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FRIDAY WORKOUTS AT BOWIE TRACK 238 BOWIE Md April 2 Training operations w rt curtailed this morning at Prince George Park ow UK to tlie rain and heavy condition of the track lit w ever there were a number of horses out for wo k the following being the best moves over the slipp r track trackWeather Weather rainy track sluipcry ThreeEichths Mile 25C baIt Lass 42 422iD 21Lura 41 41237Satana 2iD ckhand 4173 41732iE 237Satana 42 2iE e Opener t5 t52G 2 Susau M 44 44220Tom 2G rbage 41 41237Ji 220Tom Prooks 40 237Ji anita HI 41 4123iK 284 True as Steel 42 4223iVeary 23iK ngllne II 23iVeary 40 L35Lloyd George 41j 235 Youneed 43 22 BNaBreena 54 54235Diadi 232Maize 52 52237Midnight 235Diadi 5 237Midnight Sun 52 52235Pluribns Enos 53 53li3C 235Pluribns 52 5223iSiesta li3C Enrico Caruso 51 51237Fell 23iSiesta 5 523LSex 237Fell Swoop 55 55LllliKeziah 23LSex II 5 5235Aeteran LllliKeziah 54 54234King 235Aeteran 53 234King John 55 Five Eighths Mile Mile2SCourcclles 2SCourcclles 114 I 233Pilsen 105 105237Pecrless 237Pecrless One 10 23Poultney 111 o7Penelope 109 j 25iTan II 110 110ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 237Comacho 123 LttiJLihk Boy I1 I123ISD 23ISD Aandivcrl24 23ilMystic Folly 1 123lFrank 23lFrank Monrocl24 233 Phantom Fairl25 2o5Grecn Mint 122 ISlShort Changel21 Changel213iGriffwood 3iGriffwood 123 23tISiiiiny Hill 23fiH Go Luckyl23 2153Vcnal Joy 123 123233Hcroismeil 233Hcroismeil i1 236Vuto 124 124235H 235H Brother 124 124Sovon Sovon Eighths Mile Mile237Margory 237Margory 133 Ono Mile Mile235Pallad 235Pallad l5l 235Ie Pleuet 151 151lTJ5Bolster lTJ5Bolster 155 237Yand 153 153235Jolil 235Jolil I Uayl55