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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 August 5 Weather forecast Illinois Unsettled weather tonight and Wednesday probably local thundershovers cooler near Lake Michigan tonight Missouri and lowarUnsettled weather probably with local thundershdwers to night or Wednesday not much change in tempera ¬ ture General forecast Conditions will continue unsettled from the middle and southern plains states eastward during the next thirtysix hours and local thundershowers are probable over a con ¬ siderable area The weather will continue generally fair lii the northwestern states The temperature changes will not be important importantWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 5 Secretary Lansing has instructed the American embassy at Mexico City to urge the Mexican government to take prompt action looking to the apprehension and punishment of the bandits who robbed George N McDonald an American citizen near his residence six miles south of Tamnico on July 12 Details of the robbery were not made public publicWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 5 Demands of 450000 railway clerks freight handlers express and station employes that their wages be increased un ¬ less something was done to materially reduce the cost of living were considered today at a conference between director general Hincs and J J Forrester grand president of the brotherhood of these cih ployesv at WATERLOO Iowa August 5 A tornado which formed five miles northwest of Bristow Iowa struck that town at 430 p m yesterday causfiig heavy damage to crops and property but injuring no one A number of farm animals were killed a twentyacre oat field was stripped bare and houses were completely demolished demolishedSAN SAN DIEGO Cal August 5 The Pacific fleet commanded by Admiral Hugh Rodman passed Cedros islands at daybreak today and will arrive off Coronado islands within sight of this city at daybreak tomorrow tomorrowWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 5 Organized labor was before the nation today with a demand that private criiital be retired from railroad operation and that there be substituted a tripartite control of the railroad properties by the public the operat ¬ ing management and the employes