Saratoga Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, August 13., Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-13


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Saratoga Entries and Fast Performances for Wednesday August 13 WEATHER CLEUL TRACK FAIT Th fleam mitt tiMTkeaila Rec im tin entries elew shew the test time of eaeh hers at the distance siaoe JaMary 1 1917 M matte Vkere it finished Im CUM where record WM M es etber tfeu o traek esr vUU s skew track eeadltUms Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago time 145 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner sfc Pair Baud runner II Maidens Apprentice allowance First Race J 8 Mile yearolds Fillies Claiming Track record Aug 23 1918 104 2 107 107Todays Todays Ind Horse Vt Rcc AWtUan 43323 = Overcast 110100 104 725 43335 Heck and Call 110103 115X720 43305 Thumlerbird M 102 715 43248 Barley Water 104 102 103X715 43305 Jessie 112 103 05715 43323 Orleans Girt 105 101 107 715 42893 Fanny Cook 102102 103X710 43305 Encrinite M lio 102 98710 426843 fDanie M 100 710 43090 Betsinda 113 59 105X710 43205 Edith K 109 101 109 X705 42902 Drustiia 107102 y 107705 43019 t Ricochet M 100101 100705 43323 Lovers Lane IIM109 104 109 700 43170 Bridge Player M 98 102 107 700 43265 Brynhnd 1 IOC 100 109X700 109X700Fair Fair Charity b f by Horron Eliza ¬ beth Gilbert 103 fJ E Madden entry entrySecond Second Race About 2 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase 4ycnrolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record Aug 5 1907 416 5 158 43300 Robert Oliver 8152X700 43201 Crest Hill 7 149XG93 149XG9343306s 43306s Northwood 7 152X690 152X69043261s 43261s Robin Goodfellow 5132x690 43112 Fair Mac 9 i42X690 42659 King Fortune M 6137X685 432CJ Klsnicr M 9 137 680 Third Race 1 Mile MileWatervliet Watervliet Handicap 3 yearbids yearbidsTrack Track record Aug 6 191S 130 3 113 43308 War Pennant 117138 126 800 4327 t Hannibal 100 1 37 1170795 39242 Blue Laddie 119 790 43293 Thunderclap 101137 114X790 114X79043334t 43334t Thunderstorm 1074138 107785 43234 Ticklish 115X780 43269 Blairgowrle 93 137 103770 43334 PasMral Swain 112 139 io5X765 43307 Vancouver 110 l43in 111x750 40113 The Trump 114X750 43307 War Drive l68740 43087 Chasseur 117140 104 740 tR Tr Wilson entry Fourth Race 34 Mile Seventh Running Sanf ord Memorial Guaranteed Value 5100 51002yearpIdsV 2yearpIdsV Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Aug 22 1818 110 3 115 43262 MAN 6 WAR 130 112 130 800 43321 Gulden Broom 122112 130 783 Ind Horse Wt Rec HWtHan 43262 Upset 115112 115 780 43218 Donnacona M 112 780 43236 Armistice M 112 760 43250 The Swimmer 114113 115X730 115X730430C9 430C9 Peace Pennant M108 114 112x725 43291 Ten Can M 112 725 725Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Aug 0 1918 136 3 113 42999 Clara Martin 102139 4 100 725 72543272s 43272s Alvord 109 l45s 5110X720 43272 Thos F McMahon108 l47h 3 100x720 43296 Dimitri t 115 139 8 110X715 43071 Money Maker 110 1 40 7 110 715 43223 Millrace 107 139 4 110X710 43272 Thrills 101 139 4 100 710 43345 Lottery 100140 5113X710 43249 Dottas Best M 100 151 3 95 710 43292 The Desert 110141 3 103 705 43272 Sir Willian John ¬ son 115140 8113X705 40981 Irish Kiss 107140 4 113 700 43272 Glenn M 3 100 700 43166 Salvatelle 4 105X700 43272 Prince Hal II M 8 105 690 Sixth Race 3 4 Mile BuBnt Hills Highweight Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Track record Aug 22 1918 110 3 115 43308 Naturalist 120111 514008 43334 Kalitan 140111 5 125 7 743260It 43260It Dominant 124 112 6 132X7 43319 Midnight Sun 109111 4112X7 43234 Ticklish 120112 3116X7 3116X740098t 40098t Lord Brighton 125 112 3 120 1 139242J 39242J Blue Laddie 122 l19li 3 120 7 42523 Jack Hare Jr 118112 4122X785 43268 Basil 110 111 5 104X783 433195t Put the Way 115 111 4 128 785 42949 Right Angle 103111 4108X785 43308 Leochares 132 111 9 130X780 43260 Believe Me Girls 105 116 3 103 775 42926 Straight Forward 115 113 5 116770 43275 Crank 125 111 5 110X760 42810 Dr Johnson 120111 4107X750 4107X750fS fS C Hildreth entry entryJH JH P Whitney entry entrySeventh Seventh Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Aug 6 1918 136 3 113 43233 King John 113141 4112725 411272543332t 43332t Wise Man Ill 137 6115X720 43290 Cadillac 107 l40sy 5 113X715 43345 Kilkenny 98141 5119X715 43286 Gold vale 99140 3104X715 43345 Hong Kong 112140 3100X715 3100X71543296t 43296t Bob Hensley 104139 81130710 41495 Clare Bootlte M101 l46h 3 95X710 43264 Mary Belle 101 140 5 110705 43324 Indian Spring M 93 141 3 95 705 43142 Courting Colors 112140 3 105 705 43027 Water War 6110X705 43307 Blaircora M 110147 3 95 700 43324 P G King M1Q4 146 4 110 700 43296 Starter 92 142 345 Gleipner Ill l42s 0113X700 0113X700H H Perkins entry

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Local Identifier: drf1919081301_4_1
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