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DAILY RACING FORM Daily Darin Winter Month Dly Except Monday Balance of the Tear DAXLT Aonre FOBM PUBLISHING oo 441 KYMOTTTH COTTRT CHICAGO ILL 74 EXCHANGE STBEET BUFFALO N Y Entered at aecondclaaa matter April 2 1890 at the poct offlce at Chicago IlllnoU under the Act of March B 1879 UB8CRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE ADVANCEPer Per Week 100 100Perionth Perionth 800 800Half Half Tear 1500 1500One One Tear 8000 8000Tk Tk above ratei are for single copies as sealed letters firstclass matt BACK NUMBERS TEN CENTS EACH Tf ent by mall firstclaw only rwclre cnt TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON For business and circulation purposes only This telephone has no connection with the news or oreditorial editorial departments and cannot be used to com communlcate munlcate with them CnjOAGO ILLINOIS AUGUST 19 1919