Sixth Race [6th Empire City, Daily Racing Form, 1919-07-22

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SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Special Weights Jnly 25 1918 59 2 118 118INDISCRETION INDISCRETION b f 2 M 112 112431C2 By Uncle Lady Anne R L Gerry 431C2 Empire 51 f l09tfslop 20 109 2 3l 21 C Kummer 4 Panoply Lukes Pet Gcrma 43146 Empire 58 l00 fast 20 111 2 3J 4 = 1 J McTagt 8 Romany End Man Irish Dream 43093 Aqduct G8 58 fast 50 110 7 7 711 J McTajct 9 Panoply Wendy Flying Flower 43045 Aqduct G8 67 fast 25 115 4 S 718 J McTagt 11 Cobwebs Gcrma Flying Flower 42911 Aqduct 41 f G4fast 30 110 4 5 4 = 2 J McTagt 10 II O Heels ThelmaE PhFair 42832 Jamaica 58 l00fast GO 99 2 2 35 J Hoffler 5 Phantom Maid Tattle Aerial 2765 Belmont 4Jf st 52good 30 1101 5 5 G T Rice 5 Ina Wood Kallipolis Retricye 12663 Belmont 4f st 62fast BO 108 6 G 6 J Collins G GiorFrance BettyJ Polysanda 12525 Belmont 4if st 53fast 50 11410 11410J2441 10 10 J Collins 10 G France Edwina Polysanda J2441 Jamaica 68102 slop 41 112 4 8 8 J Collins 8 Betty J Shoal Northward 42377 Jamaica G8 101 fast 20 111 1 1PENELOPE 6s 6 J Collins r Cinderella Betty J Pilgrim PilgrimBy PENELOPE b f 2M 112 By Sweep Josio Cohan J W McClelland 43158 Empire 58 l01fast 4 112 9 Gi C71 A SchugrlS Lovely Allivan Tache oGaunt 42643 Belmont 58 st lOOVfast EO 112 11 91 10ls A Schugrll Leviathan KCmpion Armenus 42525 Belmont 4if st 53fast 30 114 7 7Z 7 A SchugrlO GFrance Edwina Polysanda 42478 Belmont 4Jf st 53slow 20 HI 5 5OUR 6 6 5A Schugr 6 LightWine BettyJ Edwiua OUR MAID b f 2 M 112 By Uncle Busy Edith H S Kearney 43170 Empire 58 l0jiigood 12 107 0 4 4 = A RlchcrklS Laughter Ednaris Ladylike 43158 Empire 5r8 l01fast 8 112 3 S SJ C KummerlS lively Allivan Tache oGaunt 42727 Belmont 58 st r9tast 95 112 2 3 3 W Kelsay 8 Ireland Copyright WthePlank 42671 Belmont 58 stl00fast 10 99 8 5 3J C Steele 8 Inerator Hampden SRiverll 42543 Belmont 4if st 53fast 20 100 3 3HOMELY 4 3 2 C Steele 5 Flying Orb PhanFair Brynhild HOMELY ch f 2 M 112 By Sea King Old Squaw S Lewis 42584 Belmont 4Jf st 53fast 10 112 1 1SWEET 2 2 E Taplin 12 Wildair Hoodwink Pilgrim PilgrimBy SWEET APPLE b f 2 M 112 By Sweep Sweet Charlotte J L Murphy 43170 Empire 58 l04good 10 112 2 6l 8 E Ambrsel2 Laughter Ednaris Ladylike 43135 Aqduct 5S l01good 3 107 3 21 2 J Wessler 4 Faisah Dore MareelleM Dickie 42975 Aqduct 58 l02mud 15 98 5 41 311 J Wessler G Plian Fair Betslnda MSinncc 42893 Jamaica G8 l00fast 10 105 7 41 6 T Nolan 7 Phan Fair FairColleen FCook 42857 Jamaica 5S l01fast 94 7 in 44 J StaplefnlO King Albert Anzac Onnbel 42620 Belmont 58 st l00fast 20 105 6 6 5 C Kummer G Toujours End Man YellowHand 42496 Belmont 41f st 53good 7 100 G 4 4el J Stapletn 5 Aerial Peregrine Hampden 42370 Pimlico 41 f 55fast 10 112 1 3s 2 k E Sandn 7 Lonely Toucanet Sedgegrass 42325 Pimlico 5S 103 good 15 108 6 55 G 2 L Lyke G Murray Lonely Edith K 42192 Plmlico 12 49 slop 42 109 51 4s G Walls 9 Kinnoul Amaze Carmandale 42105 HdeGce 41 f 57 hvy 6f 105 10 T 3i G Walla 14 Brynhild Murray Little One 42077 HdeGce 41 f 55fast 21 114 9 9TEACHERS 9 910 J Butwell 11 Oleaster Sandy Mac Drusilla DrusillaBy TEACHERS PET b f 2 M 112 By Out of Reach Schoolmarm J Butler 43158 Empire 58 l01fast 7 112 10 10i 9 A Pickens 13 Lovely Allivan Taehe oGaunt 43146 Empire 58 l00fast 31 111 5 8 8tB A Pickens 8 Romany End Man Irish Dream 43089 Aqduct 34 l14fast 10 112 2 2RUBIDIUM 3 6 A Pickens 12 Gladiator Furlough LeGloricur LeGloricurBy RUBIDIUM ch f 2 M 112 By Radium Fleur dOrange J Sanford 43165 Empire 5i f l09good 30 101 3 3 3 A Tryon 3 Toucanet American Boy 43116 Aqduct 5S 102 fast 100 108 6l 610 A Tryon 10 Afternoon La Rablee Lovely 429SO Aqduct 58 l02mud GO 112 9 91 9 T Davies 11 Brookholt Furlongli Biicklaidc 42941 Aaduct 41 f 54fast 30 110 10 10MILDRED 10 1C0T Davies 10H OHecls ThelmaE PhFair PhFairBy MILDRED b f 2 M 112 By Superman Lady Appleby N D Smith 43158 Empire 5S l01fast 20 112 S SBARLEY 92 7s G W Car113 lively Allivan Tache oGaiint BARLEY WATER br f 2 M 112 By Fitz Herbert Wheatear The Beach Stable 43153 Empire 51 f l07fast 25 109 9 C StableC 5 A Collins Who Cares FairColleen BGold 43076 Aqduct G8 101 fast 30 104 6 6 510 H Ericksn 7 WthePlank Crmoran Ldylike 42975 Aqduct 58 l02mud GO 116 3 51 e G Burns G Phan Fair Betsinda SwApple 42231 Plmllco 12 49 fast 66 108 11 11SUB 11s SwApple11s 9 A Collins 13 Super OrientalPark WhoCares WhoCaresBy SUB ROSA br f 2 M 112 By Disguise Kin Rose C M Garrison 43093 Aqduct 58 58 fast 30 10 6 S 8 C Kummer 9 Panoply Wendy Flying Flower 43045 Aqduct 5S 67 fast 8 115 6 5J G C Kummerll Cobwebs Gcrma Flying Flower 42967 Aqduct 41 f 55slow 20 114 12 12ORLEANS SJ 5 1 G Kummerl2 Vio Tip Fly Flower HisChoice ORLEANS GIRL br f 2 M 112 By Jack Atkin Lady Installation W H Congdon 43170 Empire 5S l04good 6 112 12 105 10o c Fbtherl2 Laughter Ednaris ladylike 43045 Aqduct 5S 57fast 25 115 8 10 = 101 C Fbtherll Cobwebs Germa Flying Flower 42967 Aqduct 41 f 55slow 50 114 7 71 6io c Fbtherl2 VioTip Fly Flower HisChoicu 42231 Pimlico 12 49 fast 81 97 13 10 U18S Wida 13 Super OrientalPark WhoCares WhoCaresBy MLLE VIVIAN br f 2 M 112 By Celt Honey Bee Casco Stable 43158 Empire G8 l01fast 50 112 7 71 ioti T Nolan 13 Lovely Allivan Tachc oGannf 43032 Aqduct 58 100 fast 30 112 13 13 13 T Davies 13 Hoodwink Evergay Gladiator LIOLA b f 2 M 112 By Granite Ava J Fitzsimmons 43171 Empire 51 f l09mud 20 102 5 5 5 H Ericksn fi 1h Fair G France LcGIorieux 431E8 Empire G8 l01fast 50 112 13 111 111 G Walls 13 Lovely Allivan Tache oGaunt 43140 Aqduct 58 58good CO 105 8 8 So L Fator S Cobwebs Brookholt RoyalDuck

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Local Identifier: drf1919072201_5_3
Library of Congress Record: