Telegraphic Form, Daily Racing Form, 1919-10-16

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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are: Latonia, Ky., October 15. 1 Blaise, Redland, Kafferty. 2 KORBLY, Fifi II., Blushing Beauty. 3 Simonite, Ray Atkin, Cortland. 4 Lukes Pet, Alula, Bounding Through. 5 Bourbon Lad, Mistress Polly, II. C. Basch. C Matinee Idol,- Bulldoze, Harvest King. 7 Dancing Spray, Jiffy, Jim Heffering. J. L. Dempsey. Buffalos Latonia Handicap. 1 Blaise. Maud Bacon, Rafferty, Yansylvia. 2 KORBLY. Dr. Carmen, Herald, Fifi II. 3 Spartan Boy, General Gleim, Parol, Airdric. 4 Bobby Allen, Lukes Pet, Bounding Through, Alula. 5 Bourbon Lad, Mistress Polly, II. C. Basch, Amelita. 6 Matinee Idol, Harvest King, Game Cock, Bull doze. 7 Jim Heffering, Arravan, Waterproof, Jiffy. Observers Latonia Handicap. 1 Blaise, Rafferty, Maud Bacon, Redland. 2 KORBLY, Skiles Knob, Blushing Beauty, Fifi II. 3 Ray Atkin, Spartan Boy, The Pirate, General Glenn. 4 Golden Dawn, Bobby Allen, Warlike, Lady Mountjo 0 Bourbon Lad, II. C. Basch, Amelita, Mistress Polly. C Harvest King, Bulldoze, Matinee Idol, Delico. 7 Jiffy, Arravan, Corydon, Dancing Spray. Laurel, Md., October 15. 1 Little Ed, Duke John, Rubidium. 2 Flare. Max Meadows, Smithfield. 3 Link Boy, My Dear, Goblet. 4 Camoufleur Billy Kelly, Charlie Leydecker. 5 Harwood II., Tit for Tat, Galway. 0 BALLAD, Joan of Arc, Napoli. , 7 Soldat de Verdun, Graphic, Dancing Carnival. T. K. Lyncii. Buffalos Iianrel Handicap. 1 Rubidium, Duke John, War Smoke, Vigilante. 2 Stucco, Max Meadows, Smithfield, Flare. 3 Link Boy, Clarabella, Cock o the Main, Lloyd George. 4 BILLY KELLY, Quietude, Valor, Charlie Ley- decker. 5 Firing Line, Sky Pilot, Tit for Tat, Harwood II. 6 Joan of Arc, Ballad, Napoli, Melancholia. 7 Jack of Spades, Dancing Carnival, Pilot, v Graphic. Observers Iianrel Handicap. 1 PRIDE OF INDIA, Rubidium, Little Ed, War Winner. 2 Flare, Smithfield, Max Meadows. Stucco. 3 Cock o the Main, Link Boy, Goblet, Clara bella. 4 Charlie Leydecker, J. K. L. Ross entry, Valor. Camoufleur. 5 Frank Monroe, Harwood II., Tit for Tat, Sky Pilot. 6 Joan of Arc. Ballad, Napoli, Tootsie. 7 Belarlo, Soldat do Verdun, Jack of Spades, Dancing Carnival. Empire City Yonkers, N. Y., October 15. 1 BIFF BANG, Shenandoah, Heavy Weapon. 2 Jyntce, Back Bay, Helen Atkin. 3 Little Nearer, Pilsen, Paddy Dear. 4 A. Miller entry, Woodtrap, Tetley. 5 Questionnaire, Senator Crow, Umbala. 6 Star Court, St. Allan, Sea Mint. F. J. Ortell. Buffalos Empire City Handicap. 1 Biff Bang, Heavy Weapon, Shenandoah, An nette Teller. 2 St. Isidore, Jyntce, Back Bay, Ground-Swell. 3 Paddy Dear, Little Nearer. Pilsen. Capt. Hodge. 4 Grundy, Woodtrap, Snapdragon II., Recount. 5 QUESTIONNAIRE, Keen Jane, Senator Crow, Umbala. 6 Cinderella, Star Court, Ira Wilson, St. Allan. Observers Empire City Handicap. 1 Biff Bang, Annette Teller, Heavy Weapon, Aerial. 2 Jyntee, Back Bay, Ground-Swell, Uncles Las sie. 3 Poilu, Little Nearer, Pilsen, Hohokus. 4 Woodtrap, Snapdragon II., Grundy, Koh-i- Noor. 5 QUESTIONNAIRE, Umbala, Keen Jane, Tiger Rose. 0 Cinderella, St. Allan, Star Court, Sea Mint.

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