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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 August 15 Weather forecast Illinois Partly cloudy weather with local thunder showers this afternoon or tonight in east and cen ¬ tral portions cooler tonight in north and west por ¬ tions Saturday generally fair with cooler in east portion Missouri Partly cloudy with local thnn dershowcrs this afternoon or tonight in south and extreme east central portions cooler tonight Satur ¬ day gradually fair with moderate temperature General forecast The indications are for generally fair weather in this forecast district tonight and Saturday except that thundershowers are probable probableWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 15 Twenty Re ¬ publican senators are ready to stand for quick ratification of the peace treaty with reservations Democratic leaders inthe Senate were informed to ¬ day by leaders of the Republican group of reserva ¬ tion advocates Republicans favoring reservations said a poll disclosed that upward of thirty senators of their party would support reservations along the general lines laid down by the seven Republicans if the treaty could be brought promptly out of committee and ratified ratifiedWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 15 Changes in the nations immigration policy especially as it affects Japan China and the far east were proposed in a bill introduced by Senator Dillingham Rep of Vermont Under the measure the number of aliens of any nationality who might be admitted to the country annually would be limited to five per cent of the number of such nationality already here The restriction however would not apply to immigrants who were natives of countries in the western hemi ¬ sphere sphereWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 15 The Carranza government will not be permitted to import further arms and munitions from the United States for the present at least This became known today follow ¬ ing the publication of the exchange of notes between the United States and Mexico in which the Ameri ¬ can government threatened a change of policy unless Americans in Mexico were adequately protected protectedWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 15 President Wilson today vetoed the bill repealing the daylight saving 4aw ThePreSident said he returned the bill without his approval with the utmost reluc ¬ tance because he realized the very considerable and in some respect very serious inconveniences to which the daylight saving law subjects the farmers of the country countryLONDONDERRY LONDONDERRY Ireland August 15 Troops manned the walls of Londonderry today for the first time since the historic siege of the city in 16S9 as part of the military effort to prevent the na ¬ tionalist and Sinn Fein lady day demonstration and procession set for today The demonstration has been forbidden by the British commander Gen HacketPain HacketPainWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 15 An epidemic of cholera has broken out at Harbin Manchuria according to dispatches today to the state depart ¬ ment It was estimated that Iwtwecn 150 and 200 deaths had resulted mostly among the Chinese The American Red Cross is assisting the local au ¬ thorities thoritiesCOLUMBUS COLUMBUS O August 15 Forty warrants charging Ohio fowl dealers with food hoarding and profiteering were issued by the State of Ohio today and arrests will be made immediately according to Gov James M Cox and Attorney General John Irice IriceWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 15 Investigation of the coal situation by the Senate interstate com ¬ merce committee was authorized today by the Sen ¬ ate Without objection or debate a resolution by Senator Frelinghuysen Rep N J was adopted adoptedCHICAGO CHICAGO 111 August 15 Raids on local sugar hoards were forecast today by Assistant District Attorney R A Milroy as reports from investiga ¬ tors continued to indicate widespread profiteering activities on the Chicago market marketWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C August 15 The first hundred thousand of recruits have been secured for the permanent regular army General March chief of staff announced today and of these more than 68000 were reeiilistments reeiilistmentsSTRASBURG STRASBURG Germany August 15 M Stephane director of the Bank of Alsace another official of the bank and Schoenferber theatrical manager convicted in the correctional court of illicit sugar dealing have been sentenced sentencedBERN BERN Switzerland August 15 German exchange fell yesterday below 30 francs per 100 marks for the first time in its history