To Resign or Not Resign: Is a Dilemma Facing the Kentucky State Racing Commission, Daily Racing Form, 1919-12-30


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TO RESIGN OR NOT RESIGN ; - Is a Dilemma Facing the Kentucky State Racing Commission. I Governor Morrow Quoted as Intimating He Can Appoint a New Commission. - LEXINGTON, Ky., Deeembsr 29. J. O. Keene. memler of the State Racing Commission, appointed in November. 1918. by Governor A. O. Stanley, who recently was quoted in Louisville as having expressed the belief that "this commission should resign in a body, giving to Governor Morrow the opportunity to appoint . new commission, under -the principle that to the victor belongs the spoils, " today had the following to say upon the subject : "At Senator Camdens home after the meeting of the commission last Saturday, something was said about our resigning. I expressed the opinion that it would be to the best interests of racing if we would make the road smooth for Governor Morrow by resigning in a body. Mr. Thomas A. Combs said positively "No; no, Ill not resign." A letter was at hand from Judge Allie W. Young, expressing a similar position. Mr. William J. Abrams said lie would "he with the majority of the board in the matter." Senator Camden was non-committal. "Just a night or two ago I rode out from Lexington as far as my home in an. automobile witli Governor Morrow and Rex Cartenter. They .were on their way to Frankfort. Governor Morrow, in the. course of our conversation, said: I am friendl,v tf-racing ami. want to continue so. I have made up .my mind to appoint 11 new racing commission and to remove racing from It is, tinder established precedent in other boards or Commissions, not necessary that the present racing commissioners resign In order to srive me the right of appointment, as will be determined by proceedings if they do not resign, but their resigning in a body would remove the possibility of an cntanglig fight. "I. told Governor Morrow lie could have my resignation at any time, and he replied that my resignation alone would not he sufficient. " I want them all or none." he said, and added: There will not be a -politician on the commission will appoint, .and it -will be made up of men who Iiave,- the security of racig at hear. "

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Local Identifier: drf1919123001_1_7
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