 3 = 1 B Haynes 8 Miss Kruter Lucius BShilling 41915 Oaklwn Im70y l46fast 12 113 6 3 5 4 21 2e J Mclntyre 9 Miss Kruter Lucius Gleipner 41707 Oaklwn 1 l41fast 31 112 1 2 2 2 4l 4 L Gentry G Bogart Waterproof Medusa MedusaREDSTART MedusaREDSTART REDSTART ch g 4 M 106 By St Volma Phoenix Rose L Bryant 42902 Latonia 1 1S 152 fast GO ICC 2 6 4 G S1 S R Davies 12 Sandmanli BourbonLad Gibby 42859 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 27f 115 1 4 4 3 31 3 J R Davies 12 Paris Maid Stevenson Saner 42625 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 30 11G110 11 10 10 9 9 L Gentry 12 SayWhen Brunettell Thirteen 42480 Churchl 1 116 153 hvy 38 113111111 12 12 12 W Lilley 12 Prospector ParMaid DHogan 40045 Churchl 1 18 l64J fast 36 101 6 6 5 7 61 6 1 O Willis 7 Alhena Diadi John W Klein 39989 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 69 107 9 7 6 7 10 10 L Gentry 10 Glasstol HBreivogel Exhorter S9S69 ExhorterS9S69 Douglas Im70yl45fast 34 107 9 8 8 10 10 10 J Hanoverl2 Amalette Exhorter Lucky Day 39795 Lexton 1116 l47tast 50 106101010 9 10 8 J Howard 12 Sasenta GreatGull CaptHodge CaptHodgeTANLAC TANLAC b g 6 106 By Toddington Lemco J C Milm 42851 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 9 109 7 10 9 5 4U 68i C Robsonl2 BMcDawell HCBasch GGlow 42744 Latonia 1 l40slow 19 106 4 4 3 G 3h 61 T Murray 12 SMcMkin Sdmanll SJames 42591 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 23 103 5 8 4 3 21 2s T Murray 12 Bandymo Bonnie Tess Rookery 42457 Churchl 1153 mud 4110 160 212 1 21 33 Col Robn 8 Ettahe Harry Shaw Jack K 42369 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 12 102 4 7 10 7 6 541 T Murray 12 Hondo Bonnie Tess Sea Urchin 42321 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 54 104 9 7 6 6 61 G12 T Murray 12 Lively High Low Bogart 422SO Bogart422SO Lexton 34 117 mud 265 107 8 7 7 61 6 i C Robson 9 WoWisdm Rhymer LMexican 42224 Lexton 34 l13good 11 102 8 98 51 G83 C Rob sonll H Burgoyne MTrask CBurns CBurnsI I HONDO blk g B 118 By Plaudit Blue Jacket Deary Bros 42188 Lexton 1 116 l51hyy 3110 107 311 1 21 3 = 1 S Boyle 11 LitString Hondo ChickBarkley 42160 Lexton 1 116 l49mud 40 108 2 2 2 4 31 2 R Davies 11 Redland Fr Monroe LitStrine 42010 Oaklwn 1 l41fast 15 112 6 3 4 4 6 63 H Hamf n 7 lolite Sayonarra Eulogy EulogyDUKE DUKE OF SHELBY blk g 8 106 By Stalwart Piseco W E Matthews Matthews42SS9 42SS9 Latonia 1 116 146 fast 12f 111 7 11 11 It 9t S l H J Burkell Reveler Medusa Sunflash 42780 Latonia 1 116 l40fast SO 111121212 9 71 6 3 J Bell 12 Th Green DrSumuel Kilkenny 42435 Churchl 1 14 2llmud 30 107 4 3 3 6 6 6 W Hoag G SazyNamy El Rey Irregular 42409 Churchl 118154 slow 75 109 5 6 6 6 6 Gl J Bell 7 Pastoureau Mis Polly Redland 42244 Loxton 1 14 206fast 62 1101 765 6 4J 33i J Bell 9 Bajazet Benefactor F Monroe 42075 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 30 108 7 6 7 6 7 7 J Bell 11 Mab Scourgeman Willdo 42034 Oaklwn 1 116 l49slow 10 110 6 6 6 6 6 5 J Bell G F Monroe Ycrmak L Cochran 42007 Oaklwn Im70y l46fast 30 1101010 7 7 61 4 1 J Bell 11 Br Favorite Yermak Caraway CarawayAlso Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched scratchedRIFLE RIFLE SHOOTER b h 6 111 By Star Shoot Babbie A L KIrby KIrby42S89 42S89 Latonia 1116146 fast 11210 C 6 G 7 = 71 L Gentry 11 Reveler Medusa Sunflash 42532 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 7 109111211 9 9l S 3 W Ridenrl2 Dioscoride SenJames Circulate 41040 FGnda Im70y l47slow 8 110 4 6 6 6 G G L Gentry 7 Opportunity Jiffy Berlin 40982 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 8 109 5 8 7 6 G3 651 L Gentry 8 Sandy Lad Big Fellow Lottery 3S704 Lottery3S704 Latonia 1 316 200Afast 4 112 2 3 2 2 21 3 L Gentry 12 El Rey Alert Eddie T T3SG26 3SG26 I atoiila 1 116 l47fast 2710 113 8 6 4 3 2J 1 L Gentry 10 Porugino Mud Sill Crucen Crucen3S329 3S329 Church1 Im70yl44fast 45 111 1 6 6 7 7 7 Ti Gentry 7 Sun Maid Rhymer JohnWKIein JohnWKIeinaS275 aS275 Churchl 1 116 148 fast 95 112 644 4 6 6 L Gentry 5 Lottery Redland Baby Lynch 379S7 Lynch379S7 Lexton Im70y l50hvy 75 111 1 3 1 1 1 1B L Gentry 6 Executor Surpassing J Reeves ReevesCHIEF CHIEF BROWN br g 6 106 By Bannockburn Merida G L Strong i7G25 Strongi7G25 7625 Havana 1 l47hvy 6 118 7 7 7 7 7 73 R Ball 7 Circulate Lytle Nashville Nashville7J33G Nashville7J33G 7J33G Havana ImSOy l42fast 10 115 7 7 7 7 7 7 Tl Ball 7 F of Steel Lohengrin Nashville NashvilleST244 NashvilleST244 ST244 Havana Im50y 143 fast 3 110 9 9 8 7 81 551 R McCrnn 9 Uockaway BSimmons Lohengn LohengnC71G2 LohengnC71G2 C71G2 Havana 1 1S 155 fast G 105 4 4 4 G 6 G F Smith fi SunGod J J Murdock OlgaSlar 37130 Havana 1 18 156 fast 85 116 G 4 4 23 1 F Smith 7 RSitnons Nphthys DrPrathnr 37032 Havana 1 l4Gslow 32 107 2 4 4 3 3 3 F Smith 4 L LRowena Rowcna BrightSand Balfron BalfronS7000 BalfronS7000 S7000 Havana 1 116 156 slop G5 115 4 3 2 1 1 I3 F Smith 4 B Simmons Balfron Protection 36930 Havana Im50y l47good 2 105 5 6 6 5 4 33 L Hmphs 5 BrhtSand LRowena Rochester RochesterKILKENNY RochesterKILKENNY KILKENNY ch g 5 106 By Celt Fairy Sprite M J Lowenstein Lowenstein42S77 Lowenstein42S77 42S77 Latonia 1 1S l52fast 51 103 3 5 G 3 3 r 3 C Brown 12 Kxhorter Kingfisher Lucky R 42780 Latonia 1 116 l4Sfast 4S 106 6 4 4 4 4 3 = 1 G Stack 12 ThisGrcen DrSamuel Paula V V42GS3 V42GS3 42GS3 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 55 10S 10 10 11 11 11 11 G Stock 12 Dancer Sunflash Chillura Chillura3S215 3S215 Churchl 1 116 l48fast 18 108 11 9 8 7 101 H3 r Connllyll Parr Sandstone II Schemer Schemer37G73 37G73 Oaklwn Im70y l46good 5 103 8 8 6 9 12 12 I Connllyl2 Rhymer Ben Levy King K K37G16 37G16 Oaklwn 1 116 l48fast 31 110 11 11 7 8 91 101 D Connllyl2 BeauMorn Slumberer AHcinza 36204 Latonia Im70y l44fast 43 107 8 10 9 10 9l 7l H Stearns 11 Jack Snipe Clare Rhymer 35591 Latonia 1 116 l46good 31 107 11 5 6 4 71 71 D Connllyll Jovial Dr Tuck Jack Snipe SnipeKEZIAH KEZIAH br m 8 106 By ndrim Kerchief C W Gasser 42850 Latonia 1 11G 147 fast llf 112 9 8 8 7 91 S J Mooney 12 BonTess CrysDay Antoincllo 42181 HdeGce Im70yl46fast 14 91 13 S 10 4 2l 6 3 J StaplefnlG SirWJnson AlmaB BHunley 42104 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 19 93 5 2 2 2 33 31 L Fator 9 Romeo Perseus Fairy Prince Prince420S2 420S2 HdeGce Im70yl45fast 26 97 10 10 10 11 9 1 S12 J Wessler 11 Dan Indian Chant Millrace 41945 Oaklwn Im70y l46fast 31 103 6 5 6 2 2l 21 M Rowan 7 MWeils TphileV NoManager 41919 Oaklwn Im70y l45fstst 41 105 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 C Brown 10 Barb Shilling Rookery Byrne 41856 Oaklwn 34 l14Vifast 41 1061 6 4 4 2 21 J Groth 12 Verity Examiner Bengali 41710 Oaklwn 1 116 l47fast 20 110 6 6 4 6 6 5 J Groth 10 Grey Eagle Aldebaran Ellison 41648 Oaklwn 1 1W l49good 12 111 1 4 4 5 6 610 J Groth 7 High Horse Aztec Gleipner GleipnerKINGOZI KINGOZI b e 4 M 106 By Eyebrow Sandringham Belle Speyer Gorm Gormley ley ley42S90 42S90 Latonia 1 14 205fast 15f 108 7 6 C G 7l 7Ji O Willis 11 Brunettell GGlow SMcMkin SMcMkin42S16 42S16 Latonia 1 316 l59fast 13f 111 2 9 10 10 H1 11 J Dreyer 12 Golden Glow Rookery Bnjazet Bnjazet427SO 427SO Latonia 1 116 l46fast 21f 110 7 8 8 8 8l 6 3 C Howard 12 Th Green DrSamuel Kilkenny 42285 Lexton 1 18 l5Smud 20 106 2 2 2 2 2 21 O Willis G Chick Barkley Paula V Almino 42244 Lexton 1 14 206fast 83 106 8 8 8 6 6 6 J N Barrett 9 Bajazet Bnefactor DofShelby 4212 Lexton Im70y l53hvy 43 112 6 6 6 6 6 Gl W Meehan 7 Cntilever Gourmand Hndblne 40527 Latonia 1 116 l52mud 94 110 4 7 8 7 8 7 C Brown 8 Bourbon Lad Jiffy Redmon 40501 Latonia 34 l14good llf 11412 12 11 91 910 J WolstmlS Brig of War Holda Cap Hodge 40429 Latonia 1 116 l52hvy 65 106 9 9 9 9 7 6 C VnDun 9 H Breivogel Pulaski 0 Hodge HodgeQUITO QUITO b c 4 108 By Free Lance Mytilene T 0 Forriss 42902 Latonia 1 18 152 fast 17 105 5 4 G 10 5 4 i W Wright 12 Sandmanli BourbonLad Gibby 42818 Latonia 1 316 200fast 235 IOC 332 3 2l 2 W Wright 10 Brynlimali GRussell CBarkley 42744 Latonia 1 l40slow 10 106 1 6 6 5 4l 7 = 1 W Wright 12 SMcMkin SndmanlL SJamei 42703 Latonia 1 1S l52Mfast 6 105 2 4 2 2 31 31 W Wright 9 lolite Sandman II J C Stone 42590 Churchl 112233 fast 265103 355 3 2 21 W Wright 7 El Rey ChickBarkley Brickley 42574 Churchl 1 18 l5SV5hvy 12 103 6 6 6 6 4l 4 = 1 W Wright 8 Raider Nominee Rhyme 41959 Oaklwn 1 116 l47fast 10 101 7 7 7 7 7 7 W Wright 7 Reveler lolite Parr 41277 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 20 106 10 9 9 7 61 J G Moles thlO Graphic Orderly Sybil Sybil411G5 411G5 FGnds Im70y l47slovr 15 104 7 11 10 9 8 85 G Molesthll Dioscoride Lottery Lib Sands

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Local Identifier: drf1919062501_4_4
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