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ENGLISH AND AMERICAN RACING WAYS Trainer A, J. Joyner Tells of the Different Methods Employed Here and Abroad. BY C. J. FITZ GERALD. NEW YORK, N. Y., September 10. A. J. Joyner, one of Americas most prominent trainers of tlior-jughbreds, who followed his profession in England for eight years, having charge of horses owned by the late Herman B. Duryea, H. 1. Whitney, August Helmont and Lord Lonsdale, in speaking of mutters pertaining to the turf in the Tinted States a few Jays ago. made the following timely- comments on the sport as he lias known it: "English racing is under Stricter surveillance than ours, and foul riding will not be tolerated. A hoy must follow a straight course, and unless the stewards are. satisfied that a jockey was unable to keep his mount straight lie comes under the ban. The usual plan is to caution a rider the first time lie is guilty of improper practices. A repetition means a long Fiispcnsion or a cancellation of his license. The boys, knowing this, are careful, and is a rule there is little rough riding, even in the biggest fields. "I saw the race for the Epsom Derby in which .raganour was disqualified," resumed Mr. Joyner. Mr. Isniay was unfortunate in that race as I saw it, for Aboyeur. which was placed first, repeatedly bumped Craganour, and it looked like two tired aorses fighting it out for the finish. The situation was different from that with which the Westchester itewards were confronted in the Realization. The stewards give the sport their closest attention, even details. One of them frequently goes to the post ind takes notes of the behavior of the jockeys at the start. Riders are also under constant supervision; it other times. One or more stewards may be seen taking an active interest in the conduct of the sport at every meeting throughout England. Some if our American boys, when they went over, thought the discipline on English courses severe at first, but it worked for their general good in the end." When asked bow he regarded the horses of the present day in the United States, Mr. Joyner said: GIVES CROWN TO MAN 0 WAR. "Every now and then we are asked to compare horses of our day with those of former times, and while it is exceedingly difficult to class the racers if different periods, I, for one, must declare in uvero-thosetUat made tuxf .history, fnrus-in the. lecade prior to 190S. Man o War is without doubt i first-class two-year-old, and Purchase has every appearance of making good in the three-year-old livision. Both have size and speed, and the former in particular beats his horses in a way that compels " me to place him among the best juveniles have ever seen, hfre or abroad. As good as ColinV les, as good as anything we have ever seen any-.vliere." Asked if the sprinters of the present day in the "nited States compared with tin; best of those lie lad seen abroad, Mr. Joyner said: "English sprinters are in the main better than nirs. though Naturalist and Lucnllite are both fast lorses and could win in any country. Ilarmonicon mil Whisk Broom II.. which were both bred in the inited States, the former being by Disguise and the latter by Broomstick, were able to hold their nvn when I had them in England, and they invariably headed the handicaps. They were horses jf great bulk, and Whisk Broom II. was a real Siainpiou at a mile. Race horses come in all sizes. Mediant, with which I won the Stewards Cup and the Clitynpion Sprint Handicap, standing not more than !? hands. "Our horses must improve from now on as a result of owners in this country obtaining so much good blood during the period of the war when it was oossible to secure stock which would riot otherwise be on the market at any price. The English sportsman does not count the price when he wants i particular mare or yearling. The Saratoga sales this summer show that we are fast getting to the jame idea, and it augurs well for the future of racing in America." As Mr. Jovner is credited with having a great legree of success in selecting stallions for the American mares which were sent to him from time to time by his employers to be bred, he was asked what lie considered the first essential for. a great stock horse. "Speed," was his reply. "If you ?an get both speed and staying power, you, of course, !iave the ideal horse, but give me speed every time in a stock horse. Such a sire will have a greater measure of success than a plodder."