Fifth Race [5th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1920-06-29

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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Highland Stock Farm Handicap 3yearolds and upward July 3 1919 l30 i 4 106 fWIN br f 4 105 105Trainer By Dr Leggo Bremerhafen by Sandringham Trainer W Hurley Owner E R Bradley 4S299 Lutonia 1 l3Sfast 83 10G 4 6 5 2 2U 1U F Merimee 7 Fllandley DSpray GalliCurci GalliCurci4S157 4S157 Latonia 34 lllfast 11 101 G G G 55 S Wida 0 Flags Dodge George Starr 47923 Latonia 34 lllfast 2 105 6 666 58J S Wida G Distinction AmAce BParadise 47132 Churchl 78 120 fast 10 108 3 6 8 7 G1 5el G Stack 8 Courtship King Gorin Sway Sway46S76 46S76 Lexton 1 139 fast 225 106 1 Unseated rider S Boyle 11 Minto II Matinee Idol Kiku 46216 Jefson Im70y 144 fast 115 103 1 2 2 2 2 ink H Thurber 5 Simpleton Bondage KsChampn KsChampnATTA ATTA BOY II ch g 3 105 By Rabelais Tanya by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer B Walters Owner M Goldblatt Goldblatt47S22 47S22 Latonia 1 116 l4Smud 11 105 2 3 3 4 2i 3 = 1 M Garner 8 ThcPorter BeFrank GenHaig GenHaig47B58 47B58 Churchl 1 14 206fast 710 US 354 4 22 Ink M Garner 8 Patches Sterling General Glenn 47548 Churchl 1 116 l4ffast 5 2 1 11 11 B Kenndy 4 Drastic Sands of P Courtship 473SO Churchl 1 116 l51hvy 2 107 1 3 3 3 2l 21 B Kenndy 5 Paul Weidel Alula Patches 47338 Churchl 34 115 hvy 5 102 3 77 4 31 B Kenndy 7 American Ace Angon Flags 47201 Churchl 34 l15hvy 6 102 2 23 42 4 1 F Merimee 5 Angon Kinnoul Blackic Daw MINTO II b g 6 121 By Sundridge Miss Ronald by Bay Eonald EonaldTrainer Trainer K Spence Owner W V Thraves 45S2G Latcnia 1 116 l41fast 32 120 8 8 S G Gl 53 F Wilson 11 Drastic Brookholt Pastoureau 4SOOS Latonia 1 116 l44fast 34 136 2 2 2 2 381 F Wilain 5 Drastic Baigneur Courtship 47847 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 1 118 2 2 1 1 1 = F Wilson G Leochares Baigneur Matineeldol 47631 Churchl 1 l38fast 65 118 4 2 2 1 lh F Wilson G Leochares Woodtrap John O 47449 Churchl 114 204fast 14 120 4 1 1 1 21 3Z C Robsonll King Gorin Drastic Boniface 47251 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 4710 123 14 11 11 9 S1 82 J Howard 18 Boniface Ginger King Gorin PRINCE PAL b c 3 104 By Prince Palatine Wilful Maid II by Sundridga SundridgaTrainer Trainer W Wallace Owner Simms Oliver Oliver481TS 481TS Latonia 1 116 l14fast 65 105 566 G 31 31 C Robson 7 BestPal CaptMac PaulWeldel PaulWeldel4S010 4S010 Latonia 1 12 232 fast 14 126 5 5 4 2 4 4Ti C Robson 8 Upset Gladiator Ethel Gray Gray47S21 47S21 Latonia 1 116 14D mini 115 111 7 4 3 1 11 I1 C Robson 7 Kinburn Damask Gen Glenn 47117 Churchl 1 14 209 slow 19 126 2 5 12 13 13 13 = ° A Schugrl Paul Jones Upset On Watch Watch4GS90 4GS90 Lexton 1 116 151 mud 95 112 2 2 1 1 21 25 A Schugr 5 PPent Bersagliere TSwimmre 44673 Churchl 1 l44mud 125 122 6 8 6 1 I3 2 C RobsonlO Dresden Alula Sterling WOODTRAP ch h 6 113 By Trap Roc RocTrainer Rock Woodvine by Magnetizer Trainer J McPherson Owner J McPherson 48246 Latonia 1 18 153 good 3 100 1 1 1 1 I1 I1 L Lyke 4 Midway Bcaverkill Dresden 48159 Latonia 1 18 l51fast S 112 2 5 3 3 5 43 L Lyke 7 Drastic BeFrank Pastoureau Pastoureau4S119 4S119 Latonia 1 116 l49fast 4 11G 1 3 1 1 Il 1s L Lyke 8 SofPsure Troilus HonoliiluBoy HonoliiluBoy479S3 479S3 Latonia 1 116 l44fast 7 103 1 5 6 6 62 618 F Smith 7 Pastoureau Ginger Leochares LeocharesBEAVERKILL BEAVERKILL br h 6 107 By Ogden Dolly Higgins by Migraine MigraineTrainer Trainer S M Henderson Owner Ogden Stable K2W Latonia 1 18 153 good 75 108 3 3 4 3 3l 31 M Garner 4 Wcodtrap Midway Dresden Dresden4ti51 4ti51 Latonia 1 18 l51fast 10 111 3222 2 53 M Garner 7 Drastic BeFrank Pustoureuu Pustoureuu4S092 4S092 Latonia 1 1lC l45fast 27 111 5346 5U 591 M Garner 7 Regalo Be Frank Leocharcs 47310 Churchl 1 116 l49hvy 215 110 3 1 1 1 21 1 M Garner G Pictor General Haig Drastic 47118 Churchl 1 l41slow 4 108 3 5 G G 5l 510 C Ilobson 5 Uoutledge Regalo Bridesman 43387 Sar toga 1 316 l59slow 185 1021 5 55 5 42 4 ° i C Robson 5 Cudgel Spur Valor

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Local Identifier: drf1920062901_4_6
Library of Congress Record: