Sixth Race [6th Saratoga, Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-16

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SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Selling Aujr 22 1918 110 3 115 OVERCAST br f 2 104 By Vulcain Forecast Oneck Stable 23 Saratoga 51 f 107 fast 21 104 10 2 2t H Myers 14 Buliseye Who Cares Catania CG Saratoga 58 l00fast 8 110 2 2BOUNDING 33 I2 H Myers 8 ToGaunt NancyAnn Encrinite EncriniteBy BOUNDING THROUGH br f 2 109 By Helmet Lady Languish E R Bradley 42482 Cburchl 41 f r5hvy 2 113 1 4h a1 L Gentry 5 Starview Mys Girl An Teller 42225 Lexton 4i f 55good 4 115 1 I5 I8 L Gentry 4 Miss Minks Ladylove Mayrose 42117 Lexton 12 4Dfast 16 112 8 8CORMORAN S3 8 L Gentry 11 A Jackson Drumfire MystGirl MystGirlBy CORMORAN cb g 2 M 103 By LOiseau Lyre Orietta R T McKeever 43276 Saratoga 51 f l05fast 12 100 8 43 361 S Wida 10 SmrtGuy BandCall WhoCares 43231 Empire 51 f lOSfast 7 103 5 31 31 S Sndman 5 Bright Gold Shoal Sadie D 42224 Empire 51 f l06 l06sfast sfast 8 106 3 35f 3 3 S Sndman 3 Shoal Sister Heline 43206 Empire 5f 109 slow 6 108 3 3431S9 2 2 W Kelsay 11 Penelope Our Maid Rubidium 431S9 Empire 51 f l12hvy 115 110 5 23 22 W Kelsay 8 Sis Helene JBullant StKevin 43170 Empire 58 l04Vigood 5 115 10 51 721 T Davies 12 Laughter Ednaris Ladylike 4153 Empire 51 f l07fast 135 111 4 4 4 = 1 T Nolan 9 Who Cares FairColleen BGold 43129 Aqduct 31 115 slop 4 106 5 11 25 T Nolan 5 Amer Boy WthePlank Midian 43076 Aqduct 58 101 fast 115 107 3 3ES 11 2 T Nolan 7 WthePlank Ldylike MelleM 43003 Aqduct ES l00 4fast 30 97 11 10 9 J A Evans 11 ERickcnbacher Romany Alias 42993 Aqduct 58 100 fast 10 110 10 1058100fast 31 3J A Evans 10 Hackamore EasGlow Cormbran 42938 Aqduct 58 58100fast l00fast 30 100 8 6 67i L Fator 8 ERnbacher Hedman Rmany 42203 Pemlico 12 51 slow 39 109 10 91 910 Q Preece 10 Griffwood H Pardner Caubeen 42051 ILdeGce 12 47fast 4 107 8 8b 10 10 E Sande 10 F Cook MShackleton MDazie MDazieBy HIDDEN SHIP b f 2 104 By Cunard Masks and Faces H S Hoppin 42335 Saratoga 51 f l06Mfasi 7 1C5 C 4 72 G Robson 8 BandCall WtliePliik Caubeen 432G5 Saratoga 51 f l07fast 12 107 9 2 2 J HowardlO Bullseye Roseland Smite 42294 Pimlico 44 f 58 hvy 1 114 5 5nk c i L Lyke 0 Le Bleuet Kirah LitAlexander 42217 Pimlico 41 f 56 fast 6 111 1 21 4si E Haynes 9 Fanny Cook Edith K Hush 42119 HdeGce 41 f 55goodll10 112 3 Ink 11 R Troxler i Scdgegrass C Murphy Drusilla 42051 HdeGce 12 SO hvy 32 109 6 32 42i R Troxler 9 FanCook MShackleton GLight 41481 FGnds 12 50 hvy 8 115 3 7 712 R Troxler 7 R R Rose ThelmaE ilinMan 41378 FGnds 31 f 44 hvy 65 115 3 3 3 1 R Troxler G Attsi Boy Booneville Pueblo 41293 FGnda 31 f 42fast 5 114 2 14 I1 R Troxler 6 Canvasback Eulah F Airnat 41214 FGnds 31 f 44fchvy 1710 115 3 12 2nk n Troxlor 0 Atfci Boy Diomed C the Way WayBy BETSINDA b f 2 100 By Rockton Winning Witch H R Scliaffer 43356 Saratoga 5S Kt fast 4 103 4 42 DJi L Ensor 10 BnndCall LovLanuII OrGirl 43030 Aqduct T8 K fast 115 113 1 4 = 41 G Walls 11 Toiicanot Clanihellu Who Cares 4 14 Aqduct 58 69fast 115 113 1 14297S 1 = 1 = G Walls n Toiicanet Who Cares KColloon 4297S Aqduct 58 lOLmu l 10 112 2 242R20 2 i L Ensor Ilian Fair SwApple MSinnOr 42R20 Jamaica 58 l01fat t 41 10S 5 6 5j L Lyko Fair Colleen Ireland Edith K 12084 Belmont 4if st 5 MfH8t 12 113 4 3 I1 G Walls C Balloting Dame Back Home 42473 Belmont 4if st 54 slow 95 1071 1 1JESSIE 1 1 G Walls 5 Kncrinitc Kirah Merry Sinner SinnerBy JESSIE ch f 2 104 1044335C By Garry Herrmann Nancy Grater S Louis 4335C Saratoga 58 59 fast 12 16 9 71 712 C RobsonlO BundCall LovLanell OrGirl 43305 Saratoga 51 f lOSfegood 15 101 5 1 1 H Ericksn 14 Sholaghll Hampden Encriuite 43195 Empire 51 f l13Vshvy 15 101 2 4 41 H Ericksn 1 Bar Water ItrightGold FlyOrb 43182 Empire 61 f lllmud 12 111 2 24315S 4 G C Kuiiimer r AllivHii iiukluide Slldlali 4315S Empire fS l01fast lit 112 12 12 12 J Ilofflur III Ixivifly Allivan Tailnr oUuuiit 43116 Aqduct CS 102 faxt SO luU 3 41 510 H EricIWnlO Aftonloou l iltalilfe Lovely LovelyBy ENCRINITE b f 2 M 94 By Rocklon Rockwater Marrone Stable 4 05 Saratoga 5i f lOSgood 4 M a a43iCC 72 4 = JT5 Wida 14 Icssio Shillelagh II Hainpdcu 43iCC Saratoga 6S lWfist 20 110 4 441V6 51 4J1 S Wida 8 Overcast ToGaunt Nancy Aim 41V6 Kmplre rS 1 02 niud 4J 99 4 4 4 S Wida BiindCill BghtGoId SlIeUiii 47H K lm mt 4ir si r4 KOW D5 100 4 3 2 A Tryon 5 Butsitidu Kirali ilerry Sniuur 2 Jamaica 68 l01fast 0 V 6 6 6 6 A Tryon C Old GolU Fair Collcco Eud MUD FAISAN DORE b c 2 103 By LOiseau Xyre Dorett W T Wilkinson 43376 Saratoga 58 l01mud 00 107 9 8 8 H Swart 9 B Wrack IraWilson PhanFair 43135 Aqduct 68 l01gbod 35 115 2 1s 1 T Rice 4 SwcetAppIe MarcelleM Dickie 43090 Aqduct 58 59fast 12 118 5 E 6S T Rice 11 Toucanet Clarabella Who Cares 43058 Aqduct 68 101 fast 12 118 8 8 6 G Walls 13 Ormbel Toucanet King George 43032 Aqduct 58 100 fast 30 115 U 10 12 T Rowan 13 Hoodwink Evergay Gladiator GladiatorBy ROSE1AND b g 2 M 87 8743S05 By Oylgad Carinya R T Wilson 43S05 Saratoga 51 f l08Vigood 12 105 8 84S27G 81 8 3 E Ambrsel4 Jessie Shillelagh II Hampden 4S27G Saratoga 51 f l05fast 12 105 7 8s 8 L Ensor 10 SmnrtGuy BandCall Cormoran 43265 Saratoga 51 f l07fast 30 105 7 4 3 E AmbrselO Bullseye Hidden Ship Smite 43014 Aqduct 58 59fast 12 110 2 C 61 C Kummer C Uctslnda Toiicaiiet Who Cares 42993 Aqduct 58 100 fast 115 112 3 5 5 2 C KummerlO Hneknmbre E Glow Corm6ran 42910 UHunts Ab5S fast 2 107 3 342S65 2s 2 H Bullman 3 Limerick Lass Frenzela 42S65 Janialca 61 f l05 4fast 20 108 6 8 8U L Ensor 8 LBriimel ERnbacher Lovely 42826 UHnts Ab58 l05fast 41 110 4 2 2 i H Bullman 4 Lim Lass Frenzela Salt Peter 42133 HdeGce 41 f 64fast 48 115 3 3SUB E 5 ° H Bullmn 8 Querca Panoply Sweep Clean SUB ROSA br f 2 M 10 By Disguise Kin iHbse C K Ourison 53323 Saratoga 51 f 107 fast 12 110 11 101 7i H Cassity 14 Bullseye Overcast Who Cares 43230 Empire 58 l01fast 6 112 7 2 2s C Kummer 7 Germa Mildred Rubidium 43093 Aqduct 68 58 fast 30 109 6 8 8 G Kummer 9 Panoply Wendy Flyifag Flower 43045 Aqduct 68 67fast 8 115 6 5s 614 C Kummerll Cobwebs Germa Flying Flower 42967 Aqduct 4S f 55slow 20 114 12 12BUCKHORN 61 64 C Kummer 12 Vio Tip Fly Flower HisChoke BUCKHORN II b c 2 M 102 By Buckhorn Bertie V The Beach Stable StableII2 43058 Aqduct 58101 fast 12 11011 II2 12t2 A Collins 13 Ormbel Toucanet King George 42093 Aqduct 58 100 fast 8 105 4 4MASTER 8l 912 H EricksnlO Haekamorc E Glow Cormoran MASTER BHL b g 2 M 105 By Granite Flying Cinder J H Loucheim 43323 Saratoga 51 f 107 fast 30 112 S 135 13 = ° E Haynes 14 Bullseye Overcast Who Cares 43265 Saratoga 51 f l07fast 12 111 4 8 G l E Haynes 10 Bullseye HtddenShip Rosoland 43090 Aqduct vS 59fast 7 112 11 11SUGAHMINT 11 11 E Haynes 11 Toucanet Clarabella Who Cares SUGAHMINT b f 2 M 102 1024334G By McGee Mint Blossom W R Coe 4334G Saratoga 51 f 106 fast 15 1011 S 41 6 1H Myers 10 His Choice Azurita La Rablec 42478 Belmont 4Jt st 53slow 8 111 4 4 4 i L McAtee G Light Wine Betty J Edwina 42399 Jamaica 61 f l08fast 12 102 5 5 3T H Myers n ERnbacher Oleaster Hdman 42362 Jamaica 58 l61fast 3 112 4 5 4 1C Fbther G White Socks Heyday End Man

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Local Identifier: drf1919081601_5_2
Library of Congress Record: