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GENERAL rtEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111., August 2G. Weather forecast: Illinois Generally fair tonight and Wednesday; slightly -warmer Wednesday, except near Lake Michigan. Missouri Generally fair tonight and AVednesday, except probably showers in northwest portion; somewhat -warmer AVednesday. General forecast: The indications are for generally fair weather during the next thirty-six hours in the Upper Mississippi Aalley, the eastern lake region and the northern Rocky Mountain states, -while the weather will be unsettled in the plains states and the Missouri Valley, with showers in some sections. The temperature changes will not be important. AAr A S II IX G TO X, 1. C, August 20. The committee of 100, representing the railroad shopmen, informed Director General Hincs today that they could not accept as a basis of " settlement of their demands the rates submitted to them yesterday by President AVilson. Results of the negotiations here were communicated to the union locals throughout the country witli instructions that a strike vote should be taken immediately to determine whether the Presidents proposals should, be accepted. Pending the counting of an official strike vote, Jit was urgently requested by international officers that all men should remain on their jobs. NEW YORK, N. Y., August 2G. Samuel Gomp-ers, president of the American Federation of Labor, arrived today on the transport George AAauhington from Brest. Immediately after his arrival Mr. Gompers went into conference with Glenn E. Plumb of Chicago, author of the railroad brothcr- hoods plan for nationalization of the railroads. Also at the conference were former Representative Edward Keating of Colorado and several brotherhood officials. WASHIXGTOX, D. C, August 2G. Only two men of the thousands of the American expeditionary force who went into battle against the Germans remain unaccounted for, according to a casualty list issued today by the war department. The previous list showed more than 100 missing in action. Total casualties now are placed at 291,732, with 77,122 deaths from all causes. XEAAr YORK, X. Y., August 20. Authorization for the sale of 30,000 pairs of army shoes at .".50 a pair was given by the war department today to a company which has on hand a large stock of the regulation soldier footwear. The shoes were- designed for sale to the trade at 8.50 a pair: No sales will be made to dealers. WASHIXGTOX, D. C, August 20. Russian soviet interests apparently arc supplying funds for a propaganda to stir up race antagonism in the United States, according to information now in the hands of the department of justice. NEW YORK, X. Y., August 20. J. P. Morgan sailed for Europe oa the steamship Lapland today. He lias not had a vacation in five years and intends to visit relatives in England and France and devote his entire stay to recreation. WASHIXGTOX, D. C, August 20. American soldiers, tlie state department lias announced, will form a part of any force the supreme council of the peace conference decides to send to Silesia.