Aqueduct Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1920-06-29


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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART NEW YORK N Y MONDAY JUNE 28 1920 Aqueduct Fourth day Queens County Jockey Club Summer Meeting of 17 days Weather clear temperature 80 ° Steward to Represent Jockey Club J E Widcner Judges K C Smith and C Cornehlsen Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary Fred Rehberger Racing starts at 24 p m Chicago time 145 p m Indicates apprentice allowance A SQI5Q FIRST RACE 6 12 Furlongs May 5 1910 118 4 122 Rosefcen Highweight Han ohOOOO dicap 1550 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1385 second 200 third 100 AWtPPSt Str I in Jockeyx Owners O H 0 I 48275 CONSTANCY w 3 112 2 U I2 I3 E tiande J K L Ross 44485 35 48223 LEADING STAR wn 4 99 S 4 I 21 21 2l J Mooncy J Fitzslmmons 8 8 C 21 G5 48275 IMA FRANK wi 7 10 5i 4 2 2wn 4i 31 4 T W Kelsay J J Maher 15 15 15 G 3 4 82 75 3 SUPER wn 3 101 2 8 8w 71 S3 72 4nt F Weiner Dosoris Stable StableG3 10 12 10 4 2 48275 KREWER w 3 10S 7 9 9w G3 C1 Gl 5 L Ensnr S C Hildreth HildrethSI 3 4 3i G5 12 47882 ON WATCH w 3 lljt 1 1 SI 5 52 Gl N Oarratt G W T oft 85 95171071013 48011 MARIE MILLER w G 100 G 7 4l 31 73 F CltilettiMarshall Bros 15 20 0 8 4 481G5 FRUITCAKE vu5112 3 3 51 71 85 Si A JohnsonA K Macomber 12 12 12 5 2 21 48223 CAMOUFLEUR w 1 97 5 G 9 S 9 9 J CallalianWm Martin G 12 12 5 2J Time 23 4C 5 111 118 Trad fast fastWinner Winner B f by Ambassador Simenas Daughter by Melton trained by H G Redwell bred in England by Mr J Musker MuskerWent Went to post at 232 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CONSTANCY away forwardly and close up in the early running took the lead on tjie last turn and won eased up LEADING STAR began quickly and setting a fast early pace held oii gamely In the final drive IMA FRANK saved ground when entering the homestretch but was forced back when MARIE MILLER swerved to the inner rail then recovered quickly and outstayed SUPER at the end The latter began slowly and raced extremely wide bnt finished fast KREWER finished gamely bnt was taken in behind the leaders in the last quarter ON WATCH was pulled up frequently and finished rapidly but was in close quarters in the last eighth and finished under a pull MARIE MILLER showed speed Scratched 45011 Drnmmond 97 181223IIis Choice 101 101Ovcrweigiits Ovcrweigiits Leading Star i pound Ima Frank 2 Cnnionflcur 4 SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Oct 4 1917 408 4rl45 Steeplechase 1000 Added 4ycaroIds and upward Maidens Net value to winner 700 second 200 tliird 100 es AWtPPSt 481 in 471G3MINATA w 4 137 G S 72 54 1 1 1 B Haynes F A Clark 3 31 1351 12 44719 VALSPAR ws 5 142 2 4 22 2s 3s 2 2 L Cheyrie J E Davis 10 15 15 ff 3 3COUTE COUTE DE FEE w 4 137 9 G 32 31 2 33 3 T CotmanGlen Riddle Fm 40 40 40 15 6 481S13LITTLE NEARER w 11 142 3 10 9 93 72 4 4s S Vaitch A M N Singer 10 15 15 G 3 448512QN OF THE SEA w G 140 7 9 S2 G3 G4 5 IP1 C Merger R Parr f4 4 11543 25 25BARONET BARONET w 5 142 1 3 G2 4l S G = A Sims Glen Iver StabIet4 4 4 S5 45 45479872SEA 479872SEA SUN w 1 137 4 5 1s 1s 41 7 7 N KenndyGlen Iver Stablet4 4 4 85 45 47 4787SBLUE 87SBLUE LADDIE ws I 137 S 7 43 71 5 L rerW KeafgGreentree Stable 2 3 3 Q5 35 47U87 KING TERRY w 4 137 5 1 10 S1 Fell J Haiisan J Lumsden 30 30 20 8 4 4477783MIDAS 477783MIDAS II w t 137 10 2 5 10 Fell II Criwfd R Parr ji 4 1154525 1154525tCoupled tCoupled in betting as R Parr entry JGleri Iver Stable entry entryTime Time 417 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Mirador Aminta by Tasso trained by T J Donohue bred in England by Mr J Mclntyre Went to post at 300 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing MINATA gradually improved his position took the lead at the twelfth fence and held the race safe but had to be ridden out at the end to withstand VALSPARS challenge The latter was a for ¬ ward contender throughout and finished gamely under punishment COUTE DE FEE was always close up but tired badly in the lust eighth LITTLE NEARER closed up steadily but almost lost liis rider at the last fence but for which he would have been third BLUE LADDIE lost his rider at the thirteenth fence KING TERRY and MIDAS II fell at the seventh seventhScratched Scratched 478532Frank B 137 4S18GMohab 142 AVinooski 137 A QQftSk THIRD RACE 1 110 Miles Sept 16 1918 l445 4 109 Dobbins Selling Handi TtOOOtf cap 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 51385 second 200 third 100 Inder Horses AWtlPStH Str Kin Jockeyx Owners O H O P I t4 ll 5CLAQUER wu 3 107 9 3 21 11 23 23 1 M Ruxton J A Cobilrn 21 41 41 85 45 48144 2T T McTAGGART wn C 118 5 5 31 23 11 li 2 E Sande L Waterbury 2 11591025 l 4 48071 TETLEY WB 4 95 2 4 4 32 34 33 321 F CltilettlF D Weir la 20 20 8 4 48017 THRIFT w5 93 S S 9 72 fi3 43 4G T CallaiianC J Quinn 3 G G 21 C5 48072 BEN GOW wr S 10S G 2 Il 5i 41 53 H Myers K Davis 20 30 20 8 4 481432MANOEVRE W 4 10S 3 G Si S 51 C3 Gi N Barrett S Louis 47855 IiE GLORIEUX W 3 100 1 J Fitzsimmona 3D 30 30 12 C 4809 WAR PLUME WB 1 92 4 1 71 9 9 9 J CampbllE Sietas 40 50 50 20 10 1047G14 47G44 ALBERT A w t 93 7 7 G2 41 72 8 9 F Weiner R Cook 4 4 185G5 35 35Time Time 24 48Mi 113 139 146 Track fast fastWinner Winner B h by Plaudit Olga Nethersole by Hindoo trained by C liuxton bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 330 At post 5 minutes Start poor and slow Won driving second and third the same CLAQUER displayed excellent speed for the entire race hold on tenaciously in the final drive and outstayed TOM McTAGGART The latter was under restraint in the early running and took the lead in the last eighth but tired in the closing strides TETLEY saved ground on the turns and wad going fastest of all at the finish THRIFT ran wide all tho way BEN GOW set the early pace and tired In the last quarter quarterScratched Scratched 4S042Sunflash II 128 4S305 Valor 122 47S542Snndial II 104 48334 Elmendorf 111 111Overweights Overweights Claquer 1 pound lieu Cow 3 Le Glorieux 5 4j2O ° 3 i FOURTH RACE 34 Mile July 6 1916 111 3 116 Nineteenth Running HOCK tOOOO AWAY SELLING STAKES 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1890 second 350 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 V4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O 1 48251TORCHBEARER wu G 117 2 2 Ill1 121 131 L Ensor L Waterbury 35 351120out 482512PICKAVICK wn G 122 1 1 2 2 2 2 E Saiidc W C Clancy G5 32 75 out outTime Time 23 47 112 Track fast Winner Br h by Radium Hacklers Pride by llackler trained by T J Harmon bred in Eng ¬ land by Sir Mark Sykes i Went to post at 402 At pest 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second driving TORCIIItEARER outran his opponent after goiug an eighth and held him safe to the end PICKWICK was hard ridden all the way and tired badly in the stretch The winner entered for 2500 was bid up to 5905 and bought in inScratched Scratched 18303 Krewer 108f4S320 Yellow Hand 103 4S3G5 Albert A 117 fGO JT FIFTH RACE 1 Mile July 1 1916 13C 8 114 Purse 1350 3yearolds jbOOO i Allowances Net value to winner 1050 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O I 48332 IRISH DREAM w 112 3 1 1 1 11 I2 I3 F Keogn Kilrane Stable Gr G5 C5 Out 47882 SEA MINT wn 10S 4 3 33 22 23 24 2s C KummerOak Ridge Stbl 45 310710out 445G5 BIFF BANG wl 1111 244 4 4 4 3i T Rice C A Stoneham 12 20 20 4 13 48253 SEA SINNER w 102 1 2 2l S3 33 32 4 J Mooney T N Cross 30 50 40 6 1 1Time Time 23 47 112 138 Track fast fastWinner Winner R c by The Curragh Trance by Ben Brush trained by C White bred by Mr John San ford Went to post at 431 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing IRISH DREAM well ridden set a good pace under steady restraint drew aWay from his opponents when challenged in the homestretch and won easing up SEA MINT raced in close pursuit in the early running and moved up gamely in the homestretch but took a tiring swerve behind the leader after going a good threequarters BIFF BANG ran a fairly good race and passed SEA SINNER in the last eighth The latter displayed early speed and was not persevered with when beaten beatenScratched Scratched 18303 Krewer 112 48329 Yellow Hand 102 48353 Super 122 48329 Universal 102 102Overweights Overweights IiiT Rang 4 Xi pounds Sea Mint 1 f2QO 5Q SIXTH RACE D8 Mile July 3 1919 57 2 115 Purso Sl350 2yearolds TcOOOO Maidens Fillies Special Weights Net value to vinner 1050 second 200 third 100 t AWtPPSt Vt 4 Str Ftn Jockeys Ownei 482802NANCY LEE v 111 10 1 I1 1 I8 F Keosh P A Clark 21 3 3 GG 35 35481213MADE 481213MADE LLB CADEAU114 3 2 51 52 21 C KummerGlen Riddle Fm 20 20 15 G K K48307SDOUGII 48307SDOUGII GIRL w 114 11 1 1WB 2 1 2l 31 T Rice J E Davis G 8 S 3 7Ifl 7Ifl482482OIMAJtRON 482482OIMAJtRON WB 111 G 10 10w 8l S2 4l L Ensor G A Cbchrar 5 S 21 1 12 48307 FLUFF v 114 12 S Swit 32 31 5l E Sarnie M L Schwartz G S S 3 S51 S51BEACH FLUFFBEACH BEACH STAR w wit t 114 7 7 7wn 9l Cl G1 C Kbaum Jas Butler 2 31 16575 710 48040 CRI DE COEUR w wn i 114 2 4 4wn G1 74 7 A ScbugrT Ar McClelland 20 30 30 12 i 478 5 iMAVOURNEEN wn 114 15 9 9W 41 41 S1 C Fbther W R Coe 10 10 10 4 L iMAVOURNEENVIBRATE VIBRATE W 114 S 11 11W 71 91 9 J Mooney Quincy Stable f20 25 25 8 4 48307 SUNNY DAYS W 114 14 34 34WB 10 10 10l II CallahnR T Wilson 50 50 TO 20 10 1018221MARJORIE 4822 18221MARJORIE 1 MARJORIE M WB 114 13 12 12W j22 12112 M Rowan If Goode 30 CO 50 20 11 48248 PERFECTION W 114 5 G Gw II2 II3 122 I MeTagt W M Jeffords 20 T0 30 12 G GCELTIC PERFECTIONCELTIC CELTIC LASS w lit 1 5 5w 13 132 133 E AmbroseR Parr 20 20 20 8 4 41785GSSISTER 4785GSSISTER FIX FIXMAGICARIS w 114 4 13 13wn 42 14 ° 1410 J Peterj Quincy Stable 20 25 25 8 MAGICARIS wn 114 15 15 15 15 T Davits W S Kilmer 30 50 50 20 10 tCoupled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 59 Track fast Winner Ch f by Broomstick Naughty Lady by Esher trained by J McCormack bred by Uelalr Uelalrtud tud Went to post at 503 At post 2 minutes Start good aild slow Wiiii easily second andthird drlv ng NANCY LEE began fast and took a long lead in the early running to win eased lip MADE ¬ MOISELLE tADEAU biimpiMl her way through in the homcstivtch and easily imtsiayed DOUGIf GIRL In he last eighth The latter away forwardly tired badly at the end CIMARHON crowded back at tlie flbow llnished fast FLUFF had no mishaps BEACH STAR began slowly and closed up with a rush n tin homcstrelch homcstrelchScratched Scratched 1S2SO Ianksia 114 4812l2icacon 111 48220 Tamarisk 114 48191 Jamaica llelle 114 thintstoni 114

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