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NEW YORKS 1918 DEER BAG 15000 15000Ample Ample evidence is at hand to show that at least 15000 deer were killed in New York state during the season of 1918 This is most remarkable The average gunner if asked to estimate the number killed would not place his figures at anything like this number To most men 1500 would seem excessive It is well to bear in mind that at that time the buck law was in force and only male deer with antlers could be legally killed If the breeding stock has to stand a greater strain than this next season when does and fawns will be killed what will be the effect The chances are that the year following will be a disappointing one for the deer hunter hunterNew New Jersey reports 365 deer killed during the 1918 season This record is also remarkable con ¬ sidering the limited area and the fact that the open season is only four days one day a wek for four weeks and that only bucks may be killed