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TWO DEER KILLED WITH ONE SHOT F J Canipbell a Windsor Mills Quebec hunter tells of an unusual shot in the killing last Decem ¬ ber oC a deer at 130 paces tlte same bullet from a 303 rifle dropping two animals animalsThe The facts are as folows N Rouillard the fore ¬ man of St George camp was going through the bush when he sighted the head of a buck which was standing still at a distance of 130 paces as ascertained later He fired a 303 bullet and the buck dropped droppedIniugiiu Iniugiiu his surirlt when he found two deer in ¬ stead Of one The bullet had passed through the head of I u bwlc Jiwt over the oyesr and then hit Uie dooj which lintl been standing unseen breaking her back The two were lying about ton feet apart the buck dead but the doe was stUJ strufglinjf