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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 July 22 Illinois Fair tonight cooler in extreme south portion Wednesday fair slightly warmer in north portion Missouri Fair tonight and Wednesday not much change in tem ¬ perature General forecast The indications are for generally fair weather In this forecast district dur ¬ ing the next two days The temperature will be somewhat higher in the plains states and the upper Mississippi valley tonight and in the western lake region Wednesday while it will continue consider ¬ ably above the seasonal normal from the Mississippi valley westward westwardCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 July 22 The harvest of death which followed quickly in the wake of the burning airship that plunged late yesterday afternoon through the skylight of the Illinois Trust and Sav ¬ ings Bank was increased by one today with the probability of another by night Milton G Norton newspaper photographer died shortly after 11 oclock this morning in St Lukes Hospital from Ills injuries Both legs were crushed and he was internally injured Marcus C Callopy a teller at the bank was expected to die before night He suffered severe cuts and burns and was also inter ¬ nally injured With a toll of twelve deaths already and another expected physicians at the various hos ¬ pitals where the Injured were taken said that prob ¬ ably would complete the death list All but eight others were taken to their homes three remaining at the Jefferson Park Hospital and five at St Lukes They have various injuries but none of them is considered serious seriousWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 22 LleutCol Sam ¬ uel T Ansell former acting judge advocate general of the army whose resignation was accepted yes ¬ terday by Secretary Baker 1ms been retained as counsel for a special bouse war investigation com ¬ mittee Representative Johnson of South Dakota the committee chairman announced today that Col Ansell will be the legal adviser of the committee In its inquiry into war department expedltnres abroad abroadWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C July 22 Proclamation of martial law may be necessary to end race rioting here which resulted last night in the killing of four persons serious injury of eight and slight wounding of a large number Several days of dis ¬ orders following a wave of attacks on white women robberies and assaults by negroes culminated in a series of race battles during the night hours with which the police were unable to cope fully despite the aid of military provost guards guardsWINNIPEG WINNIPEG Canada July 22 The board of grain supervisors for Canada issued orders yesterday call ¬ ing for the delivery of all wheat of the 1918 crop to terminal elevators before August 15 in the case of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta and before July 31 in the case of British Columbia The price fixed by the government for wheat of the 1918 crop will apply only on that delivered in compliance with these orders ordersSACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO Cal July 22 California began an experiment in the cabinet form of state govern ¬ ment today The department of agriculture was es ¬ tablished to control off state governmental activities of un agriculture nature It the trial proves sat ¬ isfactory a bill will be introduced before the next legislature for a complete cabinet system of state government with twelve departments in addition to a division of finance to control all governmental functions functionsVIENNA VIENNA Austria July 22 Gen Franchet dEs perey commander of the allied forces in the near east announces that he is preparing an advance upon Budapest the Hungarian capital with 100000 troops The army is made up of French colonials Roumanians Jugoslavs Italians and Hungarians The Hungarians are commanded by Gen Krotoch will