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SUPERIOR SUPERIORRATING RATING FORM 25 Cents Daily At All Newsstands Mailed 2 weeks 3 1 month 5 5SUPERIOR SUPERIOR PUB CO 333 South Dearborn St Chicago II Still Going Strong WEDNESDAYS LONG SHOT DIMITRI 301 2nd 2ndand and we just missed putting over a real LONG SHOT TUESDAYS ONE BEST BESTBLAZES BLAZES 115 WON WONMONDAYS MONDAYS LONG SHOT = MASKED DANCER 71 WON WONSATURDAYS SATURDAYS COMMISSION HORSE HORSEBULLSEYE BULLSEYE 51 WON WONONE ONE BEST BESTWHITNEY WHITNEY ENTRY 1110 2nd 2ndFRIDAYS FRIDAYS ONE BEST BESTWALNUT WALNUT HALL 45 2nd 2ndTHURSDAYS THURSDAYS COMMISSION HORSE HORSEVEXATIOUS VEXATIOUS 41 WON WONONE ONE BEST BESTAUDACIOUS AUDACIOUS 75 3rd 3rdWEDNESDAYS WEDNESDAYS LONG SHOT SHOTGOLDVALE GOLDVALE 101 WON WONONE ONE BEST K1NNOUL 31 WON WONTUESDAYS TUESDAYS ONE BEST BESTAFTERNOON AFTERNOON 85 WON WONMONDAYS MONDAYS ONE BEST BESTHASTEN HASTEN ON 85 2nd 2ndSATURDAYS SATURDAYS LONG SHOT SHOTNORTHWodD NORTHWodD 81 WON WONONE ONE BEST BESTDOMINANT DOMINANT 45 2nd 2ndAs As you see hardly a day that wo have not given a Long Priced Winner and what is more our Spe ¬ cials havo been winning right and left and our Advertised horses havo been winning with remark ¬ able regularity TODAY Big XXX Occasional OccasionalAnd And this one wo are glad to say looks liko one of the best tilings we havo yet been able to adviso our clients about Under no circumstances allow this opportunity to get away from you Only 25c No extra charge For sale saleCINCINNATI CINCINNATI andVine 0 Rcy Pierce newsstand 5th and Vine Sts cigar store corner cornerCINCINNATI CINCINNATI O W Storey 4th and Central Ave LOUISVILLE KY Eiler Goodman 227 4th Ave ST LOUIS MO Wm Laser Lobby 705 Market St ST LOUIS MO Foster 410 Washington St INDIANAPOLIS Station TerminalStation IND Moslein Trolley Terminal DAYTON 0 Euphratt 129 S Jefferson St StALL ALL OTHER CITIES mail subscription to CHICAGO OFFICE