Hamilton Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1920-06-29


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HAMlLtON FORM CHART HAMILTON ONT MONDAY JUNE 28 1920 Third Hay Hamilton Jockey Club First Meeting of days Weather clear temperature 80 Steward Representing Canadian Racing Associations Francis Nelson steward or Meeting losepu A Murphy Judges F W Gerhardy and D S Gillies Starter James F Milton Racing Secretary A It London Racing stairs at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p in Indicates apprentice allowance QQKT FIRST RACE 58 Mile June 21 1912 59 2 100 Purse 1000 2yearolds TtOOOO Maidens Fillies Allowances Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 InnVx Horses AWtPPSt 47 G53GREYBOURNE w 110 C 5 5 4 I I4 J Butwell R Newell tGSolOO tGSolOOBELL BELL JACK w 109 2 1 ink lh SI 21 A Rlchcrk Thorncllffe Stable 97GO10G 48074 ICON will S S 3 3 2J 3Z C Dishinon C T Worthington 2CO10C 47558 HEATH BELL w 109 12 4 = 21 4 ° 41 R RomelH II Giddings 143101 4778 GRATIAN w 111 59 94 Si 51 5 t R Simpson S A Clopton I06G10C 48088 REPENT w 111 11 10 2 75 G C1 G Stack C Straus 11C310C 48147 WAAC w 104 7 4 1 C1 7l 7 E Fator R W R Cowic 22G310Q 4781 UNDINE wn lit 4 C Sk 93 S4 8 O Willis II Neusteter 347510C 347510C480G7 480G7 FAIR LASSIE wit 11C 9 11 11 103 101 0 H Stearns T Hodge C91010C C91010CRAGGED RAGGED ROBIN1 w 103 10 7 103 11 11 10l E Pollard Mrs L A Livingston FRENCH MISS w 109 3 3 Gi S 9 = 11 A Claver J K L Ross 2770100 2770100fCoupIed fCoupIed in betting as Mrs L A Livingston and It Newell entry Time 23 48 101 Track fast 2 inntnels paid Mrs L A Livingston ami H Newell entry 1470 straight 020 place 370 show Hell Jack i48l place 2830 show Icon 430 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mrs L A Livingston and R Newell entry G35 to 100 straight 210 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Itell Jack 3140 to 100 place 1315 to 100 show Icon 115 to 100 show showWinner Winner Or f liv Anmer Grey Nun by Prince of Melbourne trained by J II Doane bred by Mr II C Cox CoxWent Went to post at 232 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing GHKYUOUUNK raced forwardly from the start and taking the lead in the stretch drew away in the last eighth and won in a canter IELL JACK set a fast pace and ran an excellent race but tired slightly ICON ran well nnd llnished gamely 1IKATII BELL had no mishaps mishapsScratched Scratched 17811Natalie 110 4SO1G Mary Reigel 113 47771 Bonnet o lUue 111 111Overweights Overweights Greybonrne 1 pound f OQttry SECOND RACE 1 Mile June 29 1909 139 3 93 Purso 1000 3yearolds tOO 4 and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 en AWtPPSt V4 Vi Str Fin Jockeys Ow 48314 ROSELYON wsn 1 IIS 1 1 1 1J 1 I4 1 = A Clavr J K L Ross o100 48280 YOWELL wn 110 555 5 3 = 3 ° 2 J II Burke A V Thomas C4V100 C4V10047842IIACKAMORE 47842IIACKAMORE vn I 103 3 3 23 2s 24 2 = 35 A Richcrk E G Jones C55100 C55100478G7DIOMED 478G7DIOMED w 3 104 4 4 2k 33 4IS 41S 410 F Chiavta W C Weant 11SO100 11SO10047871ANTISEPTIC 47871ANTISEPTIC w 8 971 2 2 42 4nk 5 5 5 J Fletcher C II Gilroy 4179100 4179100Time Time 24 48 114 141 Track fast 2 mntnels paid Roselyon 200 straight 240 place 210 show Yowell 330 place 230 show Haekamore 230 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Iloselyon 30 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 5 to 100 show Yowell 05 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Hackamore 15 to 100 show showWinner Winner llr c by Sunstar Desmonds Rose by Desmond trained by F Schelke bred in England by Mr A F Itasset ItassetWent Went to post at 307 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving ROSELYON set a good pace and was nnextended all the way YOWELL started slowly but slipped through liext to the rail and finished wtih a good display of speed but could not overtake the leader HACKAMORE ran well but tired In the last eighth eighthScratched Scratched 17SI11 Waterwood 10S 10SOverweights Overweights Antiseptic IV Hounds IQOC Q THIRD RACE 58 Mile June 21 1912 59 2 100 Purse 1000 2yearolds tirOOOO Allowances Foaled in Canada Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Horses AWtPPS AWtPPStH Str Flu Jockeys Owners Kq Kqulv Odds Strt 4708G SILENT WEST w 108 G I I483393HERENDESY 11 11 2 Il A Claver J K L Ross Rossu fGlOKifi fGlOKifile 483393HERENDESY WU u IIS 5 0 04828i3GALLOUBERRY 22 22 lit 2 ° J Butwell Brookdale Stable Stableiv le J45100 4828i3GALLOUBERRY w iv 10 1 1 3 3i 3 3i H Barnes Seagram Stable Stableiv 1330100 4 8254 RECONNAISSANCE w iv 110 8 5 5482003ROYAL 53 5l 54 42 W Obert Brookdale Stable Stableiv 482003ROYAL VISITOR w 108 3 4 4481G8 7 ° G 4 51 R Romelli II Giddings Giddingsiv 481G8 MYRTLE CROWN iv V 113 2 2 2482542BLARNEY Gt 73 c3 G1 J Metualf J K L Ross Rossiv 482542BLARNEY BOY w iv 110 4 S S478G5 S10 8 S ° 73 A Jlichsrlt Seagram Stable Stableiv 478G5 BROADVIEW w iv 10 9 97 7 7FLEA 43 43 72 Se C Dlshmor Thorncliffe Stable S1V100 S1V100FLEA FLEA w 103 7 9 9 9 9 9 E Pollard Mrs L A Livingston 1830100 1830100Coupled Coupled in betting as 7 K L Ross entry JCouplfd in betting as Brookdale Stable entry SCoupled in betting as Seagram Stable entry Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 imitnels paid J K L Itoss entry 14SO straight 370 place 310 show Brookdale Stable entry 240 place 220 show Seagram Stable entry 350 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds J K L Ross entry MO to 100 straight 85 to 100 place 55 to 100 show JJrookdale Stable entry 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Seagram Stable entry 75 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner 15 c by Calgary Cypher Code by Disguise trained by F Schelke bred by Mr J K L Ross RossWent Went to post nt 345 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow for all bnt Flea Won handily second and third driving SILENT WEST set a fast pace withstood a challenge from HEIIENDESY when an eighth out and drew away again under a good ride HEHEXDESY close up from the start headed SILENT WEST in the stretch and then tir ed GALLGUliERUY finished gamely RECON ¬ NAISSANCE ran well JQOp V FOURTH RACE 34 Kile June 19 1911 111 0 113 Val Cartier Handicap IrOOOt Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 800 second 250 third 150 ses AWtPISt4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odds Strt 47994ST QUBNTIN Wli 4 U2 8 4 2u 4i 31 1 J Butwell J B DUnn 210100 21010048170SCHARLIE 48170SCHARLIE SUMMY w 4 114 4 2 lll 11 I1 22 W Hinphy Maryland Stable 585100 585100478G3 478G3 TOE THE MARK w 4 100 G 1 41 2l 21 3t H Thurber E T Zollicoffer 19015100 47557 KING HEROD WB G 126 1 5 3U 3i 4s 44 R Simpson J W Bean 310100 48311 YAiPHANK WB 3 109 37 a3 u2 53 G1 C Dishmon E Loll 3S23100 47937 RANCHER w S 11G 2 C Ct C1 G Gi O Willis G M Hendrie 441MOO 47935 SMART MONEY w G 111 3 7 ° 7 ° 7s 1 E Barnes G Holmes DCO100 48311 AVYNNEWOOD wn 4 100 7 S S S S 8 E Fator J T Strite 1014 100 10047834SEDAN 47834SEDAN w G 111 9 Left at tho post J H Burko L Brown 995100 995100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 mntnels paid St Quentin 030 straight 300 place 310 show Charlie Summy 550 place 410 show Toe the Mark 2310 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds St Quentin 215 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Charlie Summy 175 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Toe the Mark 1055 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by His Majesty Marchioness by Sain trained by F Warne bred by Mr Gilford A Cochran CochranWent Went to post at 417 At post 5 minutes Start poor and slow Won driving second and third the same ST QUENTIN followed the ear ly pacemaker closely until straightened out in the stretch finished fast when called on and was dr awing clear at the end CHARLIE SUMMY set a fast pace for fiveeighths but was tiring thro ugh the last eighth TOE THE MARK was a forward contender all the way KING HEROD raced gamely but could never get to the front frontScratched Scratched 7S412Tean Bullant 98 48340 May or House 100 100Overweights Overweights Yaphank 1 pound FIFTH RACE 1 110 Miles Oct G 1909 145 4 104 Taplotown Selling HandJ cap Purse 1200 4yearolds and upward Net value to winner 800 second 250 third 150 AWtPPSt YA ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Rquiv Ortdn Htrt 4 8338 PROSPECTOR w G 102 2 5 58 41 2i 1 I2 G Stack H Neusteter G15100 G15100483143SHORT 483143SHORT STOP w 5 93 1 4 41 2 34 34 2 A Ricncrk J T Strite 935100 48314 DOT VANDIVER w 4 ICG 7 2 Il I2 Il 2 = 31 L Morris Sunnyland Stable 475100 48172 = PEERLESS ONE wsli 112 5 3 G G G 4i 4 ° E Fator J Bauer 590100 590100V48313PIEDRA V48313PIEDRA wu 5 10S 3 1 3 SJ 4 = 52 54 O Willis KirKfield Stable 585100 4 8041 ORDERLY WB 7 11C 4 7 2i 55 51 G G J Butwell J W Panglu 280100 48313 WAUKEAG wn C 10S G G Lost rider K Romelli P L Short 5GO100 5GO100Time Time 24 48J 114 141 148 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Prospector 1430 straight 700 place 530 show Short Stop 840 place 400 show Dottle Yandiver S440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Prospector 015 to 100 straight 250 to 100 place 1G5 to 100 show Short Stop 320 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Dottie Vandiver 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner It g by Mushroom Clef dOr by Bend Or trained by II Neusteter bred in England by Lord Arlington ArlingtonWent Went to post at 452 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving PROSPECTOR was saved close up for threequarters hen moved up in resolute fashion when called on and easily raced into a good lead in the last eighth SHORT STOP finished well and out ¬ stayed Dottie Vandiver when it came to a drive The latter set a good pace to the stretch and tired ORDERLY showed a flash of early speed bnt quit b adly WAUKEAG stumbled right after the start and lost lier rider riderScratched Scratched 4S257 = Dione 100 100Overweights Overweights Prospector 1 pound Dot tie Van diver 2 Q J SIXTH RACE 34 Mile June 19 1911 111 6 113 Purso 1000 3yearolds tOOOJL and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 HHI AWtllSt M V M Str Kin Jock Owi 48333 ALLAH wsn 4 117 11 2 51 5 4 I1 E Fator J Bauer 375100 47938 PtTEBLO wn 3 101 2 5 41 4 2 = C Dishmon J P Phillips 4O100 47122 DlC DE GUISE w 4 114 1 4 2l 21 11 3 = R Simpson S A Clopton 210100 2101004805G 4805G = BARS AND STRSwn S 11 10 7 3 3 3l 4J F CnvuUa W C Weant 1150100 47392 ENCR1NITE w 3 102 7 3 103 G 5 5 t A Riclirrk F Farrar ICtwlOO 47538 OLD SINNER wn 3 101 3 10 G = 71 fl W Obert W R Tolmle tG5100 47899 TROPHY w G 119 812 12 101 81 71 II Thurber W F Poison 91r100 44825 ROUEN wn 4 114 G 11 9 P G O Willis A Brent 0700100 48103 HARRY GLOVER w 3 101 u G 111 llill6 i1 YMoore W F Knebclkamp 0175100 47843 PLCVIADA w 4 112 9 3 7i 8 = 101 10 R McCrnn J M Booker 1COO100 1COO10047GOO 47GOO VANSYLVIA wn 4 112 12 1 iu 91114 G Stack C E Rowe t 48229 P AND STKALER w 3 102 4 9 k12 12 12 H Stearns T Hodge t ttMntniI tMntniI Held Time 24 48 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Allah 950 straight 170 place 320 show Pueblo 530 place 410 show Due dc Guise 310 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Allah 375 to 100 straight 135 to 100 place CO to 100 show Pueblo 105 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Due de Guise 55 to 100 show showWinner Winner t g by McGee Mirror by Sir Dixon trained by W E Suggs bred by Mr Charles W Moore MooreWent Went to post at 52 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all but TROPHY Won handily second and third driving ALLAH among the leaders from the start came around the others in the slritch with a rush and won going away PUE1SLO slipped through on the inside while going to the far turn and hung on well throughout DUC DM GUISE raced well but tired slightly after taking the lead TROPHY began slowly but made up ground and finished fast BARS AND STARS ran well ENCRINlTi closed a gap gapScratched Scratched 18073 Uetsinda 102 4S309Hidden Ship 104 4831 El Mahdi 122 40200 Miss La Rue M 10 48309Kalt Accompli 105 48023 Rnilnyven 107 48335 11 1 Johnson 110 47807 Itticklaide 107 axr5 Miss Gavin 114 47812 Pokey P 102 SEVENTH RACE 1 11G Miles on Turf Oct G 1909l45 4 104 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 tliird 100 48I 5UMARAUDEK wu 5 10U 10 10 IIP 9 10 71 1 CJStacK 1 Hefferlng Hefferlng48079HANDFlJiL 48079HANDFlJiL 7 101 5 ff 4U 3 = 21 2i E ianiea R V Haymaker Haymaker4S079 4S079 TRICKSTER II w 4 107 9 4 1 I1 lut lut 3 II Thurber E T Zolllcrffer 481 00 = JOAN OF ARC ARC48337KEEP v 4 103 2 2 C St 31 3U 4 = R Romelll F Musante Musantev 48337KEEP v 3 101 C 9 8 = 71 Sl 9J 5l A Richcrk II Neusteter Neusteterv 48258 BPN HAMPSON w v 0 ItfJ 1 1 3J 5 51 4ii l 41 G G1 J H Burko C Irby IrbyB 49l 49li100 i100 i10048172PHIL1ST1NE 48 48172PHIL1ST1NE 172 PHILISTINE wn B 7 101 11 5 21 2 51 7i D Stirling M Kelley Kelleys 7 100 47912 CAPITAL CITY ws s 110 7 7 U lO1 103 S S1 J ButwUl J Kennedy KennedyB G30100 G30100483142AMTOINETTE 483 483142AMTOINETTE 14 ANTOINETTE wu B 4 111 4 S 7 G1 Ct 8 i5 O Dishmon M R P6ns 343100 48162 SRCH LIGHT III w 4 107 S 3 2ni 41 71 62 10l AV Obert E J Crawford 1330100 48309 OLD RELIABLE ws 9 101 3 11 11 11 11 11 H W Moore T C Ortwin t ttMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 49 l14 i 142 148 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Marauder 840 straight 550 place 550 show Handfiill 9GO place 030 show Trickster II 1300 show Equivalent booking odds Marauder 320 to 100 straight 175 to 100 place 175 to 100 show Handful 380 to 100 place 215 to 100 show Trickster II 580 to 100 show showWinner Winner R g by Order Merode by St Simonian II trained by II Oofs bred by Messrs J 0 G II Keene KeeneWent Went to post at G00 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third tho same MARAUDER away slowly closed a big gap came around on the outside with a rush through the stretch and just got up in time to win IIANDFITLL was a game contender all the vay aridlield oir well to the end TRICKSTER II sot a good pace to tlio last eighth and tired SEARCH lilGHTIII retired after running a good half ANTOINETTE ran a dull race JOAN OF ARC and KEEP ran well PHILISTINE quit quitScratched Scratched 183103Aconi 92

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920062901/drf1920062901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1920062901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800