Third Race [3rd Saratoga, Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-16

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THIRD BACE 5 12 Furlongs Spinaway Stakes 2yearolds Fillies Special Weights Aug 22 1918 104 107 AFTEBNOON 1 f 2 112 1124S274 By Prince Palatine Matinee H P Whitney 4S274 Saratoga SZ 59fast 75 115 12 2 2 2s 1 1 B Ambrsel4 Vio Tip BettyJ BcamBcatity 43147 Empire 61 f l06fast 75 108 1 3 3 2nk 1H B Ambrse 4 Carmandale HeadOHeels Spad 43116 Aqduct 58 102 fast 710 112 2 1 I 111IE AmbrselO La Rablee Lovely Light Wine 42235 Pimlico 41 f 56 fast 35 Ml 1 2 2 2 2 k B Ambrsoll Qnerca Virginia L Polysanda 42064 HdeGce 12 48slow 2 107 10 10CLEOPATRA 8 3 li B AmbrselO B and Call Castor Kallipolis KallipolisBy CLEOPATRA ch f 2 112 By Corcyra Gallice W X Coe 43297 Saratoga 51 f l07slpw 31 114 6 5 3 31 IJ L McAtee 13 His Choice La Rablee BSignal 43271 Saratoga 58 69fast 15 106 9 9HOMELY 13 11 11s 8 1 L McAtee 15 TruIyRural HastenOn ArPolnt ArPolntBy HOMELY ch f 2 li2 li2432C2 By Sea King Old Squaw S Lewis 432C2 Saratoga 34 l12fast 25 112 C 7 7 3J 3s W Kelsay 10 Maao War Upset BonnicMary 43194 Empire 58 l04hvy 65 112 4 3 4 li li W Kelsay 7 Indiscretion Mildred M Vivian 42584 Belmont 41f st 63fast 10 112 1 1MASKED 4 4 2s 2 E Taplin 12 Wildair Hoodwink Pilgrim PilgrimBy MASKED DANCER hr f 2 112 By Disguise Tripping W B Coe 43331 Saratoga 68 58fast 5 105 3 3 3 I1 I3 L McAtee 15 WedCake BusySignal VioTip 4274 Saratoga 58 59fast 1S5 103 6 5 6 81 S l L McAtee 14 Afternoon Violet Tip Betty 3 43259 Saratoga 53 f l06V fast 15 112 2 3 3 2l 2l L McAtee 19 Evergay Blazes Sammy SammyBy LTTNETTA D f 2 112 By Luke McLuke Agnes Virginia Waldeck Stable 43069 Latonia 34 l12fast 11 108 7 7 6 41 4 3 C RobsonlS CotBIossom By Golly MHyncs 42997 Latolna 51 f l06fast l06fast42SG2 75 110 2 3 6 4Z 4 C Robsonl2 Friz Marj Hyhes Capt Mac 42SG2 Latonia 58 59fast 12 107 3 3 3 3 21 C Robson 4 MJemima MHynes MLuckett 42788 Latonia 678 l00fast 115 112 6 4 2 1 1 1 C Robson 9 Alsace L Roberts Lady Sweep 42143 Lexton 41 f 55fast 63 110 3 3l 3 1 J Mblntyrell Furbelow Miss Minks Ruby 42117 Lex ton 12 49fast 49fastTHEIMA 35 112 7 7 61 641 W Hoas 11 A Jackson Drumfire MystGirl MystGirlBy THEIMA E ch f 2 112 By Hafrigan Xady Maxim M Jones 43331 Saratoga 58 58fast 5 110 12 12 12 13 13 L Lyke 15 JI Dancer WedCake BSignal 43019 Aqduct 5S SS fast 31 109 1 1 1 1s 2nk L Lyke 8 PhanFair GlorFrance Azurita 42941 Aqduct 41 f 64fast 15 110 2 3 2 2s 2 L Lyke 10 HOHeels PhFalr Inscretlon 42143 Lexton 41 f 65fast 125115 2 9 9s 9 J C Robsonll Furbelow Miss Minks Lunetta 41693 Oaklwn 12 47fast 1 118 2 1 1 1 M Garner 5 B Jeans R Division EWeller 41538 FGnds 12 48fast 2 105 3 1 21 21 M Garner 7 Minute Man Rarar Mile Dazle 41481 FGnds 12 60 hvy 41 115 4 1 14 21 L Gentry 7 RRRose MinMan Guaranteed 41391 FGnds 31 f 43mud 4 107 5 I1 I1 M Garner 8 Emma Weller Airnat Peccant 41306 FGnds 31 f 44hvy 6 109 1 21 in H Caasity 10 M Minks Prec PearL DanVan DanVanBy HIS CHOICE blk f 2 116 By Hessian Melee J K L Boss 43346 Saratoga 51 f 106 fast 4 105 1 1 1 1 1s A SchugrlO Azurita La Rablee Lukes Pet 3297 Saratoga 51 f l07slow 3 114 2 24S259 2 2 li 21 B Sande 13 Cleopatra LaRablee B Signal 4S259 Saratoga 51 f lC6fast 20 116 3 2 2 Z 551 J Loftus 19 Evergay MaskcdDancer Blazes 43003 Aqduct 58 l00fast 5 1161 3 4 4 4s 43 J Loftus 11 ERickenbacher Romany Alias 42967 Aqduct 41 f 55slow 8 116 1 2 2 3 1 3 J Loftua 12 Vio Tip FlyFloweri WedCake 42220 Pimlico PimlicoVIOLET 41 f 55 fast 39 109 5 5i 7 8 7 B Sande 10 KInnoul Cobwebs Balco VIOLET TIP o i f 2 By Fair Play Tiolet Xay jX Parr 43331 Saratoga 58 58fast 41 110 5 5 5 4s 4s C RpbsohlS M Dancer WedCake BSignal 43311 Saratoga 58 59good 41 104 4 4 4 2s 2s C RbbsonlO Neddam Kallipolis Royal Duel 43274 Saratoga 58 69fast 8 108 7 3 3 41 21 C Robsonl4 Afternoon Betty J B Beauty 43055 Aqduct 58 69fast 8 112 2 4 6 6l 4J J Butwell 7 Panoply Bon Mary HOHeela 42967 Aqduct 41 f 55slow 21 114 5 568101fast 7 6 4l 1 T Rice 12 F Flower HisChoice WedCake 42925 Aqduct 68101fast 15 109 2 3 4 21 21 E Ambrse 5 Man o War Shoal Evergay 42891 Jamaica 58 l01fast JO 109 2 2 3 31 21 A Schugr 5 Betty J Allivan Heyday 42799 Jamaica 58101 fast 20 112 7 6 6 52 5 C Mergler 9 MyLaddie HeadOHeels Feodor 42192 Pimlico 12 49 slop Stt 110 6 7 Li Lyke 9 Kinnoul Amaie Carmandale CarmandaleBy GLORIA FBANCE ch f 2 112 By Pataud Handzaretta E M Brown 43310 Saratoga 5S 59good 85 112 2 3 3 3s 31 J Butwell 7 Evergay Grayssian HOHeels 43236 Empire 61 f l05fast 135 112 2 1 1 1s I10 J Butwell 7 Krewer Super Allivan 43171 Empire 51 f l09mud 21 112 2 1 2 2s 2s J Butwell 5 PhFair LeGrorleux R R Rose 43019 Aqduct 5S 58fast 125 114 6 6 4 41 3ZJ J Butwell 8 Phan Fair ThehnaE Azurita 42812 Jamaica 58 101 fast 112Q U8 2 2 2 2 2s J Butwell 8 Betty J Just Fancy Feather 426C3 Belmont 41f st 52 fast 115 115 1 1 1 1s 1 B Ambrse 6 BettyJ Polysanda NorthBclle 42525 Belmont 4Jf st 53fast 6 114 6 1 1 1 1 J Butwell 10 Edwina Polysanda Substitute 42441 Jamaica 58102 slop 3 112 8 8HEAD 666 4 J Butwell 8 Betty J Shoal Northward NorthwardBy HEAD OVEB HEELS ch f 2 112 By Celt Belle Flour T VT May 43310 Saratoga 58 E9BOO1 2 110 6 65ifi05fast 6 4 4C 4J C Robson 7 Evergay Grayssian G France 43319 Empire 5ifi05fast 75 111 1 1 1 1s 1s J Butwell 5 Lady Brummel Dr Hall Super 43201 Empire 51 f 109 slow 710 lit 2 1 1 1s 2 W Kelsay 5 Kallipolis Ph Fair Pontypridd 42147 Empire 51 f l06fast 45 115 3 1 1 lk 313 H Lunsf d 4 Afternoon Cannandale Spad 43055 Aqduct 58 69fast 7 115 1 1 1 1 31 J Loftus 7 Panoply Bonnie Mary Vio Tip 42990 Aqduct 58 68fast 65 112 1 1 2 25 2 J Callahan 6 Bonnie Mary Ralco Evergay 42941 Aqduct 41 f 64f ast 34 115 1 1 1 1 1 J Loftus 10 ThelmaE PhFair Indiscretion 42870 Jamaica 58 l00fast 1 117 1 1 1 I1 1 J Loftus 9 Blazes Alias Doughboy 42799 Jamaica 58 101 fast 2 112 2 1 1 1i 2 k J Williams 9 My Laddie Feodor Bucklalde BucklaldeBy CINDERELLA br f 2 124 By Celt Toots W X Coe 43321 Saratoga 34 l12fast 30 119 5 6 5 41 51 C Fbther GoldBroom Wildair KTlirush 43256 Saratoga 5J f l fefast 12 124 S 7 10 11s 8 C Fbther 12 MlssJemima Wildair KTIirush 42607 Belmont 58 st 59fast 5 122 2 2 3 71 11 C Fbther 18 Bonnie Mary On Watch Upset 42498 Belmont 58 st 59good 910 125 3 2 2 2 1 3V C Fbther 7 Bon Mary Kallipolis FFlower 42426 Jamaica 61 f l06fast 910110 2 1 1 1s I2 L McAtee 7 LBrmmel RoyDuck OnWatch 42377 Jamaica 58 101 fast 1110 111 3 3FLYING 2 1 1t 1 C Fbther 7 Betty J Pilerim Incinerator IncineratorBy FLYING FLOWEB ch f 2 M 109 By The Manager Ancient Mrs W M Jeffords 43093 Aqduct 5S 58 fast 8 109 3 454 31 B Ambrse 9 Panoply Wendy Kallipolis 3045 Aqduct 58 671 fast 113 115 8 7 6 4s 3s E Ambrsell Cobwebs Genna Lovely 42967 Aqduct 4S 55slow 135 114 2 3 3 l k 21 E Ambrse 12 Vio Tip His Choice Wed Cake 42438 Belmont 58 st 59good 12 109 2 4 4 41 4 E Ambrse 7 BonMary Kallipolis Cinderella 42454 Belmont 41f st 55yssl6p 185 112 1 4 7 101010J B Ambrsell Dominique ServiceStar Pilgrim 42299 Plmllco 5S I04y6hvy 8 109 2 1 1 2s 3 E Ambrse 6 Anniversary Shoal Amaze AmazeBy BUSY SIGNAL ch f 2 M 109 1095S By Cunard Sweet Alice E B Bradley 43331 Saratoga 5S 5Sfast 8 105 1 2 1 3l 3 H Thurber 15 M Dancer Wed Cake Vio Tip 43297 Saratoga 51 f l07slow 8 116 3 1 1 21 41 J Loftus 13 Cleopatra HisChoice LaRablee 42456 Churchl 41 f 56mud 1910 115 3 2 3a 33 I Gentry 7 Goldine Sweet Liberty Iris 42319 Churchl 12 47fast 15 112 2 2 2i 32 Li Gentry 16 Talisman Ruby MysteriousGirl 42267 Lexton 41 f 56mud 5 112 2 2 2 2 L Gentry 7 Mabel G Maize Centerville 42169 Lexton 12 50 hvy 6 112 4 5 60 61 Li Gentry 8 ViolaPark Cntonville Strview StrviewBy WEDDING CAKE blk f 2 M 109 By Bock View Latona J H Bosseter 43331 Saratoga 58 58fast 30 105 2 1 2 2i 2 A Johnsonlo M Dancer Busy Signal VioTip 43019 Aqduct 58 58fast 7 107 2 3 5 5i 8l A Johnson 8 Plian Fair ThelmaE GFrance 42967 Aqduct 41 f 55slow SO 114 3 3GERMA 1 1 2i 4T A Johnsonl2 Vio Tip Fly Flower HisChoice HisChoiceBy GERMA b f 2 112 By The Manager lima G Vf Loft 43274 Saratoga 58 59fast G 103 3 7 5 51 5si W Kelsay 14 Afternoon Violet Tip Betty J 43230 Empire 58 l01fast 25 112 2 1 1 1 1 A Schigr 7 Sub Rosa Mildred Rubidium 431C2 Empire 61 fl09V4slop 135109 1 2 2 4 4 jrw Relsay 4 Panoply Indiscretion Ls Pci 43045 Aqduct 58 67fast 7 115 2 1 1 11 2 W Kelsay 11 Cobwebs Flying Flower Lovely 42822 Jamaica 58 100 fast 12 1011 6 5 5 6 5 H Wakoff 6 Touiours BonMary LBrummel 42568 Belmont 41f st 52faat 12 105 3 11 3 1 W Kelsay 5 LBrummel LhtWine EdithK CONSTANCY b f 2 M 109 By Ambassador Simenas Daughter J K L Boss 4055 Aqduct 58 59fast 20 109 3 2 3 4i 6 1 W Kelsay 7 Panoply Bon Mary HOHeels 43019 Aaduct 58 58fast 6 106 7 7ETHEL 666 5 3 A Schugr 8 Phan Fair ThelmaE GFrance GFranceBy ETHEL GBAY br f 2 H 109 By Hessian Sweet Marjoram M Jones 43259 Saratoga 5i f l06 fast 4J 11216 13 11 101 61 T Murray 19 Evergay MaskedDancer Blazes

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Local Identifier: drf1919081601_4_5
Library of Congress Record: