Opening of the Big Game Season, Daily Racing Form, 1919-08-22


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OPENING OF THE BIG GAME SEASON i The season for shooting big game is close at hand in certain states and Canadian, provinces. In fact, the male deer season is already open in California, hunting having begun on August 1. It continues until September 14, for bucks witli the following exceptions: Male deer, except spike bucks, in districts 2 and 3, August 1 to September 14; in district 4, August 13 to September 15; in districts 1, 4., 23. 25 and 20. August 15 to October 14. In east Oregon the season opens on September 1 and lasts until October 31 for buck deer, with this exception that east of the Cascades the open season for buck deer in Union and Wallowa Counties begins September 10 and ends on November 10. In South Carolina the deer season begins September 1 and closes on December 31. In Virginia the deer season begins September 1 and closes December 1, with the following exceptions: Tlie open season in Amelia and Xotnway Counties is rfrom November 1 to December 31; in Brunswick and Greensville. October 1 to February 1 ; in Chesterfield, Mecklenburg, Prince George and Surry Counties, October 1 to January 1; in Bath, Highland, Shenandoah, Allegheny, Bland, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, Giles, Montgomery, Patrick, Pulaski, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Russell and Wythe. Counties. "no open Season. In Idaho the deer, goat and elk season opens on September 10 and closes November 30, with the following exceptions: Deer and mountain goat in Adams, Blaine, Boise, Bonneville, Butte, Caribou, Clark, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Godding, Idaho, Jefferson, Lemhi, Lincoln, Madison, Power, Teton, Valley and Washington Counties September 10 to November 30; in game preserves and the rest of the state, no open season. Elk may be killed in Bingham, Bonneville, Fremont and Teton Counties from September 10 to November 30; in Clearwater and Idaho Counties from October 1 to November 15. In the- rest of the state no open season. Elk may be killed in Bingham, Bonneville, Fremont and Teton Counties from September 10 to November 30; in Clearwater and Idaho Counties from October 1 to November 15. In the rest of the state no open season. In Louisiana the deer season begins on September 15 and closes January 5, with the following exceptions: Deer south of Vernon, Rapides, Avoyelles, and Concordia Parishes and the Mississippi state line, October 1 to January 20 deer season fixed by commission. In South Carolina the deer season opens September 1 and closes December 31. In New Brnnswick the season opens on deer and male moose on September 15 and closes November 30. There is no open season for deer on Grand Manan and Campobello Islands. In northwest territories the season opens September 1 .".nd closes April 1 for male deer and moose. The goat season begins on September 1 and lasts until April 1. In Quebec the season for deer and male moose begins September 1 and closes December 31, with tins exception: Open season for deer and bull moose in Labelle, Ottawa, Pontine and Teraixcam-ing Provinces is from October 1 to November 30. In Yukon the open season for male deer, moose, caribou, elk, and sheep is from September 1 to March 1. In Nova Scotia the season for male caribou opens September 10 and closes October 15.. Male caribou may be killed in Inverness and Victoria Counties only. There is no open season for big game on Cape BretorislKlnnd. - In Alberta the season opens on September 1 and continues until October 31 for goat and for male sheen. The bear is unprotected in all states and provinces wiili the exception of the following: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Washington, Wisconsin and .Quebec. . The open season on deer alone in the various states are as follows: Alabama, November 1 to January 1; Alaska, August 15 to October 31; Arizona, October 1 to November 1; Arkansas, November , 10 to January 15; California, August 1 to "September 14; -Colorado, October 1 to October 4; Florida. November 20 to March 1; Georgia, October 1 to November 30; Idaho, September 10 to November 1 :i0; Louisiana, September 15 to January 5; Maine, October 1 to November 30; Massachusetts, December 1 to December 0; Michigan, November 10 to November 30; Minnesota, November 15 to December 5; Mississippi; November 15 to March 1; llissouri, November 1 to Dccembor 31; Montana, October 1 to November 30; Nevada, October 15 to November 15; New Hampshire, October 15 to December 15; New Jersey, December 10 to December 20; New Mexico, October 20 to November 5; New York, October 1 to November ,15; Oregon, September 1 to October 31; Pennsylvania, December 1 to December 15; South Carolina, September 1 to. December 31; South Dakota, November 1 to November 30; Texas, November 1 to December 31; Utah, November 1 to November 10; Vermont, December 1 to December 6; Vir-1 ginia, September 1 to December 1; Washington east,, October 1 to November 15; west, October 1 to November 1; Wisconsin, November 21 to November 30; Wyoming, November 1 to November 30; Alberta, November 1 to December 14; Manitoba, November 20 to December. 10; New Brunswick, September 15 to November 30;- northwest territories, September 1 to April 1; Nova Scotia, October 10 to October 31; Ontario, November 5 to November 20; Quebec, September 1 to December 31; Sas- katchewan, November 15 to December 14; Yukon, September 1 to March 1.

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Local Identifier: drf1919082201_6_2
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