Quartet of High Caste Young Sires: Wrack, the Curragh, Beach Comber and Black Toney Prominent Aspirants to Stud Fame, Daily Racing Form, 1919-11-08


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QUARTET OF HIGH CASTE YOUNG SIRES Wrack. The Curragh, Beach Comber and Black . Toncy Prominent Aspirants to Stud Fame. Four young stallions likely to make a decided impression in our breeding and racing before many years roll by are Wrack, The Curragh, Beach Comber and Black Toney. The first three of these are exclusively English in blood, although Beach Comber was bred in this country. Black Toney is "all American. Wrack has not been here many years, but he has already sent some .speedy two-year-olds into our racing, and is located w.liere lie lias every chance in the world to sire more like Blazes and Blue Wrack. So pervading is the influence of St. Simon in present-day English breeding that few horses brought here for breeding fail to trace to him in one or more lines, but Wrack is one of the few, although St. Simons sire, Galo-pin, does appear in his pedigree. He was an excellent race horse in England, and his pedigree will stand any amount of investigation and analysis. Here it is: Lord Clifden rifimntnn f f Ayrshire J aPt0" "I Langden J Atalanta. Tropin 3 I Master Kildare . f Melton Jititon -wRose J violet Melrose ja I". Bay... Rose of Lan- fDoncaster ;Jo caster I Rouge Rose W2M f Sterling r 3 of Isinglass J Isonomy- I Isola Bella pis i. I , , . f Wenlock -Dead Lock... I Malpractice " L Chelan- f Goldfinch.... fende V dry 1 f Rosicnieian Wlluminata... .paraffin With extensive "breeding studs iri France, England and the United States. Mr. John .Sanford has great experience in consideration of breeding problems, and his selection of The Curragh to head his Hurricana Stud is an experiment that should be productive of pleasing results. The Curragh was a good race horse,- and when a four-year-old won the Babraliam Plate at a mile and a half, Kcmpton Park Great Jubilee Handicap at a mile and a quarter and the Princess -of Wales Stakes at a mile and a half for Lord Cadogan, all being contested by high-class horses" and races of much value. Thus, when selected and brought over here he was a proved good representative of the staying line of Spearmint, Carbine and Musket. His ancestry points to stamina instead of excessive speed, but the latter essential is not lacking in his capabilities of transmission, as his fleet son Irish Dream has demonstrated on more than one occasion. We shall know more of The Curragh by and by. In the meantime, his taking pedigree is: r Musket fToxophilite t f Carbine. A I Daughter of 2 rl WV ? flthe fIinti"g g5a. i t... Warble ggta St Frus- fSt. Simon.... f alopih f quin...4 ls,Ansela l Isabel....... PWa S L fAmphion.... fSpTmorRbery g 5 I Hellas.. I Suicide LBlavatsky... fe"1 Beach Comber is a gigantic son of the Triple Crown winner Rock Sand and the St. Serf mare Fairy Slipper. When a yearling Edward R. Bradley gave 4,000 for him at public auction. His massive carcass proved too much for his legs, and he could not be. trained successfully. He did not start when a two-year-old, and only once when a three-year-old, but when a four-year-old was sent to the post in eleven races, in which he placed two seconds and one third to his credit. That was his racing record, and his return to Mr. Bradley was 288, a sorry sum, his cost considered. His best race was a good second to Greville at a mile in J.:39 over the Douglas Park track. That he was naturally gifted witli the ability to race to a high standard was well known in private, but he was -so difficult to train property that he was given up in despair and sent into stud service. He is a grandly-bred horse, all English, and all of the most fashionable and successful lines. Given the right alliance he can hardly fail as a sire, the following pedigree being his guarantee: 3 r Springfield.. fSt. Albans f Sainfoin. J Vindis -w .1 Sanda f Wenlock S-LS L I Sandal g rst- Simon f Galopin PSrt k LRoque- J . ,r Lst-Aneela St-.L brunc.1 fHermit BoJ V- guente.... Devotion O S rSt. Simon Galopin o - r St. Serf.. J I St. Angela f I Feronia g bn A fTTermit f Newminster Cinder- J I Seclusion . ella... Mazurka j f wSavr Black Toney is an illustration of the fact that practically any horse coming from the Himyar, I Domino, Commando niale line registers success as I soon as he is given a chance in the stiid. Black Toney has not traveled far in stud life, but the .isclosure of such a star as Miss Jemima in his first crop of two-year-olds is sufficient to bring! him abundant patronage and assure his future. I Black Toneys chance for success as a sire is helped by the fact that through his dam he belongs to that other predominant American family, which begins with Bopnle Scotland and comes down to the I preseut through Bramble and Ben Brush. Altogether his ancestry is .flawless, and here it is: - g rCom Domino...... fjgg? g M ndHKmmaC - I cinder- Hermit Sftf ! o h ella..."l. r See Saw Wgl I Mazurka o Bonnie Scotland rIlrml.1o f andx rtrBen J Bramble I Ivy Leaf wj II BrUSb iRoseville.... Jftf L 5c r , . f Vedette H o I Bonnie J oatopin I Flying Duchess B Gl....-loallel01I, fjUWUtae

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919110801/drf1919110801_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1919110801_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800