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THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1919 An Excellent and Low-Priced Book of 450 Pages f A CONTAINS all the features that have created such demand for it in the past. It IT is simply a mine of records. One of the features of this book is a tabulated com-i ? v pilation of the great races of England, France and Australia, which covers the p winners and other details from their institution. This is a feature that is more compre- a . hensive than ever before attempted by any turf publication in the world. .... . V , 1 1, Mm, in m I, AMONG ITS FEATURES ARE It Necrology of the Turf in 1918. a Pari-Mutuel Betting Explained. American Stake Races for the Year 1918. Race Track Records of All the Tracks of the United States, Bargain Yearlings and the Reverse. Canada, Cuba and Mexico. Bookmaking Percentage Table. Racing of American Thoroughbreds in 1918. Comparative Mile Speed. Racing Organizations and Their Officials. Dead Heats of 1918. Racing Records of the American, Australasian, Canadian and Disqualifications of 1918. - English Turf. English Betting Rules. . Records of Miles in 1 :38 or Better. Great Money-Winning Horses of the American, Australasian Record Odds in the Pari-Mutuels. s and English Turf. Remarkable Jockey Feats. Handicapping and Racing with Examples. Scales of Weights of the Canadian Racing Associations, Cuba-Highest-Priced Thoroughbreds of the American and European American Jockey Club, English Jockey Club, The Jockey Turf. Club, Jockey Club Juarez, Kentucky State Racing Corn- Leading Winning Two-Year-Olds. mission and Pacific Jockey Club. Long-Priced Winners of 1918. Sires of Two-Year-Old Winners of 1918. Host Important Races of Foreign Countries, Including the Thoroughbreds That Died During 1918. Eclipse Stakes, Epsom Derby, Epsom Oaks, French Derby, Track Record Speed. French Oaks, Grand Prix de Paris, Jockey Club Stakes, Twenty Leading American Sires of 1918. Melbourne Cup, One Thousand Guineas, Prix du Conseil Winners of Important American Stakes. Municipal, Prix du President de la Republique, St. Leger Yearling Sales of 1918 in America, aud Two Thousand Guineas. Etc., Etc. j PRICES BY MAIL: Leather Bound Bound 85 - - - .10 Paper - - cents FULL PURCHASE PRICE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH ORDER - . . TWTITH THIS EMINENTLY HANDY BOOK in his pocket any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any query that may come up concerning facts of racing in the past. Its equal has never been printed and, considering the topics it . , covers, it is an extremely low-priced book. . . w Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., 441 Plymouth Court Room 804, mi 74 Exchange Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS J BUFFALO, NEW YORK