Cheyenne Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-19


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CHEYENNE FORM CHART CHEYENNE Wyo Thursday August 14 1019 Eleventh day Cheyenne Breeders Association Summer Meeting of 19 days Weather clear clearJ J 8 Wallace presiding steward James Haley starter W W Finn racing secretary 4341 fi Fint Hce 4 12 Furlongs Aug 10i 43 4 10 1918 66 6 114 Purse 200 All Ages Claiming Net value to winner 140 second 40 third 20 20Equlv Equlv Odds OddsIntl Intl Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 43394 Heads I Win 94 12 J Majestic 2650100 43349Roy JohnnlcllS 2i C Gross 120100 48377 Thermostat 113 3 C Thompson 900100 43383 Orble Glyn 111 41 B Pinnegar 1SO100 L Gentry J08 S 1 McCorkle 730100 43354 B Mountain 94 6JJ T Buell 1100100 1100100L L Bdwater 111 7 S Smith 3000100 2 mutuels paid Heads I Win 5500 straight 3360 place 440 show Royal Johnnie 400 place 340 show Thermostat iOO show Time 24 48 55 Track fast Winner I N Womnchs b f 2 by Prince Fred ¬ erick Swift Queen by Volante trained by I N Woniach bred by Mr I N Womach WomachWent Went to post at 232 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same 4Q11 fi Second Race a 4 Mile Aug 9 1919 ° AO 113 7 168 Purse 200 4year olds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 140 second 40 third 20 20Equir Equir Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 43337 OrbIculatn 104 lh J McBride 100KX 43407 Plckagaln 109 25 P Martinez 010100 43380 Miss Krujr 109 R Lowo 820100 43378 Milt Roblee 107 4b R Carter lOSO100 43378 Little Gink 107 S Corner 1010100 28133 Last Chance 102 C3 McCorkle 11GO100 11GO100433m 433m Ochmanltl 7s Barnes 7GO100 433 rinsat 107 8 R Dority 1S90100 4379 Don LJbwhd 107 9 B PInrieKar 298D100 X2 mutuels paid Orbicnlation 400 straight 300 place 200 show Pickagaln 400 place 300 show Miss Krug 420 show showTime Time 25 50 115 Track fast fastWinner Winner H Coopers ch in 10 by Smile Orbed Maiden by AHhotas or Loyalist trained by E E Buchanan bred by Mr Clayton Morris Morrisient ient to post at 258 Off at once Start good and slow Won driving second arid third the same 43417 ° Th d Race 5 12 Furlongs Aug 13 M 1919 lQ6Tr4 100 Purse 200 4 y a filasanji upward Claiming Net value to win ¬ ner 140 second 40 third 20 Eqnlv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 43395 Maud Smith 109 1 R Dority 80100 8010043363Crispie 43363Crispie 109 2 T Martinez 210100 43190 Go On 111 3nt S Smith 1140100 43390 Pajaroita II 111 4 R Ryan SCO100 4340 Kimberfy 106 5 McCorkle 860100 2 mutuels paid Maud Smith 3GO straight 220 place 220 show Crispie 220 place 240 show Go On 260 show showTime Time 25 50ys 108 Track fast fastWinner Winner W Harrisons br m 5 by Mint Stella Campbell by Bowling Green trained by F F Bor ¬ land bred by Mr C B Campbell CampbellWent Went to post nt 320 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 43418 Fourth Race 34 Xile Aug 9 1919 ° LO l13 7 1080 Purse 200 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 140 second 40 third 20 20Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 43380 Jake Schas 119 1 RLowe 4iMOO 43381 3Thirty Seven 1J3 2J Barnes 700lCO 700lCO43365Sam 43365Sam Hill J13 S t C Gross yiXHOO 43393 Roadmster 110 4h R Ryan 3GOIOO 3GOIOO43381Art 43381Art Rick 116 5 P Martinez 3001CO 43365 Shamk GreenD9 6J McCorkle 300100 43382 El Primo 104 T Douglas 2COO100 2COO100S2 S2 inutuels paid Jake Senas 1120 straight 6 20 place 300 show Thirty Seven 000 place 300 show Sam Hill 300 show showTime Time 24 4 1U4 Track fast Winner F TJineliarts b g 4 by Norford Laura E by Ben Strome trained by F Jtiuehart bred by Mr A Neal NealWent Went to post at 342 At post 5 minutes Start good and Iow Won driving second and third the 101 5 Purse 200 3year olds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winaer 140 second 40 third 20 20Equir Equir Odds Odds1ml 1ml Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 43395 Tern DuncanlOS 1 P Martinez 130100 43392s Ringleader 108 2 S Smith 210100 43369 Tamblan 101 3 Douglas 790100 43392 Martre 113 4 C Thompson 320100 43350 XRayonnant JOS 5 McCorkle 840100 2 nititueds paid Tempy Duncan 400 straight 280 place 200 shoiv Ringleader 280 place 2iO show Tambian 280 show Time 24 48 101 equals track record Track Trackfast fast fastWinner Winner C B Irwins b m 8 by Billy Maylme Edna Edwards by Deerslayer trained by O B Irwin bred by Mr W E Moody MoodyWent Went to post at 412 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 4349H Sixth Race 58 Milo Aug 8 1919 0t 0tiU iU 101 5 102 Purse 200 3yecr olds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 140 second 40 third 20 20EquivOdds EquivOdds EquivOddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight43390Curlicue 43390Curlicue 110 1C Ridille CU1W 43377 aind Brigade 110 22 J McBrltlo 12SOHJO 12SOHJO433772Mike 433772Mike Dixon 8 3J McCorkle 290100 43392 W C Dooly 107 41 R Lowe IfnOlCO 43390 Outfielder 110 7i Barnes 2410100 43355 D C Girl 101 6s R Ryan 1520100 43377 Handy Andy 110 7 R Carter ICO100 43391 Or BlossomlOS Left J Mulcahy 24401CO 2 mutuels paid Curlicue 300 straight 260 260place place 220 show Indian Brigade 400 place 200 shoy Mike Dixon 220 show Time 24 48 101 equals track record Track fast fastWinner Winner I N Womachs ch g 10 by Handsel Eva Rice by Masetto trained by I N Womach bred by Mr T B Tones TonesWent Went to post at 437 At post 1 minute Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 43491 Seventh Race 58 Kile Aug 8 1910 tOt4J ioi5 102 Purse 280 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 140 second 440 third 20 Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse r Wt Fin Jockey Straight 43337 Sam Rank 113 li J McBride C401CO C401CO43391IOld 43391IOld HomesdlOS 21 McCorkle 80100 43405 Fr Mornlnc 113 3s J Mulcahy 250100 2501004337K 4337K Mtse Pearl 111 4 R Carter 1320100 43391 Fgety RosuellS 5 C Riddle 1340100 2 mutuels pajjl Sam Rank 12 80 straight3io plw 220 show Old Homestead 240 place 220 show Frosty Moraine 220 show Time 243iftk 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner E StowiWs br h 11 by olden Maxim Dimple by Mlrtfiftil trained by E Kinnuman bred by Mr Henry TS Oxnard OxnardWent Went to post at 302 At post 2 minutes Start bad and slow Won driving second and third the same

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Local Identifier: drf1919081901_2_10
Library of Congress Record: