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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. A. J. M., Cincinnati, O. if it was the bookmaker who wrote the parlay he should pay. J. W. S., Memphis. Tenn. Jockey C. Robinson is under contract to Lester and Henderson, who race under -the name of the Ogden Stable. P. R., Chicago, 111. It was on the entry. See reply to It. K. The show parlay won as a single show wager on Golden Broom. J. D. E., Cincinnati, O. When one backs a jockeys mounts he is backing tho horses ridden by the jockey and none other. II. E. C, Detroit. Mich. When an owner has entries in two or more races and the entry is backed without naming the race, the wager attaches to the first race in Avhich that owner has an entry. P. W. 15., Colorado Springs, Col. No official announcement has been made in regurd to racing at Tijuana next winter. The sport will be conducted at New Orleans as usual. W. W. H., Washington Court House, O. A declaration by an owner to win with a specified horse of his coupled entry would have no effect on the betting. Any horse of the entry winning would win for backers of the entry. IJ. K., Hot Springs, Ark. Except in a few localities it has become the custom to regard a wager on a horse which is a member of a coupled entry starting as being on the entry. This is on the ground that nothing but the entry could be backed at the track and what obtains there should obtain elsewhere. Thus, in race 43399, a wager on His Choice would have won because her stablemate won, but if she had not started it would have been a dra.w.