Third Race [3rd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-25

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THIRD RACE 34 Kilo 3yearolds Special Weights June 27 1914 111 5 116 TOTO b g 3 115 11542SS7 By Hippodrome Tripping F D Weir 42SS7 Latotiia 31 l12 fast 75 123 2 1 1 2 3 T Murray 7 Senn Park Joe Stahr Bcllsolar 42776 Latonia 34 lll ifast 1 111 1 1 1 lh 2 T Murray 0 Bon Jour JoeStahr MajorParke 42717 Latonia 34 115 hvy 35 115 2 1 14260S 1 2 2 T Murray 7 American Ace Sway Balarosa 4260S Belmont 34 st l10 fast 12 100 2 2 2 31 43 J Callahan 8 Billy Kelly Lucullite Papp 42474 Belmont 5Jf st 1OG slow 310 120 G 6 64208S 5 4l 31 J Dreyer 12 MerPrincess TheBoy Youneed 4208S HdeGce 51 t l05fast 41 116 6 1 1 li 2J J Dreyer G Milkmaid Ticklish Routledge 42043 HdeGce 68 l02slop 65 120 1 1 1 1J 1 J Dreyer 9 Ticklisb Star Realm CrysFprd 40485 Latonta 34114 goods 117 6 1 1 1 I1 J Dreyer 10 Linden American Ace Regalo RegaloBy GALLICUBCI ch f 3 103 By Ivan the Terrible Foyer fW WV Harden 42874 Latonia 34 l12fast 8 101 3 3 3 41 3i T Murray 8 Troiliis Klkti Bon Trpnip 42679 Latonia 34 112 fast 3310 106 0 4 4 4 4 T Murray 10 Bon Jour Legal Lady Fair Play 42531 Church1 1 1 l39 fast 6 103 7 2 2 5 7l 7 C Robson 8 Jorice Clermoht Linden 42481 Church 1 34 l16hvy 1710 107 1 2 2 3s 33 C Robson 7 Jago Mormon General Hals 42420 Churchl 1 ItSSHfast 12 108 1 1 1 1 3 41 C Robson 8 LillianShaw Bellsolar Flyaway 42345 Church 1 34113 fast 9 110 C 4 5 G 4 1 T Murray 9 Legotal Bellsolar Binding Tie 40505 Latonia 34 l13sgood 18 97 4 6 677 41 H Lxmsfd 7 Sedan Bon Tromp Skilca Knob 40485 Latonia 34 114 good 14 107 1 3 346 6J H Lunsfd 10 Toto Linden American Ace JAP b f 3 By Coy Lad Inspiration H H Hewitt 42SS7 Latonia 5 4 EJ 5TJ S Boyle 7 Sennings Park Joe Stahr Toto 42834 Latonia 34 li4slow i S 7 EI 4 H J Burke 8 Madras Gingham Kiku Legotal 424S1 Churchl 34 l16hvy C9 4 5 G 6s H J Burke 7 Jago Mormon GalliCurci 42420 Churchl 1 l3Svifast 106 10S C 7 8 S S S H J Burke 8 LillianShaw Bellsolar Flyaway 42315 Churchl 34113 fast 129 110 3 6 7 Si S II J Burke 0 Legotal Bellsolar Binding Tie 42114 Lex1 Lexton ton 34 l13fast 83 1101 2 4 6 7 H J BurkelO Lillian Shaw Rcgalo Legotal 40103 Latonia 34 l16hvy 10 109 1 2 6 9 9 J Howard 10 Iwiniwin Camfleur AAander 39974 Churchl 51 f lOG fast 17 110 3 4 4 31 3 D Connlly 5 ColTylor CLivingsn GCufci GCufciBy XIKU br f 3 103 10342S74 By Sweep Silk Maid W L lewis lewisG 42S74 Latonia 34 l12fast 9 100 7 G 5 b 2l II Thurber 8 Troilus GalliCurci Bon Tromp 42834 Latonia 34 l14slow 14 107 G 6 64277G 3 21 2 II Lunsfd 8 Madras Gingham Legotal Jap 4277G Latonia 31 lllfast 41 101 8 S 7 61 Gl C Robson 9 Bon Jour Toto Toe Stahr 39035 Latonia 5S l01fast 9 112 5 4 43S953 3 4 1 G Molesthl2 Retta B Lady Manager Grace 3S953 Latonia 5S lOU fast 14 112 1 3 3 31 3 1 G Molesthl2 Vansylvia WarTax UlsterQuen UlsterQuenBy DOCOD en c 3 103 By Voorhees love of Gold M Goldblatt 42200 Lcxton P C l12hvy 1G5 110 4 3 3 3l 4 D Connlly 7 Silver Light Jago Legal 42156 Lexton 34 l13fast 115 115 3 2 3 4s 4 D Connllyll Legotal Linden Mormon 42115 Lexton Im70y l42 fast 4310 110 533 3 4 G C D Connlly 7 StBernard Stockwell SenPark 41877 Oaklwn 34 I14mud 3 111 1 1 1 I1 1 D Connlly 4 Silv Light Mormon Ed Stone 4173S Oaklwn 5J f lOGvifast 10 108 2 2 2 2l 21 D Connlly S Eternal Drummond Skye Ball 417G3 Oaklwn 34 116 hvy 4 931 2 2 1 I1 I2 M Cruise 7 BobHeusley Iaddy BParadisc 41051 FGnda 51 f l07gbpd 5 110 6 6 6 81 9 J Metcalf 12 Cobweb HiddenJewel RoICralg 3S532 Douglas 58 53ifast 8 109 3 3 5 3i 3T E Sande 6 Scnn Park By Heck Cacambo CacamboBy EMANALE b g 3 103 10342Ur By Duval Mago A Breuso 42Ur Latonia 1 116 l49mud 3110 103 344 4 3 4 = 4 H Thurber 7 Redland AniLlitn Brynlimali 42S7G Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 5 101 6 C 6 6 2 4i S Boyle 10 L Rachel WIckford Gourmand 428JS Latonia 1 11G l47good 36 103 9 5 4 1 11 2 J Dreyer 11 Dcckmate Obolus Thinker 41G33 Icfsoii Im70y 145 fast 20 90 2 G 5 7 8 8 2 J Stapletn f Waukcag Jiffy Dan Bright 1 l41good 12 92 G 2 1 2 2 G H Ericksn 7 Bolster Dan Bright Waukeag 41581 Jefson 1 148 mud 8 93 2 8 2 3 3 44J II Ericksn 4 Douglass S Waukeag Warsaw Warsaw410r 410r 3 KGnds Im70y l46good 7 92 3 4 3 3 1 I1 H Ericksn 8 BFcllow BMcDwoll KenBoy KenBoyBY BY HECK b c 3 105 By Helmet lady languish E B Bradley Bradley42S 42S Litoiiia 34 llliifast 10 IDS 3 44 C f S Boyle 8 Sway Joriw Linden Linden4231S 4231S Churchl 34 l14fast 20 llf 10 B 8 S1 7 L Gentry 12 Linden Joyful Texas Special SpecialH H S2 Latonia 51 f l07fast 7 112 7 G f 71 7 B Pool II Ticklish Linden Madras MadrasWS74 WS74 Latonia Dl f l07fast 15 110 6 64 4 li L Gentry 12 Sam Rch Col Taylor Ticklish Ticklishsr73 sr73 Douglas f S 59Vifast 31 111 9 97 61 G11 L Gentry 11 Slark CLivingston StBrnard StBrnardS5i2 S5i2 Douglas BS 59 fast G 110 1 1 2 21 2 W Lilley 6 Scnnings Park Docod Cacambo CacamboS8426 S8426 Douglas 58 r 9fast 27 109 1 222 2 II Lunsfd 7 C Livingston Lancelot MParke MParkeSSS1G SSS1G Churchl 58 l01fast 8 110 2 1 1 I1 lh L Gentry 10 Ollic S John Churchill Iwin IwinLANCELOT LANCELOT b c 3 103 By Trap Rock Kerry Heart G J Loser 12911 Latonia 34 l13mud 3X 102 9 75 C8 0 C Robson 9 Breeze David Craig Pullux 42715 Latonia 31 l15Ahyy 7 10G 3 34 5J G11 C Brown 10 Blaiso Star Baby Orenzo Orenzo425S9 425S9 Churchl 34 l12 = fast 17 10S 2 22 24 5i J Groth 9 American Ace MadgeF Omond 12 Churchl 34116 hvy 3110100 7 5 4 5l 6Ji S Boyle 8 Top Coat Skilcs Knob Squeeler 15 Churchl 34 116 mud 9 105 4 2 2 1 2 W Wright 10 BBJohnson BHensley C Run Run423G3 423G3 Churchl 34 l13fast 13 107 2 2 2 I1 11 W Wright 12 Gold Stone LRachel Saraspta 42318 Churchl 34 l14fast 10 115 3 1 2 6 911 C Brown 12 Linden Joyful Texas Special 42182 Lexton PCl12hvy 18 10712 1111 Il C Brown 11 SansPeurlL Dcussion Hopeful HopefulNAPTHALIUS NAPTHALIUS b e 3 M 108 By Lorenzo Napthalia J W Schorr I2S2 I vtonia 34 l14slow 41 10G 7 733 = 33l II Lunsfd 12 Bagpipe Bonstello Lucinda Lucinda425S5 425S5 Churchl 34 l12fast 106 100 U 11 11 11 II38 J Groth 11 Marslohn LRachel MGgham JANE PENNYBAKER b f 3 103 By Sir John Johnson Dum Bum J P Baker 1012S Latonia 5i f l10Hhvy 14 102 5 5EARLY 4 1 lz 1 H J Burke 9 EddieTrantcr Cantilever Betsy BetsyBy EARLY SPRING b g 3 II 103 10342S73 By McGee Stella Moberly L S Fladd 42S73 Latonia 34 lllfast 228 1C5 7 74277G 7 S S 8ja N Barrett 8 Sway Jorice Linden 4277G Latonia 34 lllfast 245 100 4 3 9 9 9 N Barrett 9 Bon Jour Toto Joe Stahr 42252 Lexton 34 l13fast 11 107 9 9THIRD 6 10 H U W Crump 12 Vision Miss Manage Hopover THIRD WITCH b f 3 M 103 10342S5S By Hurst Park Two Lick W Showalter 42S5S Latonia 34 l12fast 117 110 5 542S34 4 3 4J 7 H Thurberl2 Fit II Lady Fair Play Vision 42S34 Latonia 34 l14slow 64 103 S G 5 61 68i H Thurber 8 Madras Gingham Kiku Legotal Also eligible to start should any of the above be scratched HTODEH JEWEL b c 3 108 By Disguise Rubia Granda E Trotter 42845 Latonia 34 l13fast 7f 101 G G42GG4 32 21 2 O Willis 11 AAlexander Pullux BTromp 42GG4 Latonia 34 l12fast 39f 111 3 1 1 11s II18 6 Willis 12 II Burgoync Madge F Pullux 42301 Churchl 34 llGhvy 34 107 4 44119G 2 3 71 715 O Willis S Green Grass DrCarmcn Pullux 4119G FGnds 51 f lOSimud 4 110 2 2 1 21 3s C Robson 5 SilLight WarMask Discussion 41051 FGnds 5i f l07good 25 10S 3 2 2 2J 2 C RobsonlS Cobweb Roi Craig Padua 4673 FGnds 51 f lOCfast 20 10S 11 11 11 11 11 J Metcalf 11 RoiCraig UnderFire SilvLight 40S99 FGnda 6i f 1OS fast 8 108 1 4 10 12 12 J Metcalf 12 Romeo Marmite F and Square

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Local Identifier: drf1919062501_4_1
Library of Congress Record: