Telegraphic Form, Daily Racing Form, 1919-09-04

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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The horses which seem best in Thursdays races " " are: Belmont Park, N. T., September 3. 1 CONSTANCY, Masked Dancer, His Choice. 2 Lucius, Glcipner, Capt. Hodge. 3 Naturalist, Billy. Kelly, Hollister. 4 Recount; War Macliine, Thistledon. 5 Our Maid, Starry Belle, Red Domino. 0 Mad Hatter, Herodias, Leading Star. F. J. Ortell. Buffalos , Belmont , Park Handicap. 1 CONSTANCY, Masked Dancer, His Choice, Ricociiot. . . 2 Lucius, Favour, Glcipner, Cnpt- Hodge. 3 Recount, Thistledon, War Machine, Rose dOr. 4 alurallitHblftater, "Billy Kelly, Peter Piper. 5 Our Maid, Bread Line, Roseland, Starry Belle. frr-War,. Herodias, Leading Star, Pastoral Swain. Observer?; .Belmont Parle Handicap. 1 Constancy,- Masked Dancer, His Choice, Arc-. thusaJ" 2 Gleipner, Lucius, Favour, Capt. Hodge. 3 HILLY. KELLY, Naturalist, Enfilade, Old Rosebud". 4 Recount, Ticket, Rose dOr, Thistledon. Ti-r-Our Maid; Comique, Bread Line, Roseland. 0 Herodias, Joyful, "War Drive, Pastoral Swain. Observers Blue Grass Fair Handicap. 1 HIgli !Qcar,Martre, lions telle,. Larry U. 2 Mayrosc, Alula,- Bread Man, Charles Jr. 3 BREEZE, Sands of Pleasure, Kama, Happy Go Lucky. 4 Doily, Contestant, Prince Igor, Can She. 5 Baby-Gal, Lady Waldeck, Rhymer, Sea Urchin.

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Local Identifier: drf1919090401_2_8
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