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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are: Lexington, Ky., September 10. 1 OCEAN SWEEP, Delico. Kiku. - Words o Wisdom, Nobleman, Premium. 3 Repeater, Mandalay. Ilarrigans Heir. 4 Wudsworths Last, Tokalon March, Redstart. 5 Precious, Drastic, Dark Hill. 0 Blazes Cotton Blossom, The Swimmer. 7 Aztec, Ellison, Alhena. J. L. Dempsey. Buffalos Iicxinstoii Handicap. 1 Dilico, Kiku, Blushing Beauty. Dancing Snray. - Trusty, Premium, Words o Wisdom, Service Flag. 3 Make Up, Sams Boy, Repeater, Warlike. 4 Wadsworths Last, Redstart, Rookery, Bronco Billy. 5 Precious, Drastic, Dark Hill, Prospector. 0 BLAZES, Cotton Blossom, Friz, The Swimmer. 7 Fairish, Lucile T., Philistine, Chick Barkley. Observers Lexington Handicap. 1 OCEAN SWEEP, Delico Blushing Beauty, Lance. 2 Nobleman, Trusty, Busy Joe, Words o Wis dom. 3 Make Up, Ilarrigans Heir, Warlike, Virgo. 4 Sarasota, Tokalon March, Contestant, Red start. r Precious, Drastic, Sands of Pleasure, Raider. 0 Blazes, Cotton Blossom, The Swimmer, Friz. 7 Lucile P., Dahabiah II. Aztec, Parrish. Havre do Grace, Md September 1C. 1 Mock Orange, Nancy Ann, Flying Welshman. 2 El Mahdi, General, Sturdee. 3 Wodan, Indian Chant, Vigilante. 4 Escoba. The Desert, African Arrow. r MILKMAID, Quietude, Belle Malione. i Sunny Hill, Scotch Verdict. Coral. 7 Bathilde, Millrace, Kirsties Cub. T. K. Lynch BnfTaloN Havre le Grace Handicap. 1 Flying Welshman, Tattle, Mock Orange, Mas ter Bill. 2 Befugee, El Mahdi, Lady Ivan, Sea Beach. 3 Wodaii, Napoli, Toddler, Omeme. 4 African Arrow. Escoba, American Eagle, Knot. 5 QUIETUDE, Milkmaid, Duchess Lace, Madge F. 6 Jack Mount, Hubbub, Sunny nill, Joan or Arc. 7 Bathilde, Kirsties Cub, Millrace, Tranby. Observers Havre tie Grace Handicap. 1 Flying Welshman, Tattle, Mock Orange, Franc Tiretir. 2 Sturdee, El Mahdi, Nan Kiioohr, Refugee. 3 Wodan, Napoli, Isabelle H., Omeme. 4 African Arrow, Escoba, Knot. The Desert. 5 MILKMAID, Quietude. Duchess Lace, Madge "F. r Hubbub. Joan of Are, Sunny Hill, Jack Mount. 7 Joan of Arc, Millrace, Bathilde, Editli Bau-manii. Aqueduct, L. I., New York, September 10. 1 Sugannint. Flying Orb, Bright Gold. Bally, Audacious, Carpet Sweeper. 3 Nightstick, Achilles, Paddy Whack. 4 A. K. Macomber entry, Sennings Park, Jock- Scot. B P. G. KING, Wilfreda. Miss Sterling. C Mad Hatter, Lady Gertrude, Tombolo. J. Ortell. Buffalos Atiuednct Handicap. 1 Sugannint, Flying Orb, Swirl, American Soldier. 2 AUDACIOUS, Bally, Bridesman, Kashmir. 3 Arnold, Thos. F. McMahon, Achilles, Night stick. 4 Star Master, Hollistcr, Sennings Park, Lord Brighton. 5 P. G. King, Wilfreda, Le Balafre, Miss Ster ling. J War Drive, Mad Hatter, Lady Gertrude, Fell Swoop. Observers Auueduct Handicap. 1 Bright Gold, Flying Orb, Lonely, Sugarmint. 2 AUDACIOUS, Bally. Jack Stuart, Kashmir. 3 Back Bay, Tenons Bon, Nightstick, Paddv Whack. 4 Hollistcr, Jock Scot, Sennings Park, Lord Brighton. 5 Wilfreda, P. G. King, Miss Sterling, Nanette Flack. 6 Tombolo, Lady Gertrude, War Drive, Elmen- dorf.