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SUNDAY WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 122 i 1 NKW OULi:ANS, Uu, IKceinber 1. The, heavy condition of lMdli lmral triii-lcs1 curtailed tniininjr iieiaiiuis here Sitnday. the folhiwiiis being the only work-outs reikrted: - " At Fair Grounds. Weather clear; track heavy; "dogs" up 119 Atiime, five-eishths, in 1:09?.. lltDaby Lynch, five-eighths Mu 1:11 . 11Y Itrtiwtiiu MeDawglltliree-tiKhths in 39. 120 Dagpipe, three-eigliths iu..40. 117-Clariii Martin tiiree-eighths in 44. 117 tOomnH? Ci, threeriuarters ,iu. 1:23. 119 Captain Hershler. half mile Jn TiO. 11U. Constant., half mile in 59. 120 Connecticut; three-quarters in 1:29 118 -Duke xf Devonshire, f ive-eigliths in 1:14. 120 !;ckmate, three-ipiarters in 1:27. 119 Day , of ;Ieavi, tlire-eighti; jn; 39. llur-;rfdeu Dawn, lialf uiile.,in..."i7. IK- Jack K., three-eighths in 41. iHtVtidge David, f ive-eigliths in 1U0. ll.ti-5Ia-auder. fiv-eigliths hi : 1:12. 117 Movrf On, thret-eighths 1n 42. 1 17 New Model, five-eighths in 1:09. 92-ltib. half Julie in, r4. .. 120 Itufus ltiley. thiH--iiuarters in, 1:22. 119 ltifle Shooter. tliree-iuarters In 1:22. 114 Itapid Traveler, three-eiirhths. in 45. 114- Hotiert Mantell, -thvee-cigliths in 41 . 115-Suhalidar. five-eighths in -1t12. 119 sugiirmliit. three-eighths in 41. 119 Ktitcli fn Time, mile in 1:51. 119 Tom Goose, five-eightlis in 1U0. 117 Tantalus, three-eighths in 45. 120 Ticklish, three-eighths in 45. 121 rJie.."t,allanti.lialf milei in-il!. 115 Tanlac, three-quarters In: 1:21. 117 Tim Boy. three-eighths in 3SfS. At Jefferson Park. iVVeathe clear; .hick heavy; "dogs" up 117 Arrowhead Inn, half mile in 59. 120 Accelerate, half mile in 59. 121- r:Arfstodrat. "half .mile in 59. llS--lJonihast, half mile in 58. 1.9 Dlack "Wins, five-eighths in 1;15. 11S Dob Baker, half mile in 50. . Billy Fashion, five-eighths-in 1:14. 117 Counterbalance, there-eighths in 44. 117 Clnillenger, lialf mile in 59. 117 Jhilryniaii. thr"V-eighths in 44. lUr-El Bey. five-eightlis in 1;14. 115 Game Cock, five-eighth in 1:13. llii llaiipy Go Lucky, half mile in 59. 102- Jake Argent, three-eighths in 45. .-r-J., 0. jintrill. three-eigliths in 45. 113 Jago. half mile in 59. 119 Kentucky Boy, half mile iii 59. 115 Kirsties Cnh, fivereigliths in 1:15. UK Miss Manage, half mile in 57. 11C rMarasmus. half mile, in 50. ., 117 Irosperus Baby, half mile in 59. 117 Port Light, half mile in 57. 120 Piilhix. half mile 1n 5l. 119 Itlta. flvecighthsiu lilJ. 119 Safranor, five-eighths in 1:11. IIS Sandy Lad. half mile in 57. 120 Sammy Boy. half -mile in 59. " 117 Tmhller. half mile !n 5C. 117 Wand, three -tpiartcis in 1:30.