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ROYAL STAG HUNTING IN SCOTLAND The king and those shooting with him have had most excellent sport among the deer on the moors around Balmoral. Scotland, this year, though tliey are far from having broken all records, as some enthusiasts have stated. Though the stags have been both numerous and of decent size, it Is probable that we shall have to wait many years before the giant brought down by the present king in September, 1909. is rivaled. Tills great fellow weighed nearly 30S pounds and was a "ten-pointer." The nearest approach was the one shot by King Edward that was just over 291 pounds. Probably the best days sport ever enjoyed over the royal moors was as far back as August. lSiiti, when to King Edwards rifle alone seven stags fell in one day. This record was closely approached in September, 1902, when King Edward brought down half a dozen stags. In 1907 the total bag of stags at Balmoral wan ninety-four, with an average weight of 192 pounds. Loudou Evening News.