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Aqueduct Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday June 25 WEATHEK CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner i Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3year 3year olds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record July 1910 111 3 110Todays Todays 110 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan4rj 4rj 7 Star Spangled 110 112 4 113 725 725SSrS SSrS Right Angle 105111 4108X720 40171 Alvord 116113 T 5115X715 115X715 428 7 = Apple Jack II 108114 3102715 42233 Katie Canal 102114 4 109 715 428 7 Peasant 117 113 5 122 715 71542S41 42S41 Ultra old 109113 4 120 710 42427 Pasamena 108114 4 108 710 41921 Rora 103113 4 10SX710 42583 Wawbeek 105110 4108X710 42277 Ninety Simplex 109J13 7117X710 428 7 Billie B 107jl12 12OX710 42841 Onwa 110 112 5 115X705 42722 Golden King 1 10 114 4 113 705 42391 M limbo Jumbo 118114 5112705 42781 Hohokus 110 114 3 110 705 109 114 5 115X705 115 114 4 120X700 42100 Tims F McMahon 3 103X700 42857 Title M 101 115 3 98 700 700If If ready Star Spangled should win winSecond Second Race About 2 Miles Sixth Running Baysido Selling Steeplechase 41200 Added 4ryearolds and upward Track record Oct 4 1917 408 4 145 42024 Sjosset 9142X700 12913 Skibberoen 9 132X 95 12921s Reddest 7 142X 90 12924 New Haven 10 142X685 12914s Toppy Nix 5 137 680 680Syosset Syosset is in excellent form formThird Third Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record July 8 1918 58 2 112 11242S44 42S44 NEDDAM 120101 110 725 42883 = Anzite M 108 101 107 715 71542SS33 42SS33 Jly Laddie 115 101 110 710 42200 Krewer 110 705 Sand Bed ch c by Ogtlen S a n d dPocket Pocket 107 107Neddam Neddam seems quite the best here Fourth Race 1 Mile MileHanover Hanover Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record July 1 1910 13 8 114 42880 Thunderstorm1 117 141 3 105 750 42843s Valor 107 138 r 1200745 42794 = Fell Swoop 5 114 740 1290S African Arrow 111 137 4 97X735 42797 Sailor 114 141 3 101X730 Thunderstorm is fast and in fine form Fifth Raco I 116 Miles Miles3ycarolds SellingTrack 3ycarolds and upward Selling Track record Sept 10 1918 144 1 109 42892 Frederick the Greatlll 147 4 115X750 115X75042811s 42811s Paddy Whack 111145 6111x745 42427 TingaLing 102147 0115X745 42879 1 vry 103 1 4R 3 100X 740 42892 = N K Beal 110 147 5 1150740 42278 Ballast 95147 4113X740 42892 Hubbub 306 146 61110735 42802 Sasin 107 145 6 113x735 42895 Orderly 110146 6 115 735 42809 Cain Spring 87147 3101x730 42401 Belario v f 3 99 730 39720 Tenons Bon 4 111 725 42909 Saddle Rock M 95 150 3 99 710 Frederick tlio Great should win again againSizth Sizth Race 1 Mile Mile3ycarolds 3ycarolds mid upward Maidens Allowances Track record July 1 1916 136 S 114 12821 = War Rocket 112142 3112 725 12856s Search Light III 98 142 3 112 720 42120 King A Agrippa 4 lir 715 12867s Alors 115 149 fi 11 r 715 422921 Manclia 115 140 4 lir 715 715s 42821 Sir Gra Graf ton s in 710 12821 Leading Star 3 IIL 710 38303 War N Note 35319 Princes 42545 2545 The Yoi Yoi426S9f Young Cavalier 426S9f Baihelo Bachelors Bliss 115143 11514329K 12909 29K Somcrle 115 IMStf 12909 Saddle Saddle428G9 Rock 112 113 428G9 2869 Twiford 112143 112143Sweet Sweet Tooth b c by Sir Martin Sugar Mademoiselle Max inic b m by Golden Maxim Koiuurasaki fJ Luinsden entry AVar Rocket ran well in his last race