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NEW ORLEANS TO HAVE PLENTY HORSES Applications for Stable Room at Jefferson Park and Fair Grounds Continue to Pour In. NEW ORLEANS, La., October 15. Applications for stable room at both the local courses continue to pour in, assuring plenty of horses for the winter meetings in the Crescent City, which begin at Jefferson Park on Thanksgiving day. The following is a list of the applications from Kentucky turfmen for stalls at the Fair Grounds: Allgeyer, J., 3; Anderson, C. R., 5; Bradley, E. It., 18; Baker, J. II., 15; Bianchi, O. A., S; Barnes, G. A, 5; Brown J. M., 10; Bornman, T. F., 5; Cebrian. E., 7; Coffey, J., 2; Crockett, E. C, 7; Calm, L., 6; Cain, W. M., 6; Cooper, J., 3; Cornell, D., 4; Dunne, P., 10; Drake. W. L., 5; Everman, J., 8; Erb, L., 6; Frey, AV. II., 3; Forman, J. W., 3; Ferriss. J. C, IS; Fitzgerald, E. L., 0; Foley. W. J., 4; Gering, F., 4; Gilmore. It. J., 2; Goldblatt, M., 28; Gordon, A. B., 10; Goodman, J. B., 4; Holtman, J, J., G; Hawk, C, 13; Huffman. J., 3; Johnson, O., 6; Johnson, J. W., S: Kirby. A. L., 19; Keene. G. II.. IS; Kurt, J. G., 5; Knebelkamp, W. F., 12; Lowe, John. 8; Lowenstein, M., 4; Moore, E. W., 8;, Munford, T. B.. 4; Murray, E., 1; Marshall, L. F. , ; Miller. I. B., 3; McGarvey. R., 8; Mc-Phcrson, J., 11; Newman, A. L., 2; Neustcter, II., 7; OMeara Bros.. 2; Oots, II., 8; Perkins, II., 7; Pcwers, R. J.. 2; Perkins, W., 16: Phillips. J., 11; Pitt. K., 3; Plicque, A. J.. 4; Quinlan, J., 4; Richards, C. It., 5; Rogers, R. L., 7; Rogers, Otto, 7; Randolph, J., 4; Sallee. W. R., 3; Solomon, J. L., 13; Staton, F. W., 7; Shields, Milo, 4; Stewart, D. E., S; Tullett, II., S; Tugendhaft, C, 4; Te.vis. J. II., 3; Troxler, J. J., 7; Umensctter, J.. 10; Woodman, A. G.. 3; Worthington.. C. T., 11; Weant, W. C, 24; Whitlow. J., 5; Williams Bros., 16; Woodward, W.. 3; Weaver, .1. T, 2. The applications received for stable accommodations at Jefferson Park include the following: Anderson, C. R., 5: Baker, J. II., 10; Brown, J. M., 6; Bornman, T. F., 5; Broaddus, L. A., 8; Brause, J. A., 5; Bianchi. O. A., 3; Coffey, J., 2; Carter, J. W.. 3; Cornell, D., 4; Drake, W. L.. 4; Doyle. S.. 4: Evermau, J., S; Erb, L.,.li; Forman, J. W., 3; Ferriss, J. C, 15; Good, R. II., 4; Gilmore, R. J.. 2; Gordon, A. B., 5;, J. I!., 4; Hall, C. W., 2; Hawk. C, 6; Jones, E. G.. 2; Johnson, 0., !; Knebelkamp and Howerton, 16; Knebelkamp, W. F.. 7; Kirby, A. L., 15; Kurt. J. G., 5; Lowenstein, M., 4; Miller, D. B., 2; McPherson, J., 6; Murray, E., 1; Neusteter, H., 7: Newman, Al, 2; OMeara Bros., 2; OLeary, L. F., 5; Oots. II., 4; Plicque, A. J.. 4; Powers, R. J.. 2; Peterson, G.. 10; Paul, J. L., 13; Perkins, II., 7; Rogers, R. L., 6; Richards. C. R., 5; Solomon, J. L., 13; Schafer, W. L., 3; Sallee; W. R., 3: Schorr. J. W., 6; Staton, F. W., 7; Shields, Milo, 4; Stewart, D. E.. 4; Tugendhaft, C, 4: Troxler. J. J., C: Tullett, II., 6; Tevls, II., 3; Williams, Bert. 6; West, J. T., 1; Weant, W. C 15; Worthington, C. T., 9.