Scarcity of Horses is Inevitable: Registration of Foals for 1919 Lowest in Fourteen Years-Believe Low-Water Mark Reached, Daily Racing Form, 1919-11-12


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SCARCITY OF HORSES IS INEVITABLE Registration of Foals for 1919 Lowest in Fourteen Years Believe Low-Water Mark Beached. XEW YORK. X. Y., Xovember 11. Scarcity of horses next year is inevitable.. Such is the opinion of W. H. Howe, head of the Jockey Club registration department. Looking over the registration of foals for 1919, there are 134 less than in 1918, the total being 1.SS4 against 1,750. There may be a few more added to the number this year of what are known as stragglers, but they will net be sufficient in number to make up the shortage between this year and last. Considering the fact there were 4,415 foal registrations in 1905, the decrease is almost appalling, this years total being 1!,G5 less than in 1905. This shows about 1G0 per cent more registrations fourteen years ago than there are this year. Xaturally the war and cessation of racing and breeding in spots caused much of this decrease, but contrary to this argument conies the fact that from the year 1914, or the beginning of the war, there have been 1,470 foreign-bred horses brought to this country. Mr. Rowe considers this year will mark the low tide of the industry, and attributes much of the shortage this year more to casualties than the scarcity of brood mnres. "I have heard many reports of slips and deaths of sucklings," said Mr. Rowe, "and-1 firmly believe the figures of this year would have shown an increase over those of 1918 but for accident and incidents. From what I can learn the number of brood mares is increasing, but has a long way to go before the registration will reach" the figures of fourteen and fifteen years ago. "What will also add to the scarcity tliis year will be the lack of importations. Heretofore there have becivnian .Jiprsesconie from Europe brought here by" Major TJeimont,the"late II. ST DuryeaT 3frT6far-ence Mackay, Mr. Rosseter and many shipped here by various owners on speculation. Such importations have not occurred this year and are unlikely, as thoroughbreds are as scarce in foreign countries as here." Looking over the prospects of entries in the races for 1920, there will be anything but abundance of horses at any one track, if they are equally divided. There are practically five racing: sections: Xew York, Maryland, Kentucky, Canada and the west. Many times there will be confliction in three districts and sometimes four. This year there were approximately 3,500 horses raced. Divide these .by five and it leaves but about 700 horses-for each district. The far west will not have possibly more than 300, which would leave 3,200 for division between the four main sections, or 800 each. Whichever way one looks at the situation,- horses will be scarce. These: facts have probably been well thought out by those owners who have been willing to buy horses and claim them at fabulous prices frcm claiming and selling races. Horses are held at prohibitive prices these days of scarcity and phenomenal purses.

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