Rosseter Stable for Bowie Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1919-11-12


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ROSS ETER STABLE FOR BOWIE RACING BALTIMORE, Md., Xovember 11. Two of the most promising of the two-year-olds that will race at Bowie this fall under the silks of J. H. Rosseter, one of the leading producers of thoroughbreds in California now, are Irish-bred. These youngsters are Mark West and Squire Charlie. Mr. Rosseter bought the dams of Mark West and Squire Charlie Santa Malta and Berrills Choice for service at his Wikiup Stud, in Ireland, and before bringing them to the United States he had them mated with Squire Jack, a big-boned horse of the fencing type, by Sweetheart, which is standing in Ireland, in the expectation that they might produce from such a mating a couple of horses that could be developed into steeplechasers. Squire Jack had been in the government service as a sire of cavalry horses before Mr. Rosseter sent Berrills Choice and Santa Malta to him. His expectation of securing jumping types has not been disappointed. Squire Charlie looks so good to the cross-country sharps, who are already stirring about for material for next falls renewals of the Ticket of Leave and Elkridge Steeplechases, Mr. Rosseter has turned down several offers for him. Mark West is not so well developed, but he is growing. It is not likely, however, that either of these sons of Squire Jack will leave the Rosseter st-ibie. The California sportsman is not sure that he will not himself have a few jumpers in the field next year. Squire Charlie, which is a big striding colt, may turn out to be Mr. Rosseters best racing asset at Prince George Park in the course of the last fortnight of Xovember. He is nothing if not a long route racer, and in all of his races at Laurel Park and Pimlico he has shown improvement. Charles Casey, who is training the Rosseter string, is of the opinion that Squire Charlie will be hard to beat in the long distance races for two-year-olds that will be salient features of the Bowie meeting. Rollicking Airs, Wedding Cake, Passing Shower, Farmingdale and one or two others will be in the Rosseter string at Bowie. The Californian has two capital riders in Johnson and Hamilton.

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