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i GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111., August 21. Weather forecast: Illinois Fair tonight and Friday; somewhat cooler tonight. Missouri Fair tonight and Friday; slightly cooler tonight in south and cast central portions. General forecast The indications for fair weather in this forecast district during the next thirty-six hours, except that light showers are probable late tonight or Friday from the northern Rocky Mountain region eastward to the Red River of the north valley. The temperature changes will not be portant. WASHINGTON, D. C, August 21. Amendments to the food control act imposing a ,000 fine -and imprisonment of two years for profiteering were ordered favorably reported today by the house agricultural committee. The legislation was proposed by Attorney General Palmer and extends the terms of the act to include among the list of necessities "wearing apparel, containers of food, feed or fertilizers, fuel oil and natural gas." WASHINGTON, D. C, August 21. The President lias not the power to declare peace by proclamation, nor could he consent in any circumstances to take such a course prior to the ratification of a formal treaty of peace by the. Senate. President Wilson so wrote Senator Fall today in answer to one of the twenty written questions the senator presented at the White House conference Tuesday. GALVESTON, Texas, August 21. Seven of the Mexican bandits who robbed sailors from the United States cruiser Cheyenne off Tampieo last month have been apprehended and put to death by the Car-ranza authorities, according to an official report from Gen. Pueblo Gonzales to Mexican consul Meade Fierro. here, made public today. The report states, the bandits had property of the sailors in their possession. WASHINGTON, D. C, August 21. The senate was informed today by President Wilson that the United States government was not aware of any armed interference by Nicaragua in Costa Ricah affairs, and that the state department repeatedly had urged Nicaraguan officials not to make any such interference. The presidents message was in response to a resolution by Senator LaFollette. ROANOKE, Va., August 21. Thirteen passengers, were injured none seriously in the derailment of a Norfolk and Western passenger train near Boyce, Va., early today. Five cars left the track, including two Pullmans en route from southern points to New York. WASHINGTON, D. C, August 21. The Mexican ambassador here has been instructed by his government to protest to the state department against the dispateli of American troops across the border and to request their withdrawal, according to a statement issued at Mexico City yesterday. WASHINGTON, D. C, August 21. The nomination of A. Mitchell Palmer to be attorney general was confirmed by the Senate without .opposition late yesterday. Mr. Palmers confirmation marks the end Of a fight against" his appointment, which centered about his administration of the office of alien property custodian. COPENHAGEN, Denmark, August 21. Collisions between German and American sailors on Tuesday at Neufahrwasser resulted in the wounding of several civilians and one German seaman, according to Danzig dispatches receivedhere today. Neufarh-wasser is a seaport four miles nortli of Danzig. NASHVILLE, Tenn., August 21. Three masked bandits held up a Louisville and Nashville passenger train between Columbia and Pulaski early today and escaped with valuable mail and express packages. COPENHAGEN, Denmark, August 21. Martial law has been proclaimed throughout Hungary, says a Budapest dispatch dated Wednesday. SPRINGFIELD,. 111., August 21. The last of the miners in Illinois who have been on protest strike against state miners officials went back to work today;. LONDON, England, August 21. Viscount Grey, the new Britisli ambassador to the United States. will sail for New York September 10, it is nounced.