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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 August 12 Weather forecast Illinois Thiindershowers probably tonight and Wednesday except fair in southeast portion to ¬ night warmer tonight except near Lake Michigan cooler Wednesday afternoon General forecast The western disturbance will move eastward during the next thirtysix hours attended by thundershowers from the eastern portion of the plains states east ¬ ward The temperature will be higher tonight in portions of the jnlddle states while cooler weather will overspread the plains states and the northwest tonight and the eastern and southern portions of the district Wednesday WednesdayWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 12 Describing the league of nations as a deformed experiment upon a noble purpose Senator Lodge of Massa ¬ chusetts chairman of the foreign relations com ¬ mittee and Republican leader of the Senate de ¬ clared in a Senate speech today that there were features of the league covenant which asan Ameri ¬ can he never could accept Creating not a league of peace but an alliance embracing many pro ¬ visions for war the covenant in its present form he asserted would kill the Monroe doctrine nullify any possibility of withdrawal from membership impair the sovereign power of deciding domestic questions and plunge the United States into every controversy and conflict on the face of the globe globeWASHLNQTON WASHLNQTON D C August 12 The packers have destroyed the law of supply and demand through their immense cold storage facilities and control of food products and feeds Senator Mc Kellar of Tennessee stated this afternoon before the house agricultural committee while advocating favorable action on his bill to regulate storage Packers interests will move heaven and earth to prevent pasage of thfs bill He declared The packers have been wonderfully successful in the past in preventing legislation of which they did not approve approveWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 12 The actual lemobolization of the American army in so far as the combatant troops are concerned will be practi ¬ cally completed by the last of October Secretary of War Baker announced today The annulling of war time prohibition designed only to last through the period of demobilization will therefore be en ¬ tirely witjiin the province of President Wilson be ¬ fore November 1 it was thought among officials here This is the most definite statement that has yet come from the secretary of war as to when com ¬ plete demobilization may be expected expectedWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 12 A B Gar retson former head of the Order of Railway Con ¬ ductors told the house interstate committee today that operating officials in charge of railroads during government control were actuated by the one desire of demonstrating that government ownership was not best for the country Exactly the same operat ¬ ing force that bulk up a great surplus before the war created a big deficit Garretson said saidSPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD 111 August 12 Formal notice of appeal from the recent ruling of the ultilities com ¬ mission granting the surface lines a sevencent fare and the elevated lines an eightcent fare in Chicago was filed by the City of Chicago in the Sangamon County Circuit Court today todayPARIS PARIS France August 12 The American relief administration began today the task of feeding 20000 children iu Budapest as part of its plan to give food to the children of central Europe it was announced here today It was said this did not involve a general relaxation of the food blockade against Hungary HungaryLONDON LONDON England August 12 Viscount Grey of Fflllodttn who retired as head of the British foreign office in 191G it is understood is likely to accept the post of British ambassador to the United States TULSA Okla August 12 Restrictions oij the fortyacre homesteads of approximately 5000 half blood Indians of the five civilized tribes were re ¬ moved today todayROME ROME Italy August 12 Premier Nitti it is announced has received a telegram from several groups of railway employes who offer voluntarily to increase the number of their working hours in order to increase national production productionST ST JOHNS N F August 12 The Prince of Wales landed here at noon today and rode through an enthusiastic crowd lining two miles of city streets over which decorated arches had Ixen erected