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WILL ENRICH AMERICAN BLOODSTOCK Sledmero Stud Horses Now in This Country Should Prove of .Inestimable Value in the Future. NEW YORK. N. Y., October 11. When W. H. Rowe, the Jockey Club registrar, counseled W. R. Coe to purchase the yearling crops of thoroughbreds at the Sledmero Stud of the late Sir Mark Sykes in 1917 he was instrumental in bringing to the United States what by light of results at the recent Don-caster sales is regarded as well-nigh priceless strains of blood. There were seventeen juveniles in this consignment five colts and twelve fillies- and while some of them have failed to date to achieve distinction on the turf there is no doubt that they will enrich the American thoroughbred families of the future. Included in the list -were the colts Over There, by Spearmint, and Under Fire, bj-Swynford, and the fillies Herodias, Terentia and Athlone, by The Tetrarch, Cicero and Charles OMalley respectively, all of which have shown Winning form, the former being a good stable winner, while Under Fire has won almost as many races as any three-year-old in training, barring Billy Kelly. It was the first time that the Sled-mere yearlings were permitted .to leave England, and there was quite an outcry from sportsmen and breeders in general when the sale was announced in the English periodicals. While prices ruled high, for American thoroughbreds at the yearling sales held in Saratoga last August, where Commander J. K. L. Ross paid 5,000 for the English-bred colt by Simstar Marion Hood, by Martagou, and .W. V,., Thraves of Oklahoma gave 4. ."00 for the purely American-bred youngster by. Ultinnis Tsarina, by Kingston. These figures, epoch making as, they were for this country, pale into insignificance in comparison with those obtained at Doncaster, where sixteen head, the property of Lady Sykes, sold for a total of 01,300 guineas. The sale is such an unusual one that it has attracted world-wide attention; The previous record for a yearling was 10,000 guineas, which was paid for the great filly. Sceptre. This was put in the shade by Lord Glanelys bid of 11,500 guineas for the brown colt by Swynford-Blue Tit. by Wild Fowler. Americans have seen a half-brother to this colt in Wigstone, which raced during the past summer iii tiro colors of Commander J. K. L. Ross. A half-brother to Omar Khayyam, by The Tetrarch, offered by the Worksop Manor Stud, brought 8,000 guineas, with a brown colt by Itich-ard Crokers dead sire, Orby Preponent, by Matchmaker, selling for 0,000 guineas. C. Bower Ismay, who owned Craganour, whoso disqualification for the Epsom Derby created a sensation some years ago, gave r,100 guineas for a colt by Prince Palatine. During the entire "sale no fewer thnn fourteen colts and fillies commanded more than 5,000 each, while the total for the sale of 230 yearlings was 223.400 guineas, or more than ,500. This is striking evidence of the wealth and influence behind the turf in Great Britain. The Sledmere sale is so remarkable that the list is herewith given in full: Property of Lady Sykes. Color, Sex, Pedigree. Guineas. Brown colt, by Swynford Blue Tit, by Wild Fowler; Lord Glancly 11,500 Bay filly, bv The Tetrarch Abbazia, by Isinglass; Alex Taylor 0,000 Bay filly, by Valens Dodragh, dam of Athlone, by Hackler; Lord Glanely 5,400 Chestnut filly, by Swynford Agacella, by Cyllene; Major Conrtauld 5,100 Gray colt, by The Tetrarch Allash, by Si-montault; Alex Taylor ;.. 5,000 Brown colt, by Tracery Rectify, by William the Third; J. P. Hornung : 4,700 Bay filly, by Tracery Ste. Claire II. by Isinglass; R. J. Colling 4,300 Bay colt, by The Tetrarch Veneration II., by Laveno; C. B. Ismay 3,700 Chestnut colt, by Lemberg Honora, byGalli-nule; Alex Taylor 3,300 Bay colt, by Polymelus Will Return, by William the Third; F; Hartigan 2,000 Bay filly, by Stornoway Fruition, by St. Gris; K. Tilstock 2,200 Bay colt, by Cylgad Quecnlet, dam of Terentia, by Berrill; II. Cottrill 1,800 Chestnut filly, by Tracery Miss Cobalt, by Pride; Alex Taylor 1,600 Brown colt, by Radium Summer Girl, dam of Over There, by Sundridge; W. Hyde... 1,550 Brown colt, by Ulster King Boyne Blue, by Lally; Lord Glancly 1,450 Chestnut colt, by Lemberg Startling, by Laveno; K. Tilstock 1,100