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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY PARIS France July 21 The Austrian were in possession of the complete terme of their peace settlement today The remainder of the document the first section of which was handed to them June 2 was given to their representatives at St Germain yesterday by Paul Dutasta secretary of the peace conference with an utter lack of cere ¬ mony They have fifteen days in which to file additional observations The principal terms of the treaty are Austria must accept responsibility for loss and damages to the allies through a war of aggression She must surrender all of her merchant fleet and a fifth of her river fleet within three months She must make reparation within thirty years for damages to allied civilians and their prop ¬ erty She must abolish conscription and reduce her army to 30000 She must accept her share of the former dual monarchys pnewar debt which is di ¬ vided among the nations which formerly constituted the empire She must reduce all her armaments and surrender all surplus She must renounce the Bucharest and BrestLitovsk treaties She must turn over all her cables to the allies alliesWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 21 The federal government Intervened today to prevent a recur ¬ rence of the attacks made Saturday and Sunday nights by soldiers sailors and marines against negroes in retaliation for assaults by negroes on white women in this city After a conference between Secretary Baker and the local governing authorities the army provost guard was restored to duty The police authorities announced that 250 soldiers and marines would aid the police in patrol ¬ ling the streets tonight MajorGeneral Barnett commandant of marines assured the authorities all possible help would be given by marines from Washington barracks barracksCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 July 21 Weather forecast Illi ¬ nois Generally fair today and Tuesday slightly cooler tonight and in east portion Tuesday Mis ¬ souri Fair tonight and Tuesday slightly cooler to ¬ night Wisconsin Fair tonight and Tuesday cooler tonight General forecast The indications are for mostly fair weather in this forecast district during the next two days The temperature will be slightly lower in the middle states tonight but will rise again throughout the northwestern states to light and as far east as Minnesota and the middle Missouri valley Tuesday TuesdaySTOCKHOLM STOCKHOLM Sweden July 21 The bolshevist government at Petrograd refused to release five members of the Swedish legation at Petrograd recently arrested it was announced here today An official of the Swedish foreign office said it was his belief representatives of other nations at Petrograd probably would be arrested arrestedWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 21 A bill to restore to the colors all soldiers sailors and marines who have been courtmartialed and restoring all for ¬ feited pay and allowances was introduced today by Senator Chamberlain Oregon Courtmartials in ¬ volving charges recognized as felonious in civil law arc cxcepted cxceptedAVA8HINGTON AVA8HINGTON D C July 21 A dispatch to the state department today from Tainpico said bandits had robbed the Atlantic Refining com ¬ panys oil loading station at Puerto Lobos near Tumpico Mexico of about 10000 last Wednes ¬ day The funds were intended for the companys pay roll rollBERLIN BERLIN Germany July 21 Workers on the sur ¬ face elevated and subway car lines and also elec ¬ tricians and gas workers went on strike today in sympathy with the international demonstration demonstrationGUAYAQUIL GUAYAQUIL Ecuador July 21 It is reported from Piura Peru that yellow fever has broken out there There have been many victims of the dis ¬ ease